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no leaks no releases


What are the odds of Zen being nerfed before, say, the end of the next season? Trying to decide what goalds to buy.

This. New hero not today.

Very low. Zen is balanced as fuck right now.

What's the edgiest line in the game?
Impossible mode: No Reaper

Mercy! :3

>People expecting the new hero to go live today without it being in the PTR

>People ACTUALLY BELIEVE there will be a reveal today and will get butthurt when it's fucking nothing

efi's robot colors are SHREK COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of zen.

where's discord link

>"Alright guys, we just need to stay together"
>Roadhog immediately waddles down a flank on his own

I want to ______ new hero

Only shitters reload Mercy pistol.

>heroes you thought you would be good at
Mercy, Bastion, Torbjorn.

>heroes you're actually good at
Mercy, Roadhog, Torbjorn, Symmetra, Reinhardt, Winston.


who /doesntevenwantanewherotodayjustasickcinematic/ here?

>Ánything cán be hácked
>only very specific things can be hacked

Consider the following: Sombra

How do we get Blizzard to stop dragging their feet with the new heroes? They take forever to come out and the last one was shit anyway.

why can't sombra hack robots

Wrestle with Jeff and win.

ill pass

>be widow
>king's row
>team is putting so little pressure on the enemy team that I get 3v1'd for the first minute of the match
>they lose the point immediately after I die
>we lose the match in record time
>"shitty widow"
>point out that they're applying no pressure
>"not our job to defend widow noob"
>we get on attack
>guy who went "shitty widow" insta locks widow because he thinks I main her
>pick Soldier 76
>do 21,4k fucking damage
>32% of team's total damage
>win match
>gold medals galore
>tell them that's how pressure works
>"yeah but you didnt hear us whine"
>"you kept shooting at Reinhardt's shield so it doesn't count"
>they think you shouldn't shoot at Reinhardt's shield

>>heroes you're actually good at
>Mercy, Roadhog, Torbjorn, Symmetra, Reinhardt, Winston.

>No aim, no aim, no aim, no aim, no aim, no aim.

Nice user. Why the fuck are you playing an FPS?

Why can't sombra hack shield generators

Remember to buy Lucio-OH's™! They will make a genius out of you

Tell Jeff to meet me by the flagpole after school. It's goin' down.

why can't sombra hack the basket so it goes off without a ball going through it??

There are no robots in the game. Closest thing to robots are Torbjorn/Symmetra's sentries and Junkrat's Riptire.

believe the new hero is not the lil' coffee monkey but she is just the helper of the actual

What toy comes in the box?


>having gold damage doesn't mean anything because it could all be rein barrier.

"Medals don't mean anything" is my least favorite of the many game-ruining reddit memes.

Mini boops

>it's a your team stands in front of a Rein shield without shooting it episode

Consider this

The only way to get blizzard to do something different is through enough negativity that they can't ignore it like with making event items purchasable and removing hero stacking from comp. Hell, Blizzard seriously fought against the second one for a while before changing their mind.

>torb no aim
His turret is more of a accessory
His rivet gun is his deadly weapon

Is season 4 going to be the bastion meta?

xth for Karl 'Bullshit Man' Pilkington is the new hero

>they lose the point immediately after I die

I know this feel too well. And it's not like they're fucking healing me either.

And then you ask why they didn't heal and they're like 'ooh ooh line of sight bro'

>you were staring at them as you died

No more like you're a brain damaged retard that tunnel visions hard.

To beat people like you without needing to aim, of course.

Omnics aren't robots. They're machines, but they're not robots since they have free will.

Your favorite video game character is now a hero, describe their E

>summons a bubble of bees that place a DOT on anyone who shoots you

hopefully not

>team stands in front of it shooting
>they don't walk through it while he's alone

bastion isn't an omnic


He is but you can call him either.

He is. An Omnic made for war, but still an Omnic

Adversely, it kinda pisses me off when people shit on me for the opposite situation.

>haha 14k average damage done on soldier? you suck! hahahaahahhahaah

Then you look at theirs and they're a roadhog picking shit who can only manage a staggering 16k.

these people feel validated shooting at shields all day.

Dresses skin when?

Torbs who know how to aim are scary af

How the fuck is Bastion not an omnic?


do I reject them all?


I think people are expecting it to hit PTR dumbass

Why do all the girls in this game have such great bottoms?

hopefully yes

You would be fucking shocked how many people think that his barrier can't be walked through.

Even in diamond.

>there are people who think shooting at Reinhardt's shield is a waste of time


>fire blindly down anubis b choke while dancing like an idiot

absoleutely. I've had about 10 people add me during the past week from quick play asking me to 'coach' them and shit.

what am i supposed to teach them if their mechanical skill blows dick?

Magical girl skins when?


>adheres a swiftly-arming venom mine to nearly any surface. When a target wanders within range of the mine’s motion trigger, it explodes, delivering poison gas to any enemies in the vicinity.

>waddle into rein's shield and right-click him to death as torb
>both teams visibly confused for a few seconds

I hate placing in gold



Okay, what the fuck? How can there be so many people who have more than 10 hours played who have clearly never, EVER played Reinhardt? List of shit people seem to believe about his shield:

>can't be walked through
>doesn't break
>allies can't shoot through it

No wonder people think he's OP.

[Absolutely nothing]

>Hammer down
>your team isn't retarded

What happened to the discord did the trannies die or something

Why can't Sombra EMP Symmetra turrets?


>play Zen
>enemy Reinhardt has 25ish HP left
>he's holding his shield up
>Hanzo in team is struggling to take him down and keeps shooting his shield
>casually float over to the Rein and kick him
>Hanzo's face when

It's a meme to blame pretty much any defence hero. In fact every defence hero will always be blamed for the loss of a match.


>implants an embryo into the targeted enemy
>turns him into a copy of your hero and he's now on your team permanently

>Added an 'E' ability for Mercy
>Instantly allows Mercy to repick to an actually useful support character. Retains ultimate charge. Cannot switch back to Mercy.

>that pic
Fetal alcohol syndrome Sombra is a pretty specific fetish

Will Lucio boop autism out from Symmetra with his dick?

Couldn't find any butt-centric images that were also SFW.

Honestly as much time as it would save there's barely any worry about symm turrets when you've got that many rounds in your clip.

hi /k/

So do you guys think the new hero will be utter shit or stupid OP upon release?

>Mercy isn't the one with the fucking staff

>slows your stupid ass and makes you take more damage

>get gold elims as Torbjorn in a quickplay match
>gives elims to and kill participation card to a Reaper
>gives me armor card instead

Mercy is the only magical girl fuck off

...she can

I was thinking of an E for Mercy. One that absolutely make her a must-pick in the current meta.
E - Refresh
Removes a status effect from an ally and makes them immune to status effects for 3 seconds. Including Ana's anti-heal/sleep, Zen's discord, Mei's freeze and Sombra's hack.

Pretty overpowered, give it a high cooldown if necessary, but seriously fuck that shit.

That's not Symmetra.

Symmetra redemption when?

>Immune to status effects for 3 seconds

Make this 1 and it's okay.


Lucio is Symmetra's bitch/guinea pig.

Yes, I have like 5 RL friends and that's it. Solo queue all the way.

Yeah, no. Completely game breaking. Makes Mei even more useless than she already is.

Cos Rein is shit to play if your team has wank positioning or the enemy is basically unpredictable

>needed a Rein on Hanamura the other day
>I'm not good with him
>but it's not hard to be an okay Rein
>blocked an Earthshatter or 2
>2nd point
>"group up with me!"
>come on guys we can afford to take the high ground here
>half the team stays on the point no matter what
>other half is outside the building trying to intercept the enemy instead of just letting them come to us
>enemy only makes 2 pushes up top anyway
>end up just sitting on the point trying not to take any risks because if I die on point it's basically over

I think that's actually a great idea. That's not even op in my opinion. Maybe being immune for 3 seconds kind of is though