Why did the Europeans invade Africa, and the Africans not invade Europe?

I hope this isn't serious.
To answer your question, they weren't as organized as your standard European nation back then, plus their military was nowhere near that of the European one. Numbers was their only advantage.

The first muslim invasion of the Iberian peninsula was led by a Berber general

Africans invaded europe a bunch of times


North Africans did.

Sub Saharans didn't really have the opportunity to do so

it boils down to trade.
Lots of Africa is simply hard to reach.

No trade.
No profession.

Guns, germs and steel


North Africans invaded and held Iberia for centuries.

Considering that blacks failed to discover Madagascar on their own, to reach Europe...

North africans are basically tanned white people though.

such great dubs
wasted on such a shit book

No, they have 23% Nigger admixture.

Because Europe had a expansive economic system that need resources and new places to valorice capital, also a lot of poblation in a relative small place, unlike Africa that have a lot of resources and a less expansive economy.

Low IQs

They're fucking Arabs not African


africa begins in the pyrenees

Because Africans were always too dumb and weak to conquer Europe by force
But nowdays, the white man is so "evolved" Africans can invade Europe by using their own patheticness to inspire pity to the inhabitants of Europe
Sure it isnt as glorious as military conquest, but in the end only the final result matters


Berbers are Arabs

Back then no.
Now many berebers are arabized but non arabized barber and barber culture still thrives healthy

Blacks did go to Madagascar though.

They never had the numbers. Do you know how ducking small the African population was back then?

Groups like the Nubians spent a lot of time fighting for control of Egypt right

Everyone got a piece of Egypt at some point. You can say the same of a lot of the middle east.