What is your country/state's license plate legislation?

What is your country/state's license plate legislation?

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I'm not sure I understand your question.

MO requires front and rear plate?

NS is only on the rear and renewal is every 2 years

Anything you desire to share

As a Marylander I love our new plates they look great


Germany gotta have Ordnung and so on and so forth with a black and white theme and huge characters. On the upside we can actually shorten our plate alongside a shorter special combination (regular is 7 or 8 characters and 520*110m). At 5 or less characters the area is actually smaller than an American plate's, and at 4 or 3 characters (lowest possible amount) you can actually squeeze it into an American format plate mould.

Michigan's is pretty nice. No front plate bullshit and the plates aren't gaudy as fuck. Just blue on white that looks nice on almost every car.

There's also a special shrunken size for American format moulds on individual approval for the lack of alternatives if you have a regular combination.

in montana anything 10 years or older can have permanent plates for about 200$

also we have almost 100 plate designs you can choose

Fuck MD. NOVA 4 lyfe

Front and rear plate. White on the front, yellow on the back, specific font and spacing.

Nothing says I have to keep the thing clean, though, so I do not wash the number plates.
At all.

>license plate renewal

Yuro here, explain.

Whats up with the license plates for exports?

Ontario fag here. Don't get your Q, but I collect old Ontario plates for my garage. Also have a few from Alberta, Quebec, and a few plates from the US. I like plates from the 70s to early 90s the most.

My wife and I also track the new plate 'highs' as we drive, because we are total autistic nerds. mattsplates.com/onhighs.html.

Tip: Knowing when a plate was made, keeping track of a series, is a good clue when buying a used car. If the seller has a brand new plate (C plate in Ontario), and are selling it, ask why they are selling it so soon. Original owner of a 25 year old car? Well, do the plates match for the time? No? Why not?

Ontario has front & rear plates. Southern Ontario get raped on yearly stickers. You can get 1 or 2 year stickers, but your car has to pass our shitty e-test first! Unless your car is before '87, pollute all you want. I think Quebec tags are even more expensive. Plates used to last only one year, no stickers, the year was stamped on the plate. Many countries as time went on switched to yearly stickers, 1973 was the last year yearly plates were issued here. Stickers started for '74.

Our plates in recent years have been subject to recall, as the reflective layer peels away from the aluminum plate. It starts to bubble, crack, air/water/salt gets in, its a fucking mess. And they will give you a ticket if cops can't read your plate! Fuck you, you issued these plates, which have risen in cost too! Used to be $20, in 2016 it was $30 last time I needed passenger plates. Our plates used to be steel before 1993/1994, those lasted! These new thinner ones are garbage.

Covers are technically illegal here. You will get away with clear plate covers, wax them regularly to keep them clear and unyellowed. Do not buy black/blue/yellow/pink, you are painting a target on yourself. Buy the ones from Wal-Mart that are thick and made in Canada, they are made to last. The Chinese Tuff Shield from Canadian Tire is thinner and bullshit.

Sorry its the same as permit renewal. You have two little sticker for when you last renewed the permit and when you permit will expire

They exist. What exactly is it that you want to know?

>permit renewal
What the fuck are you people on about?

Front/rear plates and windshield stickers

Single plate states are full of drug addicts and retards, and this cannot be argued

Who gets it, how long do they last

People who want to export a car, duh. Two weeks or a month.

>assblasted multi-plate faggot detected

Enjoy drilling holes into your front bumper and your ruined vehicle appearence.

Oh, and truck plates were quarterly stamped, I believe, for a while, until 1984 when stickers were then issued for them for plates. A year before they gave you a sticker for the windshield to be placed in the corner. Really old trucks still on the road may still have a blue/white 1983 expiry sticker on the front windshield.

Do you guys have mandatory regular safety inspections? Those are a fucking pain in the ass. $80 for the inspection but really it's just an excuse to make idiots pay for repairs they don't need.

>Single plate states are full of drug addicts and retards
Weird because California is a double plate state.

Anyone as long as the car's last inspection is still valid (two years). They're valid for 9 to 365 days depending on what length you request. However you have to pay regular taxes on them and you need a regular liability insurance. The upside is that they're recognized in all of Europe and become invalid automatically afterwards.

There are also quick transfer plates that are valid for only 5 days but come included with taxes and insurance for like 60 bucks and you can even slap them on vehicles without an inspection sticker. Some countries recognize them as valid plates but many won't so they're better for transfers within the country.

Actually they last up to a year. But you need a special insurance which costs around €100 for the first month and rises exponentialy up to €2k for a whole year.

In Ontario, plates are linked to the owner, not the car. You could keep the same plates your entire life, transferring the plate to another car, and keep adding stickers. I know some places do not do it like that.

Your ilk have a collective IQ of 25 and drive like absolute fucking idiots in states that are actually developed
If Commiefornia is supposed to be so great, why has its diaspora ruined every single state it has emigrated to?

2 stickers is fucking stupid. Its safe to say if you have a 2015 expiry, you got it renewed in 2013. Waste of tax payers money.

Yes. They can be a bit anal especially about modifications, but I view them as a necessary evil to afford us the luxury of the Autobahn. We wouldn't be able to maintain highways without general speed limits if we allowed clapped out deathtraps on the road like Americans do.

Oh I see. So sort of the inspection and insurance tickets we need to have visible on the windshield.

>anal about modifications
>all you need to do is bring an ABE

I see, we have them on the rear plate.

I drive without plates.

You think I want anything associated with THE MAN screwed on to my vehicle? I ain't being branded with no gas chamber serial number so I can be tacked by the govment! Get fucked.

>not all parts come with an ABE, especially imported ones, in which case you need a complicated individual approval or are shit out of luck to begin with, especially on custom fabs which can't have an ABE by definition
>a lot of ABEs have to mention the specific car models they apply to
>no wildly swapping wheels as long as the bolt pattern fits, if the wheels ABE doesn't mention your car you're fucked

>Rear plate required
>Front plate needs to be visible


What the fuck does visible mean, and how the fuck does that not make it required? What I hate about car laws in the US is that they're so vaguely worded and give law enforcement a shit ton of leeway for prosecution.

It's just the safety inspection that goes on the windshield here

In the UK the inspection is registered electronically so if you haven't had your car MOT'd and you drive past pic related, it pops up on a computer inside the car and they'll pull you over.
Luckily, the standard car is a Hyundai and they don't have Automatic Number Plate Recognition, so they'll only bring up the details of your car if you get pulled over for something like speeding.

Even then, my dad has been pulled over by the police in his kit car that hasn't had a legal licence plate since the 80's, AND it hadn't been MOT'd for a while. He just told them "I'm just making sure the car drives alright before I take it for an MOT" and the policeman that pulled him over just said "well you better make sure you get it done soon mate because some in the force will give you a fine as soon as they can"

>Front plate needs to be visible
why not just say you need a front plate?

just use a sticker lmao

Luckily privacy is too highly valued in Germany for police cars to have plate scanners at all. I prefer the sticker solution.

yeah I wouldn't say it's an amazing system in terms of privacy

Mediterraneanfag here, ours are boring as fuck.

And we've got inspection stickers on our windshield too, but road patrol cars can check the info remotely like in the UK

First 2or3 letters are the area code. You can say very precisely where car is from.

You also get a mandatory sticker for your windshield with the same numbers as your numbeplate has

Fucking New York with that ugly Yellow/Navy plates.

I can't have my windows tinted, I have to put my plate in the front, and now I have use fairy ass license plates.

fuck me.

Hmm are you NJ as well?

>isn't bilingual

how does québec allow this to happen

Iowa reporting in.

Fornt/rear plate required. No inspections, no windshield sticker. registration fees are a percent of new price down to about 10 years old where they start bottoming out. The county on the bottom of the plate really means nothing because you don't get a new one if you move. 1/2 my cars still have plates with a different county than where I live, but by law that can't be obscured. So if you are doing NOTHING WRONG, and have a plate frame like pic related, that is just cause for the popo to pull you over and continue fishing from there.

MD drivers are terrible. Not that NOVA ones are much better