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Supports Are For Lewd Vol.2

Janna Maid Edition

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why do i care what a weeaboo thinks

literally unemployable trash

>pros of dating quinn
very nice!
loves you very much!

>cons of dating quinn
Valor will try to cuck you
Valor will cuck you

*supporting is fun*

Okay guys, should new Mordekaiser just be a tank/juggernaut, or should he be a weird carry-top who doesn't really fit an established archetype with a gimmick like GP?

Morde nerfs when

Best girl.
Best scent.
Best wife.

supports are NOT for lewd DELET THIS

comfy bfs~

>Jinx with chub

Delet this

How much do they weigh?

reminder not to bully your support and help ward!

A-anyone else here have a big butt for a male?

>hey adc i know your busy doing literally everything in this lane but can you help me do my job too?

jesus christ gas all supports

woad or corsair quin?

Is there a place to look up my flex que mmr? I'm gold(just got placed) but I'm playing vs diamonds(flex rank) and high plats(flex rank again)

>not the deputy ducke version

>Team Gates shitpicking Wukong
>Strompest getting dicked HARD

Shit player owns shit team, whoda thunk it

flex is a joke, your mmr isn't high, flex is jsut a joke

>blast cone over the wall into suicide

>go through bans
>nobody gets banned out of their intended pick
What was the point

>watching na cs

just don't

I wanna cuddle futa Jinx

and you know the enemies intended pick how?

I just use it as a warm up.

>tfw no irl Quinn gf
Life succs

How do I play Illaoi into Teemo?

how big are sona's breasts?

Do you have a bbc

Was it the farm that prevented me from going any higher than S-?

Tfw no heartbreaker Jhin skin

Do people actually like Boxerpete? His game knowledge is pretty nice to listen to but everything else about him comes off as a cringy 14 year old talking shit on XBL.

>literally 2 times her head

MFfags in eternal delusion

is this thing even a fucking human being

>cropping out the game time and W:L ratio

How are we supposed to know?

That said ive never gotten above A+ with 3 deaths or more; I also have Gold I or worse CS/m

His gameplay and knowledge are sick but yeah I wish he wouldn't make your mom jokes and fart every 5 seconds

I unironically want a Heartseeker Twitch skin and Im not one of those fags that ships him with ZAC for some reason.

Looks better than my match history at the moment. I dont know what it is that prevents me from winning (yes I do; I make a terrible play late game and spend the next 5 years grey screen)

Apologies, game time was 38 minutes and W:L is about 12:10 give or take.

Twitch user, was that story satisfactory?

i want to look EXACTLY like janna!

>he watches any streamer but our boy

Yea probably your farm since most mid vels farm well you need to farm super well to get an s or s+

>207 CS at 38 minutes

I know you were busy farming champs but come the fuck on you spent too much time not dead to have basically ignored your lanes like that

neck yourself my dude

No I need more

Other user, but you doing other stories?

How do you proxy Singed? go behind their turrets and run around with Q? It takes forever to kill anything and you take a million damage even if champs dont touch you.
I guess I did it wrong.


Well I can't help there


I've a chronic issue in ranked, especially as a mid laner now that I've transitioned there from Jungle, to waltz around the map doing fuck all for periods of time which, as you can see, has a horrific impact on my farm. It's something I'm trying to work on though.

I should be doing better with the amount of wave clear he has, that's for sure.


>not knowing Janna user is a girl


She can neck herself all the same tbhwyf.

i'd die for you
that's easy to say

Honestly its way better to lane early and then proxy. Singed has surprising high damage early so he can usually push a few waves without getting killed then back get a couple seals/corrupting and then proxy. You might even have a total idiot top who doesn't respect you much and you will get a free kill. Don't fall for the Singed420 meme.

instead of right clicking just burst Q and let the creeps follow you. A couple AP runes dont hurt either.

You can really get up to three waves reliably if no one wants to mess with you


I wish someone would look EXACTLY like Ahri for me.


Try to have 6 or 7 cs per min to get an s+ pic is a game I got s+ on.


Singed can only lane and proxy when he kills/pushes opponent out of lane and it's only to buffer one wave in plat and up
There's literally no gain from proxying against someone that can hold the wave before the turret which is most top laners
t. D5 singed main

l want you to look exactly like janna to then impregnate you!


>singed lanes against me
>only proxies
>i get perfect cs and slowly outscale


Where do I go to watch lck shit?

I did it anons!
Thank you for believing ; u ;

What is the point of challenger series.
Like do the people there even get paid


>slowly outscale a singed that has perfect cs
>implying singed scales well at all
Singed is literally weaker Mundo with hard cc at level 13
Every other tank outclasses singed after 30 minutes

No, just some lurker

no thats what im saying

im playing a tank who can very comfortably last hit under tower, and the silver singed is proxying and slowly becoming irrelevant

im just agreeing with you is all

Well done if that's true. Think you can keep it until the end of the season?

That I'm not too sure. pretty sure i'll lose it in a week or so ._.

>first game of the day
>get in queue
>top lane asks for mid
>I say no
>jungler says he doesnt mind
>top locks in a mid laner
>asks me why im going TF top
>I tell him im not because im not giving him my role
>this happens AFTER jungle locks in morg jung
>no dodges
>first thing that happens is ziggs dies to WW
>second thing that happens is ziggs dieing to WW
>third death to WW 5 min in
>I gank bot getting a few kills
>fourth ziggs death and my team starts to tilt
>raka says she gives up and vayne says shes gonna afk farm
>morg gets pissed cause every time she ganks ziggs he dies
>I lock in the five pieces of exodia and we win two teamfights in a row
>shaco decides to split push after losing the third fight so we end

I this game tilts me so hard, I won but I dont even feel happy

This works in surprisingly high elos as well.
I was climbing this season, got autofilled top and just went Jax with cull start against this nigga at D5
>i'm literal Cull Jax
>this guy never tries to fight me and just proxies
>I buy cutlas and never lose health on the tower either
>both have perfect CS
>Murderbone their ADC and mid with 300 CS while Singed runs around farting and laughing

Boy I love ranked

w-wow user thats way too lewd!

as a renekton how do i lane vs a garen?

>proxying a fucking jax
This makes my brain hurt it's just so cringey
Jax is literally the easiest singed match up. Even easier than shen. I think it's cute when top starts cull when I play singed and I don't even singed420 proxy anyways.
Nobody understands how strong singed's level 2 and level 6 are stronger than most other tops period.


Supports with less than 80% kill participation are detriments to their team.


pick a different champion since laning against a counterpick as a shit scaling lanebully is as effective as going afk for the first 20 min of the game

pick pantheon or darius against a garen

holy fucc u guys suck jesus christ

farm because he's obnoxious as fuck to lane against unless you can somehow find an opportunity to kill him at an early level if he uses his q to last hit and you know your rotation + ignite can kill him

if not just outscale his usefulness and someone who can actually dive and kill carries late game and even mid assuming you're not behind

I wanna cuddle and protect Lulu!
She's the adorablest!

>playing support
>choose traditional support
>enemy chooses a high damage mage "support"
>they do a lot of work in the early game
>they build full ap
>meanwhile I'm full utility
>redemption, locket, mikaels, etc.
>enemy support gets progressively more useless as the game goes on
>can't do much through my heals, shields, and cc
>win the game

True supports reign supreme.

very big. almost as big as MF's

>decide to support cause fuck it
>pick bard
>just do regular support shit
>get an S+ rating

Wtf lolbabs are bard players this bad?

hello silver 5

does that mean you're going to post her for about 100 times?

Bard players lose alot because most of the time the ADC they have are a total fucking monkey who doesn't understand that he needs to roam more often than a typical support.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>tfw the fanart was accurate

I'm already swimming WITH her right now. Sorry, but you're out of luck.

what top laner teaches good habits while being low skill floor with high skill ceiling? irelia?

You wish.