Why were suits so common in the late 19th and first half of the 20th century?

Why were suits so common in the late 19th and first half of the 20th century?
They were worn by people across most cultures and seemingly very often.

Would you bring back the suit wearing fad Veeky Forums

They became less popular because t-shirts are cheaper.

Only clothes sold in the market.

Men had class back then

not like today with their pants around they're knees

Yeah i know what you mean, like, these peeps dont even wear turquoise shorts with tight stockings that go above the knee. Like, hellooo, arent you aware showing off calves is classy!


People had respect for themselves and for others.

Suits, and hats and walking sticks, I would bring them back all.

jesus never realized Veeky Forums was this much fedora

They were a sign of civilization. So people from non-western countries wore them to show that they could be civilized too.

To peope from western countries worked in a symilar way, a man who wore a suit was a man of value, no a some poor dude who lives in the provinces and doesnt even read the newspaper.


I kinda miss this style to at times because it seems cool looking so formal but then I realise these people wore them all the time, regardless of conditions, and how it uncomfortable it could be.

The world they lived in was a touch colder then ours current one. Not just global warming but also and more over the heat island effect. When concrete and asphalt replaced brick the heat island effect got a lot stronger then it had been.

Two world wars showed that dressing "civilized" and being civilized are entirely separate things.

really makes you think


wtf I hate suits now

t. anarcho primitivist



Edit: Thanks for the gold, stranger!

This was asked before some Veeky Forumstory Veeky Forumsg posted some reading material about this, as I remember it has something to do with cheaper clothing to supply a fast growing population. Mostly economic factors.
Lol, wtf?!

Suits are pretty common today as well. They're the only formal wear for men.

whoa, deep dude.

nailed it