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- Chrome extension: chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/aahamocdabckhacaedblhgimpkhpiopm
- Firefox extension: addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/squid-thing/
- Booru: booru.splatoon.ink/
- Lobby randomizer: woomy.github.io/Splatoon-Kit-Randomiser/index.html

> News
- A new testfire is coming from march 24 to march to march 26: youtube.com/watch?v=2QjK3uTO4mg
- Splatoon 2 will allow for two players to spectate a private match in "Private Battle Spectator View". In it, you are able to seamlessly swap between an overhead view and a view from each player. See it in action here: youtube.com/watch?v=cS0RiyuzqQ0
- In Splatoon 2, you will be able to wirelessly connect 8 Switch systems as well as connect via LAN to play together. Also, two additional Switches can be hooked up to spectate. splatoonus.tumblr.com/post/157089940714/previously-weve-reported-that-splatoon-2-will
- Check out one of the first new stages in Splatoon 2 - Musselforge Fitness! splatoonus.tumblr.com/post/157071078564/weve-gotten-a-first-look-inside-one-of-the-new#
- Splatoon 2 will allow you to use a smartphone app to set up lobbies, as well as invite and voice chat with friends. splatoonus.tumblr.com/post/156676664164/weve-received-a-report-that-splatoon-2-will-be#notes
- All weapon types will be returning to Splatoon 2! This includes Splatlings and Sloshers. splatoonus.tumblr.com/post/155899911016/the-tried-and-true-splattershot-hasnt-changed

> Splatoon 2 Information (links + translated tweets)

- pastebin.com/1wPYkZc9

> Resources
- pastebin.com/6UaR6zHL

> Wiki
- splatoonwiki.org/

> User Stats
- splatoon.nintendo.net/

Other urls found in this thread:


>six one hour playtimes


why are you so hostile? and why does the op image look kinda blurry?

>ywn be abducted by qt octolings and be forced to impregnate hundreds upon hundreds of them to create octoling-human super soldiers

why even continue



It's gonna feel weird for me playing with the joycons

You can now feel the woomy's tentacles with the HD rumble version! Thick and meaty!

>whenever you have your special ready, the joycons make wriggling feel like a woomy's tentacles shaking

damn, can you imagine? I'd honestly pay double the price if it had a good woomy tentacle simulator.
>pick up tentacle
>woomy blushes

Riding the tower on CT when an opponent's got a luna is impossible. I can't get a clear shot at them through the walkways and they're just pop pop done.

and maybe dlc where we can untie callies tentacles

What do you think the first Splatoon spin off game is going to be? I guess MK8D counts sort of but not really. I'm hopping for a Rythm game with Callie and Marie.

>HD rumble will never give you the feeling of holding a girl's hand

Some mobage trash. That I'll sink four hundred hours into.

Did they add this ink combo to coincide with the Splatoon 2 theme? I don't remember seeing the particular shades before (in the match it was exactly like the boxart).

I assumed they'd feel like cow udders

>Woomy Dating Simulator
Needs no explanation.

>Dance! Dance! Splatoon!
Do you even Dance bruh?

>Super Mario Sunshine
Someone has to clean all that ink!

>Charger Elite: The Hunt for Red Octopus
The year is 99,900 and you are Agent 9 of the Squidbeak Splatoon. Your mission is to infiltrate the Octarian ranks and complete your mission of collecting enemy intelligence and hunting the most dangerous octopus of them all...

>Great Octoweapon Maintenance Simulator
The War is On! Its your job to keep these monsters running! Unfortunately you only have so much power to spare! You can use it for fixing these machines or you can charge them to fight! Sometimes, you will have to send machines that aren't fully fixed into the battlefield! Fortunately not all missions are the same.


Administrator please hope me, I cannot into SZ rig.

I'm actually pretty interested to see what they can do with the HD rumble. If it's used creatively it could add a whole layer of useful feedback.

just a few more days for the switch

Oh right I gotta cancel my preorde

I gotta get a job.

Anyone wanna twin?


Oh well, I got back into S at least. That said, A+ is more fun because I just get stomped in S.

i wish i could hut callie

oops i meant hug

this squid is surprisingly thick


Would you be so kind as to give me a source user?


I wish I could huff callie

the most beautiful girl in the world

I would hut that squid so hard

>tfw no squid waifu to come home to

I bet Callie listens to prog

pretty sure that combo was there
if you wanna see something interesting, look at splatoon's title screen and look at the green and pink ink patterns below the logo. i'm pretty sure those are the same green and pink used for the inklings on the box art for splatoon 2


Friends with Octolings

Fuck you


someone get the hose

She's showing the length of Callie's noodles


is she getting aroused by rubbing her own danglers

Gotcha, senpai

get behind me

I know Callie gets most love for her tentacles but marie's probably feel like a soft steamed bun

They would both feel the same faggot

I would
don't be so rude

image uploading is broken on Veeky Forums

how will i post pictures of my waifu now

at least we won't have to put up with octoshits hogging the imagelimit

Work on your ASCII art

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rapid blaster? splattershot?

aw, I wanted to dump some really really cute art of this artist I just found...

good effort

post the artist name faggot

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why must you be so mean to me


Is that Marie?

that's just a mess!

you know, this would be the perfect time for that fanfic user to jump in

lookin good, marie

sorry user, but writing sadly doesn't make you good at ascii art also that was me


Always remember that Bill Trinen is a Calliefag

write something up for us please, i want to read about the daily lives of squibs and jellies and takos if you please

Bill also has Isabelle as his waifu. If that doesn't make one question his taste in waifus, I don't know what else will.

It was hard not to get caught up in the moment of victory. When Sarah had slammed that Rainmaker on its rightful pedestal, the ecstasy of joy from her newfound rank she had worked so hard for seemed to blind her. She remembered the pats on the back, and the congratulations, and the high fives - those were great and all - but Sarah could not figure out for the life of her how she ended up at a fast food ditch to celebrate. That was the last place in the world someone like her should be. But here she was, standing in line next to Belle and Tom, mind drifting from her intoxicated mistakes to what in the world a girl like her was supposed to get at a place like this.
and all the octolings died the end

goodnight callie
i love you

sorry i cant post a picture

You mean Isabelle has Bill Trinen as his husbando.
>isabelle posting "goodnight bill i love you" every night

her husbando

i don't feel like playing splatoon, today, can some one stream it?


Goodnight image posting is fixed bump

>Play with my usual gear and weapon.
>Having a bad day, lose almost every match and score very few splats.
>Yeah, fuck it, whatever.
>Change into a cute looking outfit, abilities be damned.
>Buy a weapon I've never used before from Sheldon.
>Suddenly I'm fucking ass again.

What a fun game.

Wait, they're Callie and Marie's colours, aren't they.

It seems like the game has some hidden matchmaking parameters. First match of the day, first time using some weapon in a while (unless you have a huge amount of turf inked with it), first few times with a new weapon, they're always super easy.



Oh, look, SplatoonJP has posted an update. It's about the concert themed stage that we saw in the trailer. They're really pushing the cinnamon and pompadour squids, I wonder if they'll be the next amiibos.

It looks huge, and sniper city. Assuming that grating on the right means you can go up on to the stage as well.

>those vast inclines
Slosher city is here, boiz.


Have a fresh day, user!

>This is "Urchin Venue", a place where various artists perform their concerts. Because even the legendary Squid Squad has held live performances here, it has become a sacred ground for rock. Don't worry about ink breaking the machinery - we've heard the perfect preparations have already been made.

good morning user

smoosh smoosh!

hot spaghetti on spaghetti action

I love it

You know...
The more I look at her, the more I like her.
I do think she's good!
I do think she's good!
I do think she's good.


if youve ever been wondering what kinds of things those excited japanese twitter people are saying
>Ika-chan is too cute, I want to smoosh her cheeks too...!!
>I drew this because I had a burning desire to squish Ika-chan's cheeks... I want an Ika-chan squishing feature... Ika Parler... (TN: The Japanese name for Pokemon Amie is "Poke Parler")
>I would have never thought of that... Ika Parler would be amazing!! I wonder if someone will make it~ |'ω') sparkle
>Of course~~!!!!!! And officiallyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!
>Official Ika Parlerrrrrrr!!!!!! Next, I want an Ika-chan figurineeeeeee!!!! lol I'm blown away by all the hard work you put into this Ika-chan squishing picture! Thank you


I want to colour it in.

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>big fat red octopus clad in metal armor and black shorts underneath it
>oppressed species
>looks evil and aggressive, but actually is a nice guy who just wants to make ends meet
>the "badass crossed tentacles" look, just like Octavio
>"I have more arms, that's why I won"- inklings stole it and wrote in their history books
>even his theme wouldn't sound out of place in Octo Valley - youtu.be/r-43YMnlszA
They aren't even hiding it.


Begone spawn of darkness! You have died and you will stay dead!