Anyone here drive a public school bus? How hard were the tests? How do they compare to AZs?

Anyone here drive a public school bus? How hard were the tests? How do they compare to AZs?

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Have fun making a simple human error and killing 50 kids. Buses are incredibly unsafe.

>having to drive a bunch of bratty kids around
Is this your last resort? A burger flipping job would be better anyway, especially if you're in a position where you don't have to deal with the customers. And given that you're beowsing this site, they probably wouldn't want you to anyway.

I want to do this too, but I haven't driven in over 2 years, because mummy doesn't want me using her car. I think i should practice with that before i move on to buses. I can't get a job to buy my own, because I've applied to all the fast food places and none of them will hire me. The only place that will is a telephone survey call center. I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and do that to earn enough for my own car and insurance, then I can move up to buses.

Holy shit..


>Buses are incredibly unsafe

>school bus
>dont have seatbelts
>old as shit
>full of kids
>minor fender bender and timmy goes face first into whatever is in front of him
>your life ends here

>puts forth theory
>but no actual evidence to back up the theory

this. I felt sorry for my bus driver. he was this like 60 year old dude and all the kids gave him shit. surprised he still hasn't driven the bus off a fucking cliff yet.

my 7th grade bus driver was so nice. he would give us candy on every holiday. too nice for that grade level honestly. jr high students are the absolute worst.

Look up bus crashes where everyone flies around

bus driving is a desirable job that has lots of competition and real qualifications. Take the call center job and then start thinking about what might come next.

the only people that can do that job are old, hardened hispanic parents. they are the ones that will stop the bus in the side of the highway for hours on end, or curse the kids in the back out just to get them to shut up.

School bus driver here. To your's a CDL license, so it's a bitch, but doable. 150 point pre-trip inspection, then a driving test on a closed course, then a public road test(including mock bus stops), then a post trip inspection. At the end of it, you get a CDL B, which won't get you a job driving combination trucks, so wont pay THAT well down the road. On the other hand, my district is so constantly desperate for bus drivers, they just throw raises at us constantly. I've been on for 5 years and I make 40 hrs a week at $15 and hour with state health benefits.

School bus driving is neither desirable or very competitive. Public bus driving pays better and doesn't put you in the position to deal with 60 bastard kids at the same time. School bus drivers are frequently alone with a bus full of rowdy rotten middle schoolers and they can't do shit if something goes wrong but pull over and call for backup. School bus drivers are not paid well either, only the benefits and decent schedule are worth having.

>after 5 years

See? They aren't paid well at all considering the responsibilities and difficulties.

think it'd be rewarding as long as the children aren't assholes

I'm a public bus driver in Sydney Australia, feel free to ask any questions

School runs are the worst part of my job. Kids become the spawn of satan when in groups of three or more.

School buses are actually really safe.


>89 crashes
>106 fatalities
>average of 1.2 fatalities per crash

89 crashes in the entire US over 11 fucking years.
106 fatalities in the entire US over 11 fucking years.
Average 1.2 fatalities per fatal crash in a vehicle that regularly carries thirty people.

Sir, chances are that more people have died in car crashes this weekend then kids who have died on school bus crashes in 11 years.

>Average 1.2 fatalities per fatal crash in a vehicle that regularly carries thirty people.
Not safe.

Survival rate of passengers on
aircraft involved in fatal accidents
carrying 10+ passengers
Decade % surviving
1930s 21
1940s 20
1950s 24
1960s 19
1970s 25
1980s 34
1990s 35
2000s 24
Yea this is why I don't fly.

>needing to compare school bus crashes to fatal passenger aircraft accidents to make them seem favorable

Comparing one irrational fear to another irrational fear.
Yes I am doing that. If you have a crash in an airplane you might have a bad time, odds are you won't crash but if you do even then you have better than 50:50 odds of not having the worst time
Now replace airplane with school bus and you are going to have a much better time in a crash to the tune of ~1/25th chance of death vs the ~1/4th chance of death.

Also you skipped the word fatal in school bus crashes since that was what your statistic was.
>Average 1.2 fatalities per fatal crash in a vehicle that regularly carries thirty people.
as in, 1.0 is the absolute minimum, and it's 1.2 people die in each crash, but when someone does die in ~1/5 of crashes two die.

>A burger flipping job would be better anyway,
lol no, bus drivers make fucking loads of money if they stay in because lol unions.

He probably started at 9-10/h. $1 a year raise for five years straight is pretty good.

stay strong and ignore people like:
You are not alone. I assume you're in your 20s. There are more people like you in our generation than you might think. We are not taught to work hard,to delay gratification, to think long term; we are not taught basic social skills that a burger job would require, or any kind of marketable skills at all. 6 years ago, I was just like you. But I took the long,grueling steps necessary to climb out of this hole. I got my guard card and then a job as an unarmed security guard (in my area literally anyone who applies will get work, much like the call centers where you live) and saved my money(I'm fortunate that mummy only demanded 5% of my paycheck for all the shelter and food and whatnot). I developed some basic social skills while on the job (not without embarrassment after embarrassment though). After I had enough money saved up,I bought a car and used my funds to start my own online business. I still live with mummy, still put in 70 hours a week on my business and still have to work security for 15 hours a week to keep my business afloat (still not profitable yet but things are getting better and better and I'll probably start making a profit in 2 years), but things are definitely on the up and up. I also help out around the house and have been more pleasant to mummy than my former neckbeard self was to make me more bearable to live with.
Remember, concentration/hard work is like running: when you first start, you get tired easily,but the more you push yourself, the more your endurance increases over time. People in our generation are atrophied in this area, but we can regenerate the psychological muscles necessary. Really get in tune with yourself,what you really want out of life more than anything, and how you're gonna reach that point. Then in the midst of the emotional lows, doubt and beat downs of life, that strong core desire can motivate you not to give up. Cling to it.
I believe in you user.

do you have any abbos on your route?

pretty hard

Enjoy this shit weekly:

My mom has been in the transportation department of a local (az) school district for 20+ years. You dont make shit (think $13 an hour) but dat insurance, dat pension, dat comfy gov job, and dem summers off to do other trade jobs rules.

>driving a school bus in Arizona
>a state full of Mexicans
Don't do it m8. In my city, 3 different bus drivers have been accused by underage students of having sex with them. All of the students were Mexican.
Now of course nothing ever came of these claims, they never went to court, but their reputation was ruined, and the ones that weren't let go we're socially pressured to quit.
Unless you're a female do not drive school buses in AZ.

>as long as the children aren't assholes
>as long as the children aren't children

Another supportng statistic: 100% of people who died in airplane crashes died

i kek'd