The Ottoman Empire jihad and fundamentalist Islam in ww1

So, the Ottoman Empire with the support of the highest religious authority of Islam, declared jihad and ordered muslims in ally territories to fight against their colonial overlords(probably wanted something like the attacks we are seeing today)

And nothing came of it apparently,

And theres the POW camp, which also attempted to radicalize muslims prisoners of war

and nothing came of that either

So why is there such a sharp constrast between that era and today?

Other urls found in this thread:

ahh contrast*

stupid typo!

>mass muslim immigration was a thing during early 20th century

elites cared about borders back then, the muslims they let in were very few and not radical. Nowadays with mass immigration, the muslims create "no go zones" were they can nurture Wahhabism with no outside influences. Like little pockets of saudi arabia in brussels.

But there were a lot of Muslim soldiers who fought on the western front

then there are the colonies, such as Morocco and India as well as the other African colonies

How about in Russia? Russia has historically been home to many muslims and even had one of the largest mosques in Europe

I don't found any other sources claiming the same.

I'm on a cellphone though, can anyone come up with something else than articles as a source?

Probably because the call was not heard of? Or they had reasons not too? If your a guy from Dagastan serving in the Russian Army and the guys that are trying to expand their empire into your homeland suddenly ask you to help them, I don't think they would have went with it. It could also be that the call was never delivered to them, like, why would Britain allow the message of an Ottoman Jihad to be delivered to like Nigeria and get translated into their five hundred languages. And a lot of Muslim nations just weren't fans of the Ottoman Empire. Idk someone should write a book on this. I do know that the Turks and Germans sent an expedition to Kabul to try to get Afghanistan to join the war and they just flat out said "nah", sooooo again idk.

i have to admit i don't know too much about that particular event, but here's what i can tell you. forst pff cpnsoder that a jihaad won't magically conveince people, you have to have the authority to make the jihad work, just like any other order. Now i can't tell you why it didn't work at the time, maybe people hated the sultan or maybe they thought it was an unwinnable battle,but today the reason it worked so well is that many arabs and muslims have been growing resentufl of the west since america got involved in iraq and even before that. I am a tunisian living in italy and i saw tunisia go from a very unreligious state to a state involved in a small fight against some of its people going batshit extremists.Nobody was an extremist some years ago in tunisia, i saw my first burka irl only a couple years ago, and western action seen as an aggression against arab people and their religion made it happen. I saw even some relatives become hardcore muslims in these last years,in particular an uncle who went form alcohol drinker to forcing his daughters to wear the veil(not complete burka which is still not too common there). To that you must add the resentment of arab emigrants who feel unwelcome and mistreated(in a way rightfully so). When you have such a condition it just takes a person with a particularly unhappy life or a particular reason to hate western pigs and he will snap and go full terrorist very fast and easily.

It's because everyone saw this as just a shitty attempt by Mehmet to save the his dying empire instead of a legit holy war

Popularity of Salafism/Wahhabism

The Ottoman Caliph was a figurehead nobody outside a select few Turks respected or recognized as the Khalifa.

The Arabs are very picky about who they'll follow as the leader of Islam. There's some who don't even recognize any past the first 4 "Rightful" Caliphs to be legitimate. Its more of a title than an actual position.


Yeah those pesky Arabs who were invented by the Jews c. 1930, and totally did not exist under the Ottoman Emprie

>Turkic Muslims
Islam is nice but so is the good life *sips wine, pets dog, fucks both genders*

>all people are caricatures of what I've heard on Veeky Forums
Even if that were true, that doesn't answer OP's question

Stop posting

Okay let's put it like that.

Imagine you're a muzzie that hates all infidels. Theoretical highest person in you faith's hierarchy then tells you that - you should go on holy war with infidels! But only those infidels we fight war with!

How would you react?

What, it's fucking true, Islam and the Caliphates was a theocracy up until Turkic invaders mellowed it a bit when they took control of the region in the 900s.

More like
>Arab Muslims
I sure hope those bloody Turks don't increase taxes again.
>Turkic Muslims
We wuz Seljuks, give moni to empire my fellow "Muslims" :^)

But all calls for jihad throughout history have been towards specific groups of 'infidels.' They've not done a blanket jihad on everybody until recently--and even then that's a blanket jihad on the West, not to mention it's only Sunnis doing it

You do know the majority of Ottoman lands were Arab pre-WWI right

I don't know what point you're trying to make, but it doesn't answer OP's question.

Islamism. The sultan was trying to bank on a growing political awakening among colonial Muslims and unite them under his banner. However the Middle East and India were still greatly divided between all manner of competing ideologies while traditional Islamic culture (and I mean traditional, the kind from black and white photos and not whatever the fuck we see today) had long since forgotten about the caliphate and moved on with local sources of law and authority.

Nationalist movements won out during and after WWI, and for decades the opposition consolidated behind secular socialists and Islamists, the former attempting several coups and the latter forming paramilitary and eventually terrorist organizations.

The Islamists perfected their ideology to attract Muslims from all walks of life, and now their memes are widespread and practically synonymous with Islam itself to its die-hard followers, the propagandized masses, and Western observers and critics alike.

but there were also the camps as well, and that didn't work out

in addition, chances are they would have known that at least they were at war against the Ottoman Empire, which would have support of Mecca at the least

There is a book in this. The Ottoman Endgame covers this and why ask the subsequent attempts to mobilize Shiite Muslims have failed. The failure of this jihad is unbelievably enormous for the region's stability.


Bin Saud, a Wahabi/Salafi following the Athari (literalist) school of Islamic theology, called the Sultan Mahmud II an infidel based on the Sultan's support of Maturidi beliefs.[2] Mahmud II ordered that an Egyptian force be sent to the Arabian Peninsula to defeat Abdullah bin Saud and his allies. In 1818, an Egyptian army led by Ibrahim Pasha (Mohammad Ali's son) completely destroyed Abdullah's forces and took their capital, Diriyah in Najd. Abdullah bin Saud was captured along with two of his Wahhabi supporters. They were then sent to prison in Constantinople. Abdullah and his two followers were publicly beheaded for their crimes against holy cities and mosques.[1] Prior to his execution, bin Saud, a Wahhabi who was forbidden to listen to music, was forced to listen to the lute.[2]