Selling shitter 90's altima

>Selling shitter 90's altima
>Need something affordable and sporty
>04 350z Manual for 6 grand.
Is it worth?

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Yes. It's a good damn enthusiast car.
Ignore all the pigfat bench racers.

Wat is mileage

I was thinking about closing on an 07 350z roadster for 7k with 87k miles, but ended up getting a 2003 G35 with 76k miles for 5900. Does Veeky Forums think this was a good buy?

Pic not related

It's got 160k on the car.

What things are generally not accepted on this car? I think the camber wheels looks dumb as hell. What's some stuff never to mess with?

Avoid camber like the plague. Mostly avoid suspension drops, but occasionally they're alright for me. Avoid most aftermarket bumpers and skirts, but there are quite a few still that don't fuck up your car. Also, anything needed to be riveted on is out.

But I like body kits :D


No, save up for a clean one. A 6k 350z is a pile of shit most the time

Hey, non-benchracer here, 350Z is garbage. My fat, stock, automatic Challenger R/T will take them to the cleaners all day long.

Don't buy garbage.

>don't buy garbage
Bought an automatic Challenger

My point. If you are slower than an automatic Challenger, you may as well ride the bus.

Are you a nigger?

>Hey, non-benchracer here, 350Z is garbage. My fat, stock, automatic Challenger R/T will take them to the cleaners all day long.
how is that not benchracing

oxymoron the post

Beware they burn a ton of oil
Electronics fail constantly
The interior will fall apart
The suspension wont last long
They are shit cars

Because I've actually street raced 350Zs. They're fucking slow.

With that much money, why don't you buy a good car instead?

You have one dimensional car that's only purpose is stoplight racing, not much to be proud of m8

>350Z suitable for anything but stoplight racing
Nissan scum are literally this delusional.

GM fangirl detected

I don't even own a Nissan, but I respect what the 350z is. A well balanced car at great price, only downside is a little extra weight (you should know)

Reading this hurt my brain

Depends on mileage/condition. I bought an '07 for $8500 and it had only 71k miles. only problem it had was the radiator fan assembly..easy $200 fix. Its a good enthusiast car but burns gas and oil quickly, its not a money-saver. otherwise I really enjoy it. pic related, my car

>even considering a non-HR 350z

Beautiful car, how are those trunk struts? I hear they go bad fast

>bulge in the hood
That's what you need to look for OP

Avoid 05-06 6 speed 350z's and G35's, they have serious flaws with oil consumption. These are not affordable cars to drive due to poor fuel mileage.


VQ35DE non Rev-up:

Decent motor, will burn oil and has other flaws. Once the common issues like updated valve covers and timing system parts refreshed it's a reliable engine that produces decent power


VQ35DE Rev-Up:

Oil burning shit house that is slightly more powerful than the regular DE. If you can miraculously keep enough oil in it not to croak, it'll have so much carbon build up from burnt oil. Avoid like the fucking plauge!!!

>2007 to present (370z)

VQ35HR: around 80% of the engine internal parts were changed or modified, more power, can actually rev, more refined. Better in every single way. The only reason not to buy is you couldn't afford an 07.

This applies to manual transmission cars only, the automatics used the DE non rev-up from 2003 until 2006 it was replaced by the HR in 2007.

I worked for a Nissan/Infiniti dealer and got to learn a lot about these cars over the time. They are cheap for a reason they are not the absolute worst cars, although most have been beat into the ground especially the cheap ones.

>They are cheap for a reason
Can you elaborate more on this please?




The engines alone determine the entire value?

At they're oldest they are approaching 14+ years old. No matter what there will be neglected maintenance and problems will arise. Combine that with the declining prices of these cars, along with plenty of them going to poor owners most of them have seen a rough ride.

I'm not as familiar with the 350 as I am the G35, but I looked for a good list of the 350z common issues and this one seemed alright.

I'm not discouraging you to buy the 04 you're looking at but you should seriously hold out for 07.

I got a killer deal on my 03 G35 and it's been a good car to me, it needed a lot of work and I had most of it done at employee rate. I still think I would of been better off just holding out for a newer one though. I put 30,000 kilometers on it this last year and all it needed was a starter.

Haven't had any problems with that yet, thanks for the heads-up though

Ty for the info and link. Checking it out now

No, but the car with the better engine also has the better transmission (CD009) better interior, brakes etc.

03-04 were the guinea pig test cars, the 05-06 in automatic were basically the same car as the 03-04 with a minor facelift. By the time the 07 was out they had addressed the issues and made it the car it should have been from the start.

If you buy an 04 you're going to spend a lot of time and money addressing common issues that are already addressed from the factory on the 07. The cost of doing that + the cost of buying the 04 will be more expensive than sacking up and buying the 2007 from the start.

The only one I would straight up avoid is the 2005 or 2006 with a manual gearbox. Any other one is OK, but not perfect.

The value is almost unsurpassed as far as what you get for what you pay regarding the 2003 and 2004 though.

No problem, these cars get a lot of flack from people but really they are not as bad as people on here make them seem.

At the absolute worst you're getting a 260+ hp, RWD car, that should be reliable to boot so long as you choose the right one.

Just don't be "that guy" if you get one and try to race everyone and brag how fast it is. They're not that fast but they are fun to drive.

They're depressing unless you dump thousands worth of aftermarket into it.

>early model 350Z