How do we fix the money problem?

How do we fix the money problem?

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Start by clearly defining it

Either you have too much or not enough of it.

Quantitative easing

that will make it both true you would have too much and not enough at the same time.

moar immigrants

If you have too much there is no problem

By implementing Islam. We need to nuke the west and nuke Saudi Arabia and their western created Wahhabists. Islam needs to take control. Everybody would receive the same income. From plumbers to doctors. Those who choose to become doctors and leaders do so for their faith and not materialistic gains. Those who oppose Islam would be taxed harder than Muslims. Islam brings equity and justice. In justice we acquire peace. Peace is not pacifism.

right on Brother, this could only be implemented by the few brave who are willing to sacrifice their own life for that goal.

blow up in some sunni mall and do everyone here a huge favor!

Not good enough. Identify the mechanism/the cause of this, then you can hope to fix it.

Assuming it even needs fixing, which you seem to be assuming is a given.

Muslims don't kill innocent people in malls, Wahhabists do.

>Everybody would receive the same income. From plumbers to doctors.
jesus what a horrible idea.

>Move to sovereign monetary system
>Eliminate most taxes
>Spend wisely
Money problem gone

Muhammad's idea, not Jesus'

dude it's pretty simple math, if one can become a plumber with 50 hours of learning and earn the same wage as a doctor that has to put in 15000 hours, then all you will have are plumbers.

Not when you have faith in Allah. The reward isn't money. It's paradise.

yeah well, first you have to live. and people tend to go for the lowest effort for the same prize to maximize their profit.

That isn't how it works when you have faith in Allah. The lowest effort people see the lowest rewards. The people who struggle (the poor) and the people who offered the most to others attain the highest levels of paradise.

learn about the psychology of delayed gratification! it takes a very mature mind to delay all the gratification to his afterlife. arabs simply don't have the mental capacity for this any more than chimps.

Race has nothing to do with being Muslim. We are all born Muslim.

just take a look at muhammad he preached all kinds of interesting things about love and equality then went about fucking everything that moved including children and wives of relatives and slaves and probably even goats.

>Muslims shave their pubic hairs
>Doggy style is frowned upon
>Sex with somebody who isn't your wife is unlawful
>Goats aren't even mentioned in anything. Camels would be a more proper meme.

>meme illustration is not historically accurate
it doesn't change the fact that your holy man had zero impulse control couldn't keep his dick in his pants for 5 minutes straight.

i don't know if there is a god or not but i can tell you i have absolutely zero faith in muslims ability for impulse control and to delay even the slightest gratification till the end of their life. nope they are probably even worse than any other religion in this matter.

It's simple.

Make America a society where everything is bartered, shared, and free.... where money/cash isn't needed.

This doesn't mean everyone gets to be lazy. To produce things and give to all equally.. we all will still be required to work and develop different skill sets but our skills/work will be in exchange for other services/products.

if you remove money from an economy everything just gets more inconvenient.

barter is fine in an extremely small community, but with perishable goods and economy of scale (ie not just picking one berry bush but a 100) it all becomes impossible to maintain.

when you realize that money is the single most powerful tool to increase human productivity and specialization you will stop talking silly shit.

>when you realize that money is the single most powerful tool to keep everyone enslaved to their job until they die

Yeah no..

Without money people would set up better communities where everyone can help everyone else.

For example the Amish communities are the most advanced communities in the United States and they largely do things without the use of money. They build homes together, grow their own food/livestock, get by without electricity or atm cards. They rely on their own God-willing abilities and are rewarded for it.

You have no idea what you're talking about because you're a slave to the system, a slave to money.

this OP

>For example the Amish communities
indeed they are a great example for one pretty much all incapable of life now without trading with the outside world. you think they made those clothes themselves? nope they bought them from china. and they don't really have much in the way of space programs and stuff do they?

Real amish make their own clothes. They even grow their own cotton and spindel it with their own hands. They also make their own cribs and baby carriers.
They mostly barter with outsiders in their community and try to not use money.

>space programs

lol you really think NASA is exploring space? lol
every real astronomer knows about the radiation belt preventing anyone from leaving this planet
all NASA can do is put up satellites high in the sky
they've never been to the moon or any other planet

>every real astronomer knows about the radiation belt preventing anyone from leaving this planet
i giggled user
yeah radiation absolutely can not be shielded against and it's not like the belts are almost nonexistent near the poles either (assuming this radiation would do anything to humans)...

Go back to the Gold Standard. How in the fuck was this not mentioned yet?

because there is not enough gold to cover the economy, unless gold shoots into the $50000 range or above

There's no such thing has having too much money. It's just that people are too stupid or irresponsible to manage it properly, which is their own fault and they deserve all of the hardships that come to them as a result of their own actions.

You fucking retard radiation like that will kill a human.

Theres a reason we are meant to be on this fucking blue rock. Not explore space and more damn useless junk trying to find another fucking blue rock

Physical backing; gold standard.

If we're speaking enterprise, plumbers and doctors make about the same amount until about 10-15 years in.

>every real astronomer knows about the radiation belt preventing anyone from leaving this planet
nigga do you also believe the sun is a lightbulb

Eastern markets seem to think silver and gold.

no we're not you faggot

>radiation like that will kill a human
apollo guys were fine tho. the only thing dangerous about the radiation belt is the possibility it traps some anti-matter.

as i read into it's kinda funny. they took a huge gamble with the van allen belts and decided if they rush through fast enough the radiation will not harm the astronauts much. it was also not like they were expected to make the trip more than one time either.

so it's not like we can't pass them, it's more like unless shielding is improved there are risks to passing it every time and one must minimize the time spent there.

oh and they actually did as i suspected: they found trajectories that minimized the time spent in the belts by going through the very edges.

i guess nasa finds this cumbersome and they want to go right through with impunity, which explains the statement "We must solve these challenges before we send people through this region of space...."

>He wants to live like a fucking Amish

Have fun with that my man, but I prefer to live like a baller and blow hella chronic smoke

if anyone is interested a well compiled refute to this guys lunacy, and an explanation how very not true that the van allen belts are unpassable barrier around earth preventing us from space travel:

fuck off pinko

Fuck all religion, it leads to more conflict over bullshit than anything else. What we should follow is simply:
>make money without harming others
>try to perfect yourself throughout your life
>help others around you
>be happy, and make other people happy

Thats it. Just do that.

imo religion is just a convenient excuse. wars had been over resources more than anything. empires of the past were built on religions. but it only helped them stay together rather than came to be.