/hbg/ - Homebrew & Hacking General - Zelda in 5 hours edition

Previous thread /hbg/ Wiki: homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 11.2
Wii U: 5.5.1
Vita: 3.60
PS4: 4.05
PS3: 3.55

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
↳a9lh + CFW: 3ds.guide/
Wii U: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
Vita: pastebin.com/v3caHHnp

-Nintendo released 11.3, thoroughly patching downgrading for latefriends who update. 3dbrew.org/wiki/11.3.0-36
-rxTools BTFO, Menuhax's "last known Home Menu vuln." dead. Current solution is to switch to Luma or better yet, install a9lh per the guide.
-hblauncher_loader 1.3 and new *hax 2.9a payloads fix Homebrew for 11.3. github.com/yellows8/hblauncher_loader/releases/tag/v1.3
-NTR CFW 3.4 Preview6 and BootNTR 3.1 released. (BootNTR Selector updates automatically.) github.com/44670/BootNTR/releases
Boot DS games in DSIware mode on 3DS from SD card: gbatemp.net/threads/nds-bootstrap-loader-run-commercial-nds-backups-from-an-sd-card.454323/

>Wii U
-FlimFlam69 removed the Brazilian method from the guide (you can still find it at: github.com/FlimFlam69/WiiUTutorial/blob/master/btimsg.md). The pastebin has been updated to contain that link.
-People speculate about a new Wii U firmware version before or at launch of Zelda: BotW. Even if the Wii U is out of production, you may still want to use to block updates.
-Boot0 code execution displayed at 33c3, along with boot1 dumping.

-Activation without PSN access now possible. wololo.net/2017/02/10/epsp-bubble-installer-2-0-activation-without-psn-psvita/
-fl0w teases usb mounting for pstv only. wololo.net/2016/12/24/theflow-unveils-usb-mass-storage-ps-vita-releases-february/
-PSN spoofing is broken on the Vita for both HENkaku and taiHENkaku currently.

-4.81 Rebug CFW released
-It's possible to run games on OFW 4.70 without ODE and IDPS. gbatemp.net/threads/447577

Other urls found in this thread:


IGN worker here
how the fuck do i start the game, pressing amibo doesnt do anything, you guys have a leak right?

First for BotW TIK doesn't exist

first for fuck you lying faggots


Where is Michael Hill. We need to have a little chat.

me too thanks

someone put up CIA for rei and sleepdownloader?

Just bought a New 3DS XL Galaxy edition from Target




you just need the tik

uploading it now 17%

~40 min

that Brazilian site was legit btw. convert it's loadiine payload into a usb install format and use huehax, enjoy BoTW my dudes.

Going out to buy a 32GB SD card, you guys better have BOTW ready by the time I get home

>one of the most normal boards on Veeky Forums
please leave to r/3dshacks. Thanks user

Calm down autismo. We just need someone who gets the game early to be kind to us.

Can the mods here please do thier fucking jobs

Give me the tik then you memester.

buy a USB or HDD too

Hey guys I just updated to 11.3 and updated Luma, but I still cannot run the latest freeShop. The app crashes and the sytem restarts.

Any ideas on what to do?

I should use Adrenaline rather than ARK for PSP gaming on my Vita, right?


Never used the ntr cfw before but I want to use cheats in games. Is it really just add ntr.bin to the sd root and just run the installed .cia? using luma? It made it seem like it was it's own CFW I had to boot into to make use of it?

samefag more

umm no lol not getting my accont banhammered for posting WaReZ

try asking on #hacking the mod there will send you the files :)

How can anyone be stupid enough to think that BotW could have leaked, Veeky Forums users have it running, and the entire game hasn't already been spoiled? That's the first thing that would happen and you know it. Come back to reality, there is no TIK and there won't be until March 3rd.

the user in the picture was last active in 2015 you STUPID FUCKING IDIOTS


Answer thanks

it's a CFW in a CFW

How can you even spoil a Zelda game?

fake and really fucking gay.

Just like that music site.

The newer posts are hidden. There are user classes.

zelda fans believe the games have a story to talk about.

Its up on GBAtemp

"Zelda has been dead for 100 years, Link is actually Impa, the real Link became Ganon"


thread dead, no leaks today. bye faggots

I bet you'd be great fun at parties, if you'd ever been invited to one.

Does it work with decent speeds with a usb drive? I heard it degrades the usb drive pretty fast. I was gonna get a 1TB external but then realized I'd be paying more for that than the actual price of the couple wii u games I have left to play

Can someone link me the game files minus tik or a way to get them? NUSGrabber says 'Title not found on Nintendo's servers'

>The newer posts are hidden. There are user classes.
You can't be this fucking stupid. Honestly.
Stop fucking linking to dead websites and editing the page source to display your shitty bait.


switch to eur

EU version only

Whoa it's that fake from Twitter from a week ago

You guys are really falling for every single "leak"

You're real fucking salty about this.

I hope fake shit gets posted all day for you to have your little autismal fits over.

>set region to eur
>click full titles
>click download

it's not that goddamn hard

There have been people playing for the last few hours.

You people have a serious case of "If it's unobtainable to me, it's unobtainable to everyone."

No, maybe you're just retarded.

We've seen this image before


Only EUR uploaded

And I will continue to until NUS finishes downloading


Kill yourself, retard.

Ah yeah and no screenshots or videos to prove it like the autismos would be posting.

Just like when Colour Splash released.
Just like when Pokemon SuMo leaked

No one cares for your damn shitty bait.

aaaaaaaaaaw where my zeldas at *sadface* :(

sup fags


Please respond

Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat.

"The burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies."

we don't care for the switch or the switch version. Fag

no one cares about the switch version

nobody gives a fuck about your shitty switch version user




Send them back to Nintendo and ask for the Wii U version so we get the title key

How exactly would it degrade the USB? I use a USB stick and haven't had any problems so far. I've played Smash and Splatoon on it.


where's the wii u version nerd

Megaman 3. Thanks dude!


>get called a retard
>respond with literal gibberish and a king lear quote


Hahahahaha peasants. If only Nintendo was more ruthless and delayed the Wii U version by a month to fuck you harder.

link is actually a sora and ganon is acutally xehanort.

They are all linked within the chain of memories.

People don't still fall for this meme/myth of knowledgeable Twitter "leakers," do they?

now what is this?



Enjoy my friends :)

What did this guy do with Sticker Star again? I forgot.




Well if it's the same as colour splash then it could possibly be leaked.

I'm not getting any hits on google.
How do I utilise this nonsense?

Been downloading this for a bit. Doubt it is legitimate, but might as well try.

shiiiiiit nigga

Yeah, like that's going to happen again. Also what is that tweet even supposed to mean? You "MAY" be able to play it? We already know that's not true because people already got the EU version from NUS and it doesn't work without the TIK.

>its fucking it

wow for the umpteenth time somebody makes a vague claim in under 150 characters and gets 50 (you)s

you retards, he probably just did a random key generator and ran it through there

So what are we waiting for to get Zelda to work? I've heard both Title key and title.tik, which one is it?


Same thing.

But there is no pre load?
No where to buy either?

Confirmed on EUR eshop anyways.
Anyone else?

>tfw still downloading

I know we're just doing a bit right now and I don't fault you for playing your part, but Latin isn't "literal gibberish." Burden of proof is a doctrine that goes all the way back to the Roman empire. The more you know. Funny response though.

Only took me 90 minutes to download the 10GB

How does someone create a "Loadiine" version of a release anyway? Someone give me some insight here.

Get the tik, decrypt, done

The tweet would make sense if the NUS version had the title key in it. Then, when it goes up for pre-load (if it even does) you would be able to play it early. But we already have the NUS EU version and it doesn't have the key.

So which one do you need? Like, if you had the title key would you have to turn it into a title.tik or vice versa?