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>Thread was created with incorrect OP or a lot earlier than post?
Ignore and report; Wait for a correct thread to be made.

Remember to ignore and report shitposters.

Tentatively expect a beta in mid-March 2017

Elder Thread:

Reminder not to respond to Wildcat posters.

Reminder that anal is great

Fight me

xth for handholding

>A world that doesn't feel dead as fuck
>No voiced MC
>Choices that actually matter
>Weapon variety and classes that actually change how you play the game
>Attacks actually feel like they connect and give a visceral response
>Magic system that isn't 'the same spell but slightly better!' at every new mastery level
>Far fewer radiant meme quests
>They hire a writer that understands nuance
>Faction quests aren't shit
>Dynamic factions that actually care about what the fuck you're doing
>Bethesda actually managing to deliver on the hype
I wish for much, but hope for little. At this point, Ubisoft and indie-trash do Bethesda's niche better.

Waifus and lore living in harmony

>Wildcat shills
I agree

Love, Harmony and classy waifus

Reminder not to respond to children who can't explain what the fuck they don't like about wildcat because they are emotionally immature.

Tell me what monster mod I should get then nerd.

I'm not totally against fetch quests, but they need some kind of motivation to go along with them. The Bruma team has done this really well. Like, there's a quest to go get some flowers. You need to get them because the bartender's dog died recently. The dog was his best friend, and he hasn't been able to give him a proper burial because he doesn't have the supplies.

That's nice. What isn't nice is "TEMBA HATE BEAR. KILL BEAR FOR TEMBA. BRING SKIN."

Ignore him. SIC is fine if you use the purist preset.

>monster mod
Fucking why?

Hecc off, i'll be a classy husbando!

>no lore

Put SIC on Purist mode and it's just fine.

Reminder that Elianora is a hack who'd rather delete and block comments than remove unnecessary lightsources in her housemods that cause horrible flickering.

A cat once jumped on my face and scratched my face pretty bad when I was hiking in the woods. How is that not a good reason to dislike wildcat?

Enai, you may not know this but we have a rule about leaving old thread shit in the old thread. On an unrelated note, please stop making mods.

Because it's nice to fight something that isn't a draugr, wolf, or bandit once in a while.

Elianora is a huge fucking dumb cunt.
That doesn't mean Wildcat sucks tho.

Because you eventually get bored of killing the same three different dwemers and one type of spider.

Two questions from Skyrim modding noob :

1. If i have for example five mods that require FNIS, do i have to run FNIS after installing each one or can i just install all of them and just run FNIS once ?

2. Should i let something overwrite XPMSE skeletons if prompted ( IIRC Schlongs of Skyrim wants to do this ) ?

So you get a mod that adds in goofy as fuck enemies that are horribly unbalanced and don't animate or look good?

Right, but multiple people calmly explained to you why Wildcat is an inferior mod while you did nothing but hurl insults at them in all caps.

>or can i just install all of them and just run FNIS once

>Should i let something overwrite XPMSE skeletons if prompted
>if prompted
Stop using NMM.

>goofy as fuck enemies
Purist preset.

>horribly unbalanced
They're not.

>don't animate or look good
They look fine.

1. Install all of them and run FNIS once.
2. No.

t. a xbox babby that is mad that there is no xbox version of the mod yet.

But why doesnt anyone make monsters with custom skeleton and animations? Mod tool limitation?

>Stop using NMM.
Fuck off, no one asked about your opinion fuckboy.

Thank you.

>But why doesnt anyone make monsters with custom skeleton and animations?
Can't be done, engine doesn't allow it.

Well, I guess that's not technically true. It's theoretically possible, but it would be overly complicated and buggy a la Spears by Soolie.

No you dumb fuck. Because the game doesn't allow you to place new skeletons into the game that don't already exist. You have to modify the ones that are already there. But if you modify the monster ones too much to suit your monster it fucks up all the other monsters that use that skeleton.

Is this wildcatfag?

>getting salty because he called you an xbox babby and everyone else in the thread thinks you're a moron.
Get rekt, retard.

No one has YET explained to me beyond shit posting, what the fuck is wrong with wildcat you dumb retarded kike.
Fucking tell me what's wrong with it beyond the redundant meme.

So the game and tools dont allow you to make new monsters. You could have just said Bethesda limitations instead of being meanie.

Read the comments again, but take your brain pills before you do this time.

You mean
Don't you child? xD

Nope. You can believe that if it helps you feel better about yourself, though.

>u-uh I don't h-have to tell you what the p-point is
>uh uh uh
lol get rekd you fucking punk. :)

I'm not going to recompile my list of grievances just so you can ignore it, have a tantrum, and call me a fat faggot four-eyed fuck or whatever again.

Its just a same kind of meme like DUEL. Both were pretty shit at start but got developed into good mods.

Wildcat really is exactly like DUEL, although you are wrong about the developing into good mods part.

But you haven't stated what is wrong with Wildcat at all yet. Duel was shit due to bad scripting.

There is fucking nothing wrong in it retard. I mean that people meme >wildcat just like they did with >duel to fit in.

>so buttblasted and insecure that he needs to try and force people on Veeky Forums to agree with him in order to validate his own opinions

>can't explain
>won't explain

Screw this shit. Lets rather dicuss what sexlab dependant mod is the best. The one that makes spouses more deep is IMO the best

How many more times are you going to say we haven't stated what's wrong with Wildcat? Do you want us to show you the whole source code and put a red circle around every part that's bad? You're basically gish-galloping right now.

>But you haven't stated what is wrong with Wildcat at all yet.
It's less customizeable than other mods, its injury system has far too much randomness, and its stagger system is poorly balanced and prone to stagger locking.

>less customizable
>Injury system is random
Turn it off
>Stagger is bad
Turn it off but it's the same one in Vigor

Also none of those things are remotely bad. It has an injury system that can be tweaked and doesn't use shitty scripts like locational damage mods which can save bloat you to fuck. Also the stagger system isn't even bad and Vigor uses the exact same one.


lmao alright then.

>Ignore Wildcat posters
>Report Wildcat posts
>Do not reply to Wildcat threads

Instead post skeletons and spooky places

>its bad if I can customize my user experience

Man you must love Apple products.

Look at this cuck! AHAHAHAHA

How about instead of disabling all the garbage in Wildcat, I just use a different mod?


>>its bad if I can customize my user experience
Nice red herring, bro.

True. You try to say it's more customizable than Skytweak one more time, and I will fucking reach through the screen and slap your shit.
>turn it off
Okay but the features are still shit
>none of these things are remotely bad
How so? Do you enjoy RNG debuffs and getting stunlocked?
>muh evil scripts
Not an issue, disregarded. That one locational damage mod IS shit, but no one is trying to sell that. Irrelevant.
>stagger system isn't even bad

Wtf is a Wildcat ??

>all the movement tweaks to damage
>attacks of opportunity
>backstabs in combat promoting flanking
>works with mortal enemies and UC for hardcore damage

>Play skrimskram
>Shit on skeletons at level 1
>Man, these guys suck
>Get skeleton mod
>Skeletons are self-resurrecting, specialized assholes who attack in mobs now
Never looked back.

Other mods do all that better, and without the baggage that comes with Wildcat.

>I will fucking reach through the screen and slap your shit.

Skytweak is fucking shit tier for dumb fucking nigger plebs like yourself.

A US Navy fighter from World War 2

It's this thread's flavor of shitpost. Disregard and post skeletons.

You proud of that post, Enai?

There's that word again.

>woah people can use words that accurately describe things, how crazy!

What an excellent argument you've just made.

>woah people can use words that accurately describe things, how crazy!
I don't think you understand what the word accurately means child.

Agreed. I prefer monster mod for the cool looking freaks you find in the bottom of dungeons, like that bone and metal behemoth with axes for hands.

Would you rather be use something else more specific, like "unnecessary shoe-horned-in gameplay-detracting dogshit?"

>the babby duck calling other people children

Ha good one.

I was just wondering what is that new thing that made /tesg/ sperg out much more than usual.

The author of Skytweak regularly posts here and he's feeling challenged and a bit upset because Wildcat is basically a ton better and makes his modding effort look like dog shit.
That's what this is all about.

It's some combat mod that some people like and some people hate. From what I've seen, it's a pretty niche overhaul. Just remember, if you are having fun, it really shouldn't matter what you have installed.

Most of /tesg/ is content to just say "nah it's kinda shit." But some people can't handle being told that what they like is shit. So, if you criticize Wildcat, they have a shitbaby tantrum, and will continue to have a tantrum filled with shit-flinging and circular reasoning while the rest of the thread calmly explains why they're wrong.

And then there's people like this guy who are just memeing.

Could you mod connoiseurs redpill me on SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators

It's okay.


Cool, another mod to check out.
Thanks guys.

The main thing about it is that it's the go-to thing for the majority of SSE players and consoletards. So yeah, you know, THOSE """people""" are the type to eat that shit up. Same situation as other shit that rose to popularity like COT and Bella's.

Save bloat. Dont bother.

>Install it
>Try it
>Like it, keep it
>Don't like it, uninstall.

Thankfully it's that simple. An even easier way is to look up some vids and see for yourself. Don't forget to clean your saves every now and then.

Bella rose to popularity because it was the first mod to "beautify" characters. ANd the shitty hot files system of nexus ensures that people flock to that and the top downloaded ones which results in better mods getting buried.

>Install it
>Try it
>Like it, keep it
>Don't like it, uninstall.
>Some changes persist in the game even with savecleaning

Its never that simple with some mods.

Wildcat isn't a bad mod exactly, other mods just do pretty much the same thing without the OPTION for RNG injuries and being staggered easily which most people aren't interested in, so why would you install it if you don't like that? It also doesn't use scripts? But who cares.

This is the final conclusion of /tesg/ about Wildcat. Over and out.

>hey guys I'm the authority here at /tesg/, and this is /tesg/'s opinion.

>This is the final conclusion of /tesg/ about Wildcat. Over and out.
>implying you're the authority
I thought wildcat was average at best, but now fuck you, it's shit.

If it's worse than the best, then it's shit. This is Skyrim, everything is shit except for the best of the best, which is just slightly less shit.

Those are facts, not opinions, except that it's the final conclusion of /tesg/. That was just bait.

If you don't want to use the features of the mod, that's fine, install the other ones that don't come with unwanted OPTIONS, but saying that mods with those features shouldn't exist just because you don't want them in your game is idiotic.

It's not "worse than the best", it just has different features. Does giving you an extra option make the mod worst?

>muh options

Do you keep backups before you install hefty mods? They are lifesavers.

Why can't we all agree to disagree on this one? Some people like it and some don't. There's no "universal opinion" when it comes to combat mods; everyone wants something different out of fights. If you like Wildcat, congratulations. You're having fun with one combat mod. If you don't, congratulations. There are dozens of combat mods to choose from. /Tesg/ shouldn't force your hand either way.

It is definitely worse. Less customization, nonsensical combat adjustments, and "options" that are so bad they need to be turned off they may as well not even be there.

fat faggot four-eyed cuck

hey guys,

welcome to EB games

To add to this, it has these drawbacks while offering nothing that sets it apart from other mods.
>but it has no scripts
Not an issue.

>Bought some Ben & Jerry's to ease the pain of living
>It had melted and been refrozen so it was mealy and unpleasant
Next time I'm just buying a rope

I like wildcat.

Yeah you can disable them if you want something else from the mod but not that particular thing. Otherwise install something that doesn't come with those options obviously.

>Why can't we all agree to disagree on this one? Some people like it and some don't
Uh that's what I'm saying? It's not literally hitler the mod, you just don't like what's in it.

What are the nonsensical combat adjustments aside from stagger? And it's not strange to want the type of RNG injuries in your game? I wouldn't know about customization in other mods though.

>muh wildcat

>muh ptsd from being staggered to death by draugrs


>I wouldn't know about customization in other mods though.
So you admit you don't now what you're talking about and that you've only used Wildcat. Good job outing yourself as a baby duck.