League of Legends general /lolg/

The Big Bull am winning again edition.

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fluffy tails c:


which shaco skin should i buy
silver btw


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Do you guys think he always feels down because of his anchor?

I just hit level 30 and have 15k IP. Which runes should I buy to have the ability to fill any roll?

comfy bfs~

Why no S? :( i cant tell you how mnay games ive lost as ivern with that score


xth for Syndra

low cs and no kills.

>min 33
>100 farm
>2nd lowest gold
>why no s
u srs?

I want to IMPREGNATE Riven, then watch as she dies a horrible death during childbirth!

but im a support

>be jungler
>my toplaner thought he was the jungler in champ select so he picked Kha with smite
>my midlane Viktor got his shit pushed in hard by Orianna
>my botlane picked Vayne/Sion into Varus/MF

That game went about as well as I thought it would. Tried my hardest to salvage mid and bot without falling behind but nope couldn't do it.

>naut takes a total of 31 nexus tower shots
>in the middle of a team fight
>still has plenty of health leftover after both towers go down despite taking damage from both turrets and their team
how the fuck can anyone take this game serious from a competitive point of view?

Xth for Katarina
best girl

doesn't matter, you need to steal kills if you want an S.

no you are jungle

Everything with lethality. Everything.

>have friend who is #1 maokai
>he got master 66 lp
>1 week later watch op.gg
>d5 0 lp
>20 games lost straight
man am i glad i stopped playing this game srsly

How fertile do you think she is?

Armor yellows and MR blues. There should be several runes that are permanently discounted too, think about picking those up.

Recommend my more animoo lolg. I just finished powering through Overlord today

About as fertile as the dirty halfbreed.

>>ivern isnt a support

He's the coolest person ever!
Tomorrow is probably going to suck!
Himouto! Umaru-chan!


you protect turrets, not the other way around

I wish Riot would add some kind of reflect mechanic.

I just wanna have a Jinx launch her stupid fucking rocket at me so I can throw it back at her. Or Jhin's ult bullets. Can you imagine the horror at seeing those fly back at you? Oh god.

Why doesn't Irelia see any high elo play? What counters her so hard?

This. The turrets protect the Nexus and you protect both.

Someone hug me.

>champ is mostly played jungle
>claiming that this champ is Support
dude are you trolling?

btw s ratings etc are based on how other people score with a given champ

Gurren Lagann
Psycho Pass

Unless you want something more lighthearted

My Love Story

the meta counters her. cant build lethality and doesnt dish out enough dmg while going full tank.

next you will tell me graves isn't a marksmen

what's wrong user?

Not good in teamfights, gets kited, single target oriented rather than AoE, very binary playstyle that lacks flexibility needed in pro play

I'm sad an lonely.

where is graves played mainly?
so he is a jungler

you cant be that stupid to not understand that

lotta people are buddy, gotta toughen up and keep going

It's not gay if I want to try being buttfucked once, right? I think it might feel good being pounded by a big strong guy while he kisses me. Pretty sure it's just natural curiosity for all guys to wanna try it once and not really homo unless I actually like it.

tfw have 8k ip to spend

tfw waiting for the new champ to use it but we still have to wait for galio and THEN another two months.....

Madoka Magica

So Ivern is a support jungler while graves is a carry jungler

Zyra is a carry support while Braum is a tank support

im a gay and Ive never wanted to be dominated by a bigger man bub

youre bi

It's hard.

you're literally the gayest faggot that ever sucked dick

no, is

How do gays work?

Like, I understand wanting to suck a cock, and wanting to get fucked in the ass and such.

But the ones who do it, why would you fuck a man? Or get your dick sucked by a man? Isn't a girl better for that? How does it work?


xth for creative use of cc


advice from king gay

I want to marry Jinx!

>tfw girl cock doesn't exist



Just went on a 5 game winning streak, now I'm silver 3. Eat my ass peasants : ^)

I wonder the same thing. Why do gay doms even exist?

>Ever settling down

thread is off to a great start

t. destroyer

Thread has been up for almost 30 minutes and there's next to none meaningful discussion has been made.
At this point i shouldn't even be surprised.

Does anyone else think league of legends sucks major dick and they can't stop playing this shit game because they're addicted.


No, i only play to autistically main champs like vel'koz, ekko, hecarim and jinx.

Lethality meta fucking sucking though

Reasons to pick Warwick over Jax?

any tips on my builds, my kill parc%, cs, etc..?

Thanks user ;_;

hello, you are me

>lose: feel like shit
>win: feels undeserved

game is actually boring if you think about it. you can only do 4 different things. imagine any single player game and you only had 4 abilities from start to finish.

Out of curiosity, is there a script to figure out Rengar's location during his ult? Not a scripter (or a Rengar picker) but it seems like it would be pretty easy to do based on his MS, who gets the ult-mark and when.

when it comes to preference I prefer girly but still boyish guys

its not really a sexual thing for me since id prefer to just hold someone and just be with them rather than the entire relationship be bound by sex

I dont understand how a guy would ever wanna be a sub tho since teasing someone and making them embarrassed gives me more enjoyment than it being done on myself

is everything alright?


It's gonna be alright.

Is this part of a full picture?

I can break these cuffs!

haha jayce is fun
guess which team lost haha it was mine

xth for ascending to the throne of tacotown through brute force and cancer

u cant break those cuffs


I want to milk him

>Not taking Ghost


its on eyoson my man

>lose ranked game
>win ranked game
>"I just got lucky"
>play norms and have fun
>get laughed at because silver
I wish TF2 didn't go down the shitbox
and that I could go fast enough to have fun on Titanfall 2
Now I'm stuck with this shitty game to avoid life

I don't know for sure.
Thanks nautposter, you're nice.

I wish I hadn't gone up those stairs. I should've stayed at the bottom and let some other poor bastard make the discovery. But how could I ignore that godawful noise? That low, dull wailing, fitfully punctuated with high-pitched screams of grief. I couldn't bear it, and so I climbed the stairs. The pictures on the wall told nothing out of the ordinary: your average friendly bro-op photo. But of course, these had all been taken years ago, back before Yiliang had to go away. In the later pictures you could already see the dark and troubled expressions clouding his face. And then, after a point, there were no pictures. The most recent photo was dated nearly 3 years ago. Its frame was smashed and judging from the dent in the wall, it looked like somebody had thrown it with tremendous anger. It was the most recent picture of them. The last one taken before ?Zaqueri was taken to the hospital. As much as I tried to convince myself that this was just a normal domestic row, I knew in my heart that I... I wouldn't be ready for what lay behind that door. And then I saw him. crouched over his body, blood everywhere. Up his arms. On the bed. Splattered across the wall and flecked across his face. His limbs jutted out at broken angles, and his face... oh christ, his face. If it hadn't been their house, I wouldn't have known it was him. And there he was, just bawling his eyes out, still clutching the bloodied bronze statue, his face beetroot-red with rage, grief and bloody frenzy. Trying his best to push his mangled face back into some semblance of order, trying to smooth out the creases in his jersey with his fumbling fingers.

Jesus christ, Doublelift. One season. That's all you'd been out for. One fucking season.

>Have quinn who hard carries
>All over the map
>The right place, the right time
>Get her on team the very next game
>Gets behind two levels

I guess the "having a bad game" meme does exist.

Just cropped this from a porno image, looks like a fun reaction image.


i feel bad for the bird :(

>I dont understand how a guy would ever wanna be a sub tho since teasing someone and making them embarrassed gives me more enjoyment than it being done on myself

Why on a guy and not on a girl though?

No need to feel bad

>Team refuses to ban Graves
>says "He's not that bad"
>An enemy is Legendary (graves)
>This is why you ban graves
>Report X for being toxic

Cropped smut always makes good reaction images.

rate my league of legends player attributes please ^^

