/fhg/ - For Honor general

THE LAW edition

>New players:


>Hero guides[2/12]:
Conqueror: pastebin.com/d3qQXKGa
Kensei: pastebin.com/Mg9HRqjW
Multiple hero video guides: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkiUfT_3_4AnTBKwzZQO7-fDgKDzwPRPr


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>Story mode collectibles:

>previous general

Delete Peacekeeper and ban their mains.

>cant filter certain champions for duels

warden nobushi pk etc just make the game really boring

only retards play lb

Who were in the wrong /fhg/ ?

Lewdkeeper be my 2v2 partner!!!!!

This LAW is flawed

I have 25k already, and I've spent some on gear and upgrades
so I would expect new heroes to be more than 25k

Remember to save up 45K Steel user!

Thanks, now I have all the song of ice and fire references I needed

Tips for playing Warden?

First for shitters who think PK is overpowered beyond the one bug she has

why can't i parry anymore

Also I guarantee you that's confirmation bias.

same. I think there might be something wrong with it right now

>PK players calling anyone shitters

The winner is always right

I did so bad at parrying with zerker the first time I played him that I thought he just couldn't do it.

lots of people are having the issue, I think the server is fucked or something idk


cant wait for the next patch

>vortex warden
>vortex warden
>vortex warden
>vortex warden


first few days i could buy it with steel and then it stopped showing a price etc im in aus on ps4, did they remove this option?

>When you get hit by four GBs in a row even though you saw all of them coming, but no matter how hard you try you can't get that timing down
>Interrupt more GBs by hitting them with lights rather than actually properly teching them

I am genuinely amazed that I'm winning any duels at all. I bet if the only thing someone did in a match was GB > Heavy, I'd lose more often than if they just played normally.

How the fuck do I do it? Literally what is the timing on it?

Is virtual currency illegal in your country?
Maybe they have to sell it for "real" pound monies

the biggest problems the game has now are gear score being fucked and revenge straight up not working the way it should

revenge should just make you GB immune + a little bit of hp because getting stuck in constantly GB + GBC animations while being hit is what actually kills you in gang ups

pks arent a problem if you git gud


You can BUY the season pass with in game currency?

>"Enviromental deaths can be avoided if you watch your positioning!"
>Shugoki exists


warlord is 10 times better at ledging than shugoki

If you got gud you wouldn't need to play such an overpowered shitter hero.
Play duels bruh, for some reason the community is infinitely better than brawl and usually will go out of their way to not smack you off ledges

Picking my copy up tomorrow, fell in love with Nobushi in the beta, is she good overall in the grand scheme of things or should I just hang myself now?

>keep getting thrown off by warlords and lawbringers
>"its part of the game, play around it"

That's a lot of gbp.

How will you afford tendies if you buy that?
Shitty waggies.

Why the hell is the "war" so pointless?

no ones ever been actually pushed back far at all. Its obvious that by the time you get pushed back to 2-3 territories it starts auto-defending with a large bonus.

Each round will only matter for the last 1-2 updates since it isn't about total war effort and more about what you squeeze out at the last second.

Whose dumbass idea was it to make extremely narrow bridges into duel maps? The round is literally decided by who gets the first guard break, parry, or bash.

>usually will go out of their way to not smack you off ledges

kek. I had a Conq on the Overwatch bridge who was straight up trying to shield bash me off of the bridge like I've never played against a sprinting Conq before. Rolled and pushed him off, as he was sitting at the ledge where I would have been. He was so tilted he rage quit.

This guy was a big fat horny liar!

>Stays for two matches when he says he doesn't like me
>Stops attacking me
>Starts throwing me against the wall when I ask for it over and over

Be honest with yourselves!

>raider is an overpowered shitter hero
this is news to me

>playing mods with gearscore
Welp, found the issue.

There is NO way to solve the "gear" problem. It is complete shite from the get go.

>enemy very clearly goes for a guard break near an edge
>avoid it
>throw them off the edge in return
>they spam Wow! Wow! Wow! in the chat

>play warden
>facing a Warlord
>beat him
>he starts whining about how broken Warden is and how shoulder bash is broken (not even the vortex, just the bash)
>beat him without using the shoulder bash
>"thats not the only thing that makes this character retarded"
>"all I can get from headbutt is one light and I can not chain it"

I blame tru3ta1ent for this influx of moronic warden hate. If I beat you literally off of fundamentals you have no right to say that my character carried me, especially if you are playing one of the most prevalent characters in the 1 v 1 tournament scene - warlord.

Mother fucker never even used his full block, never chained headbutts, never parried, and still had the gall to claim I only won because of Warden.

Pic related - me right now.

Because people play whatever gamemodes they want, despite some memeing people don't really take factions seriously.
>Spam zone attacks
>Win against PK


>Team breaking
>I'm the last one left
>I just do it for the lels and run away instead of just giving up
>Throw the shuggi off the ledge
>Throw an axe to the head of a Valk
>Throw fire bomb where I thought my pursuers would be
>Kick an Orochi's ass 1v1
>Suddenly it says we won
I didn't even notice the other team was breaking too. This was fucking nice. I wish I had shadowplay now but it would probably lower my FPS.
Berserker a gud.

Nobushi is very strong; she's like right behind the current cancer classes.

>what is parry
t. shitter who plays against shitters

What's your Ubisoft ID sweetheart?

can you deflect unblockables?

>get game last night
>playing Warden
>literally cannot do any combos or specials reliably
>can't even parry properly
>just use normal attacks and dodge/block a ton with the occasional guard break

Who here /lesser noble/?

>it's that nippon swamp map
>it's that fucking tiny ass bridge spawn

Of course they do. Doesn't make the system any less of a joke. It was a selling point of the game and even ubisoft seemingly has no plans for it.

>still no events after launch
>there was just one shitty one before the end of beta

Because PKs even know how to parry. They lack any gamesense and just dash around spamming light attacks/GBs until they win

>play warden
>try and see how many bad I can beat with just side heavy
>If they know how to counter guard break I just parry them.

They all complained about how broken warden was.


I don't think I've ever seen a video game slut of this caliber before.

user chan, I don't play spear using classes to be a shitter, I just like spears.

How can I redeem myself?

I want to add you just because you're you.
Also I'm a Raider main..


I often change it around though, I'll probably settle on one to run with soon

>OMG you are so bad
Classic scrubs

>some renown 3 orochi spends all 3 rounds of a 1v1 trying to throw me off
>I throw him off once
>He goes ape in chat spamming Wow! and getting angry

Screenshot related

>warlord exists
>lawbringer exists

Haha! Just never ever get guardbroken! >:3

I have honestly given up and if I have one of those classes throw them off the ledge at first opportunity.

I wonder how gay you gotta be to do this shit

that's the strange thing, everything else is in steel

not for me


Shugokis are no excuse, you know they've got that homerun hit, so you should position yourself so that if you get hit by it, it doesn't ledge you
If you're on a narrow ledge and you see a Shugoki coming, you should know better to run in the opposite direction than to get caught in his charge

you cant

Please give me your ID!


>he cant play around the shitters hes matched against
how do you ever expect to win against the better peacekeepers?

>mfw even PK with P1 and up just abuses indication bug

Yes! Post all the salt! Aid me with my wallpaper!


God damn it I want to make you my Personal breeding bitch.

>not Conquerer

Honestly all of the shield using classes in my experience have been total jackwagons about environmental kills. I don't see too many Lawmen besides myself to really judge but the few I've mirror'd don't usually go for those. Usually. It's a mixed bag of everyone, really.

you are out of control man, you need to stop

>play good
>have a few beers
>play even better

Hai hai haiii chuuuuu

>enemy very clearly goes for a guard break near an edge
>tech it
>they fall because of the recoil
>receive NaCl

>Enemies can evade Lawbringer charge with the dodge

My pussy is for everybody, you can't just have me all to yourself!

>warlord bitching about shoulder bash when every warlord ever spams shield bash


Post good games. Also; anyone down to play?

So the Centurion will probably be gender locked

The ninja will let you choose genders right?

Remember! Orochi can parry your punish!

gearscore isn't a big deal in domination but it needs to leave everything else

teach me the secrets of conqueror

How do I git gud with Valkyrie?
It feels like everything she does has big ass delays and she gets 3 shotted by fucking everything.

also post valk lewds so i can start a collection

>Veeky Forums emblem


user pls.

w h a t t h e f u c k

Wasn't arguing against you, just agreeing it was poorly designed. Really if they gave steel bonuses/more assets for fighting with heroes in your faction we'd be onto something
How many (You)s does it take to defend your waifu? All you're doing is victim blaming. Imagine there was a hero who could one hit light attack anybody, of course if you were 100% perfect at the game you could still win against them, however in the real world you'd be saying people would be shitters for losing against that hero.

PK is given FAR too much given how little she actually has to think, you can yell "git gud" all you want but it doesn't change anything.

dude what, can everyone do that

>There is a shoguki in every capture point, trying to cap it means being near a ledge in way most of the cases


>play after a cup of coffee
>bad reaction time
>4 am, almost falling asleep in chair
>block and parry without thinking about it

There is only one, as far as I have seen. I wish there was smut, at least.


>muh secrit club

start with killing yourself

>making excuses for not getting gud
have you tried getting gud?

That's cool, I stopped using crushing top attack a while ago. Regular parries all the way.


Once people get on the hate bandwagon, any loss against the class they have head is OP (even they do not know in what capacity exactly) is due to that class being OP and not them being bad. The funny part is how wardens havent won a single 1 v 1 tourney yet and people still bitch about them being too powerful because a couple of streamers with big audiences keep complaining about the class even though they arent even in the competitive scene. Fairlight and Tru3 in particular are total cunts. Tru3 is clearly not too intelligent based on his interactions with his chat and his inability to construct/respond to arguments, and Fairlight doesn't even play 1 v 1s.

He was absolutely convinced Warlord is weak and Warden is so retardedly overpowered it would be shameful to lose a single round as him. Even gave him a rematch, still shat on him. When someone is bad, they are just bad. If you lack fundamentals no class pick will help you. he was literally just spamming light and heavy attacks from different directions with the occasional headbutt and GB. The hallmark of the bad player.