League of Legends - /lolg/

EU always wins edition

Last time on /lolg/:

fluffy tails!

thanks, friend

post skins

still looking for detailed full version of this one, I lost mine and its impossible to find back

Remove /pol/

remove /reddit/

early for fuck off /pol/

What's the best Evelynn skin?

>be adc
>enemy team has nami, annie, irelia, morg

haha really enjoying this game

Where's the hammer handle OP? Is that why she's sitting so straight?

Just don't reply to any of that shit. Fuck them.

I like that thief one.

>Remove /pol/
>Not realizing that this is, has, and always will be caused by EU vs NA shitposting
>But instead let's have more EU vs NA threads and blame /pol/ for the obvious result

Never change.

How do I play VI?
I max Q>W>E right?
Do I still take Colossus even after the nerfs? lethality AS or AD reds?

i really love her plant design there.

here's my favorite concept i've seen recently. gumae is amazing

Xth for Katarina
best girl

why? Do like I do and get banned every three days for triggerings plebs.

xth for my boy was right to help end segregation

>tfw your mid and bot rush a BF Sword

sounds comfy~


I have a theory:

Riot actually hates URF because their own internal numbers show masses of players quitting after URF because they go back to normal league and realize it's too slow.

Why else would they wait so long before including URF as a rotating game mode and even then, make it a watered down version that restricts player choice.
Also note that Riot didn't make practice tool multiplayer because they were afraid of minigames killing off the main game

Wouldn't surprise me if this is the last time we see URF for a while.

I don't wholly disagree with /pol/ but holy moly you don't have to talk about politics at every opportunity.
Also Dolph Lundgren champion when?

xth for Syndra

I wanna pretend like I'm void of errors and cuddle Jinx.

>3 tanks
>they still lose
Guess the tank gameplay wasn't exciting.

EU vs NA shitposting is so fucking pointless, like I don't understand it. Both are objectively inferior to Koreans, so all of this shitflinging for who's second best, if that even?

And I'm saying this as a known TSMfag.


Xth for hopefully this will be the last time an org makes the mistake of signing goldenglue
He's had so many chances since like season three, and he's NEVER performed. Why do so many orgs keep giving him a shot?

I wasn't even in this argument, but the Euro side can't really pretend like you weren't 50% of that entire thing last thread.



and the fact that its yet again unavailable for custom games

there has to be a reason surely

Wrong. Riot hates URF because URF isn't ranked, so players aren't perpetually compelled to play it even when they no longer want to motivated by a cynical skinner box set up. People play URF purely for their own enjoyment and nothing more, meaning when they are no longer having fun they drop it all together. Unlike Ranked, where people will keep playing for years despite hating the game.

I'm pretty sure the top 5 teams of LCK are top 5 in the world anyways.

Urf isn't more fun than 5v5 user, it's less. Kits have steadily progressed in the direction where urf's nature is meaningless, and several champions are balanced from being total tumors via the cdr cap.

Q first always, W or E second is kinda situational. E second if they have lots of squishies and you need burst damage, W second if they have lots of tanks or you're going to focus on objective control

The answer is obvious to anyone who understands multiplayer video games and riots intentions here.

What makes games like League, Dota, and CS:GO mega popular? It's the ESPORTS, the COMPETITIVENESS. This is why every new game like Overwatch tries to have a ranked system and shove it down your fucking face.

MMOs were similar because they had high scores. Basically if you want to keep people playing the same game for years you need to give them a reason to improve at it, and the drive to get better will keep them playing.

URF doesn't offer that. With normal games you are basically just playing RANKED: LITE so that new players can get used to ranked and feel safe jumping into it. URF isn't anything like ranked, and so it has to be limited or else people might play just to have fun and that means they could end up not getting into ESPORTS and RANKED, and that's not what Riot wants.

I assure you if ARAM was made today it would be in the rotating game mode queue.

Peke is teh beast.

/pol/ should've been nuked a long time ago.

It's literally a cesspit of neckbeard contrarians who circlejerk about triggering muh libtards and muh white superiority when all of them haven't accomplished jack shit in their lives and think riding on the coattails of their ancestors means shit.

It's also by far the board with the most /r9k/ leakage, as evidenced by all the bitching of why they can't get a gf and how all women are degenerate

>true damage
>armor shred
>""""""""""nerfed""""""""""" several times
>still cancer

its fucking incredible how they pull it off

>E second if they have lots of squishies
Isn't 6% max hp damage going to be more than 80 flat damage in almost every situation by level 13, even against squishies?

You may only respond to this comment if you have a worse winrate on AR URF than me

>Poppy stuns me against a wall
>Stuns me again
>and again

Urf is shit

that image looks more like lux tho, she works better as a demacian with shyv than kayle

kayle is stacked as fuck too

Breaking all the rules to let you know that I got some cancer and my winrate is still negative


Yes, but you have to land 3 hits for that to apply and you want to be able to dish out as much damage as soon as possible after ulting a squishy

Whom are you quoting?

Jesus christ I just had a game where my lux support and jungle fed making my lane opponent 7/0 and she took my farm all game ulting the wave and shit because I called her bad and my jungle lee sin went 0/9/8 and the enemy team also got two infernal drakes.
Just awful. Shoulda dodged the lux support but didn't because I already dodged my jungle nautilus who had his first pick banned by my teammate and his lee sin picked by the enemy team.

>also be adc
>get tired of shit
>start playing jg
>my bot lane goes bt first corki and ziggs supp
>they get shit on

sometimes i feel like i play adc so we have one less idiot on the team. i'd rather have a mediocre jg over a mediocre adc

Well boys, I had a legit 1v9 game. I ended 14/7/x and had most damage, but my team legit did nothing. Next two games my team feeds 10 + kills in 10 minutes, and we open in both.

3 losses where had I been on the enemy side, I would have gotten free wins. It's honestly fucking depressing that the game works like this.

0% win rate

0% loss rate

What does your champ do on their day off?

It's true though. Imagine if all blacks constantly declared that they were masters of finances and money because Mansa Musa existed.

kill yourself please

>tfw you miss the old ROX tigers
>tfw remembering the absolute horse shit that was the juggermaw composition
>tfw remembering the cat ears

nice blog how do i unsubscribe?

is there anything lower than talking shit in urf?

ivern and zyra are exchanging gardening tips at this very moment

we wuz...

good retort

go on dates with his bf~

>implying he gets a day off


juggermaw was the shit

I believe it was played once this season in LCK though, and they won

I mean, you used the quote feature but I don't see the text you quoted anywhere in the thread????

I find it hilarious how much irony is lost on the same people posting WE WUZ KANGZ are the same people claim how whites are superior to all because of what some guy they've only read in a history book did.

Talking shit in a level 5 game where you're a diamond smurf and most of the players are either new to the game or way below you in elo

2-6 on my main

grooms her tails

But Q>AA>E procs W and you only need to proc W once to kill a squishy? Even then you get two charges of E so you can kill 2, 1 E for each since proccing W will also give you tons of AS for the second.

6% is 6 damage per 100 health they have. at 1k health it does 60 dmg. at 1500 health it does 90 dmg.

Divide the damage by 3 to get your per hit damage so long as you get to hit them 3 times. It's not worth getting more than 1 point in W before maxing E if you want to pvp.

Can we all agree that this meta is top 5 worst of all time in league?
>Top lane is a snorefest with nautilus and maokai or fucking shen every game even carries are fucks farming for 20 min gp
>Jungle is who can burst faster the squishies, pick that champ
>Mid is push lane roam
>ADC...you already know
>Support is basically rejects from midlane

Like legit i am not having a bit of fun playing this game right now (plat elo). Straight up i want to uninstall first time after starting like 4 years ago.

Anyone else feels the same?

well memed good sir xD

Scuba diving.
Or suit diving, whatever.


>Can we all agree that this meta is top 5 worst of all time in league?

season two was much worse if you didn't play mid/adc imo
Also league of cleavers will never not be the simultaneous best and worst meta

...i thought it was kangz and shit :/

>point out that jews and asians have higher IQS than whites

Yeah it's pretty shit but at least it's getting to the point where they can't ignore some of these problems and some of the shit is getting nerfed.

I will 100% take this meta over the bullshit that was early S5/S6. Especially in SoloQ where tanks aren't even remotely as dominant

>bawwww this is the worst meta of all time.
says every person in every meta

Nonsense. Zed has no penis.

He is an ethereal shadow being.


I've literally never had a good ign in my life!!!

6-2 on my alt

I don't think she has "days off" but more than likely fixes the guns, sleeps, and finds ways to fill the time before deciding her day off is done.

>when all of them haven't accomplished jack shit in their lives and think riding on the coattails of their ancestors means shit.
That would mean they're actually white.

Have you ever seen a pic of a /pol/ irl gathering? They're all self-hating hispanics.

League if Cleaver was patched in like a week. I want this meme to stop



we wuz kangz an shiet is the most racist thing on the entire internet and it still makes me laugh

Am I scum

no, S1 meta with innverating locket gragas/udyr/socket was infinitely worse

>le heal 75 hp everytime i use an ability xd

Try your name or the name of your favorite meme and then the year you were born

So for you, it'd be something like Timmy2003 or Pepe2003

mansa musa in civ4 was great. prove me wrong.

civ 4 was the best civ of all time... so far

do you think that laughing at something over the internet carries moral worth?

I'm trying to do the math. 80 is the difference between a level 1 and a level 5 E, and 6% is the difference between a level 1 and 5 W. Divide 80 by 6 (13.3) and multiply by 100 and you arrive at the breaking point of 1330 HP. Almost every champion in the game will have 1330 HP by level 13 without runes masteries or items. So a Q>AA>E(W proc) will do more damage to a champion with more than 1330 HP if you max W rather than E second.

E max is only better against squishies if you're blowing both E charges on one target.

I legit laugh at it every time I see it so you're not alone.

you niggers say this EVERY META

truth is, mid roaming, lethality being busted, mages shitting out damage, tanks and bruisers outdamageing full build adcs is GOOD

the only meta its bad for is adcs but theyll bitch as long as they arent the most busted things in the game

at least it isnt cynderhulk meta with a tank in top, a tank in the jungle, a tank as support with every single fight taking long enough for a carry to spawn and come back with another healthbar and ult to finish a fight

now its a game of chicken with assassins while tanks either run down adcs/mages and supports peel for them

the games fine and the only reason you bitch is because you forgot how to have fun with the game, stop playing for a while and come back when you learn to enjoy things for what they are

leagues a game, if youre not having fun with a game stop playing

> ryze
> day off

in all seriousness.
all complete seriousness, as in no more memes or witty comebacks.
all of that shit aside, completely serious right now.
if I had a gun with one bullet, and you were standing in front of me.
but next to you, was Hitler, alive again and ready to kill another 7 million or so Jews.
Honestly, I would shoot you. I really would. Why you're even on /jp/ is something I really would like to know. I want to know how you managed to stumble into this place, and who told you about this secret place of the internet.

Honestly, you're the sole reason Veeky Forums is full of fail nowadays. It would give me great pleasure to know that before I left, I could at least convince one idiot to leave this place for those with a positive IQ.

So please, in all seriousness, just leave this place and never return.

Not racist, but incredibly boring. It's a stale meme that never has any variation. Repetition in comedy is terrible.

urf ahri is too good

xth for breast metal waifu

I miss Force of Nature

are there even any non redditors in this thread