What is the objectively best Veeky Forums way to win this game?

What is the objectively best Veeky Forums way to win this game?

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buy free parking and start charging

I like to get everyone to agree to certain rules very clearly before the game starts. For example, houses. If we agree that there's a finite amount of them, I shekel down and buy up as many as I can and don't upgrade to hotels.

Buy all orange ASAP.

Are the last 2 properties even worth it?

If you build hotels they end up being insta loss spots late game

buy high sell low


Me too. It's a part of the game. Certainly a way to lose friends, though.
This is one of the most frequently landed upon streets, buying them is cheap, landing on it is expensive.
They're not really that good. Its main purpose is to kill people in the end game to speed things up. But you should definitely buy it and swap it for lots of other stuff, since normies love the dark blue.
Well, you should definitely not have any rewards for landing on free parking, no double cash if landing on start. It waters down the effect of proper strategy.

I even like to play strict, but none of my friends will allow it. But I get to play it on my girlfriend's phone. Strict is no money from passing go + no rewards from parking. Only community chest brings new money in, and it really shapes the way you have to play the game.

My favorites are the railroads, brown and light blue streets. People don't care for the streets, since they're considered "bad streets". But god, do they hate you when you have the whole first side of the board and it drains them every round.

This guy gets it...
Light blues, reds, yellows, and light purples are all ok second choices.
Make lots of low ball offers, then raise your offers

I've always made a point of getting the first side of the board when possible, if only because I think the ROI on the light blue properties is super fucking high.You'd only need to buy 12 houses at $50 each and you can start ruining people. I forget what the exact value is for 3-4 houses but I know hotels are ~600 rent on light blue, so it seems really good, specifically people landing on taxes or going to go and then getting statistically average dice rolls. Only problem the placement of the jail kind of fucks you.

And that's literally all they're good for. They exist as a sort of retard-bait for most people and lategame finishers if you aren't able to buy the whole board and bleed them.

I'm pretty sure everything that isn't Greens or Dark Blue is worthwhile, but Orange is first choice. Simply because every property on a side costs the same amount of money per house. The fourth side, last I remember was like $200 a house, which makes them super expensive to develop. It's almost better to just hold them to use either for bargaining chips or to keep monopolies out of the other player's hands if you can't cause a housing shortage.

LMM pls go

Buy one of each color to assure nobody gets a monopoly, then get one of your own. It's very slow and not very exciting, but it'll eventually win the game for you. Sounds like the true Veeky Forums way too me.

Always buy orange. People get sent to jail all the time through chance/CC cards and rolling doubles too many times.

Usually the winner is the person with the most amount of properties in the first 8 rounds of turns.

>be banker

create a digital cryptocurrency and invest all your money in it until the bubble peaks and you have enough ROI to buy all the railroads

Always use a mortgage to buy extra properties. Maximum leverage is the only true Veeky Forums way.

Th whole point of this game is to show how monopolies ruin everything. The game only ends when the monopoly puts everyone else in to the poor house. It's why houses are in limited supply. Someone always gets ahead and then its a grueling 5 more hours of 1 guyslowely raping everyone else.

I like to use additional cards. dribbleglass.com/monopoly/

Classic monopoly is boring. Whoever scores the first monopoly almost always wins. This is achieved mostly by pure luck. It's usually a good idea to buy every property you land on. If you are playing to win avoid RR/utilities as they are worthless in the endgame. As soon as another player is able to complete a monopoly of yours offer them *anything* to get it. If you are involved in a "monopoly for monopoly" swap preference the orange/light blues as these have the best ROI. If you have no monopolies to offer offer a share of the profits and/or immunity to sweeten the deal. At worst this will ensure a 2-way race between you and this player. Those without monopolies will quickly go bankrupt. If you are not collecting rent from the person who gave you monopoly #1 prioritize securing a 2nd monopoly ASAP for your eventual 1v1 battle with your original partner.

To make the game better I suggest 2 simple rule changes:

1. When you land on a property it is immediately sent to public auction starting at the mortgage value. If the property sells for >= list price the person who landed on the property (and is responsible for running the auction) gets a $100 "commission" (payable to himself if he wins the auction).

2. You can build houses immediately: 1 max if 1/3 owned, 2 max (per property) if 2/3 owned, 2 max if 1/2. Monopolies permit unlimited (hotel) building.

This variant significantly reduces the luck-factor and requires much deeper money and risk management skills. Monopolies are earned through navigating the public auctions and private deals, not lucky rolls. Competitive returns on "partial monopolies" make for a far more interesting middle-game (almost non-existent in the classic version).

resource scarcity is fascinating. played zombie party (a steam game) on HC mode last night-- immediately out of ammo. changed the game entirely.

strict mode sounds fucking fascinating. decreasing the money pool deflates the economy immediately, increasing the value of money in-game. how do mid-late games monopoly games look on strict?

Get monopolies as soon as possible and you up all of the houses so the others players cant build houses.



It's very interesting. It certainly makes the utilities much better (in regular they're completely useless unless you pick both up for $20 at auctions). You should just try it yourself, really.

Monopoly is legitimately the worst board game I've ever played. takes 30 minutes to really "start" the game, literally nobody has fun even the winner.

Have had more fun with pic.


>I'm stupid and have the mental capacity of a first grader

go first and buy everything

sounds like real life to me.