What will happen once people find out that the reason unemployment is at record lows is because more and more people...

What will happen once people find out that the reason unemployment is at record lows is because more and more people are giving up looking for work (NEETs) or are taking low paid insecure freelancing jobs the government likes to promote to keep unemployment stats low?

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Trump will laugh.

anyone over the age of 30 already knows it.

nothing will happen. we're shifting away from traditional employment and careers. this is the normal and expected result of globalism. global trade is improving the standard of living for foreign workers at the expense of domestic ones. the US has been extremely wealthy the last 100 years, it has nowhere to go but down. the average worker has no access to the financial gains that come from exporting their jobs.

But the Fed keeps touting the unemployment rate like its some glorious achievement. Isn't it dangerous that the country's central bank is using a shitty statistic to justify interest rate adjustments?

>Isn't it dangerous that the country's central bank is using a shitty statistic to justify interest rate adjustments?
depends what people believe.

most consumers aren't going to believe you over the fed, and that's all that matters. People over the age of 30 that already know what you're saying is true are mostly doing well, so they don't care.

if there's anything to worry about it's millennials not getting jobs and not spending money, but that's already happening without much ill effect.

So putting aside the unemployment rate, how do you explain over 70 months of consecutive payroll increases? It's a fact that there's 14 million more actual, filled jobs since the recession.

>inb4 14 million "insecure freelancing jobs" kek

>how do you explain over 70 months of consecutive payroll increases?
> fact that there's 14 million more actual, filled jobs since the recession.
full time jobs?

>there's 14 million more actual, filled jobs since the recession.
there's also 20 million more people here since the recession. So jobs growth isn't even keeping up with population growth.

Wrong. Inflation affects prices and wages, not payrolls. Dumb cuck! Sad!

>20 million more people here since the recession
Oh no, my baby doesn't have a job! Thanks Obama!

Also there's the problem that those 14 million created came right on the heels of 9 million lost.

so even if they were all full time jobs, we've barely recovered jobs by numbers, and certainly haven't kept up with millennials entering the workforce.

>Inflation affects prices and wages, not payrolls
you should probably be aware that payrolls are directly affected by wages.

this conversation you're trying to have appears to be way over your head.

>my baby doesn't have a job!
It's easier to calculate population growth than the number of new grads entering the workforce.

le labor force meme rate is dropping quite significantly. surely thats not just from all of the boomers and gen x retiring right?

>gen x retiring
most of us have about 30 more years to go.

>implying 50 year old NEETs still living with parents can continue

>Also there's the problem that those 14 million created came right on the heels of 9 million lost.
Wrong. 14 > 9. Simple math too hard for dumb cucks? Sad!

>you should probably be aware that payrolls are directly affected by wages.
Wages have been flat. Payrolls are up.


Many explanations for labor participation rate changes. That's why we focus on new job creation.

New job is new job. Why don't you get this? Sad!

Wrong! Dumb millennial doesn't know he's not Gen X. Sad!

Why do you cucks try to argue facts with people smarter than you? Just stick to memes and naked patriotism while your leader fuck you in the ass and violate every promise they made to you to get elected. Kek.

true story- I have a cousin that's over 50 and moved out this year.

most of gen x didn't do that though. Boomers weren't quite as protective of their kids as we have been.

>Simple math too hard for dumb cucks?
>Wages have been flat
only when adjusted for inflation. Payrolls have been flat when adjusted too.
>Dumb millennial doesn't know he's not Gen X.
I've got pubes older than you.

Same shit here in Germany. People take minimum wage jobs for 8.50Euro/hour and then get subsidised by the state in order to get above poverty line but they aren't listed as unemployed or they get forced into 1Euro/hour jobs, still receive welfare but won't get listed as unemployed. It's a massive scheme.

>Payrolls have been flat when adjusted too
He thinks you adjust payrolls for inflation. Sad!

user, you are the classic dumb white American. Truly the trash of the U.S.A.

>How's that "draining the swamp" working for ya, cuck?

>He thinks you adjust payrolls for inflation.
I'm convinced now you don't actually know what payrolls are.

>How's that "draining the swamp" working for ya, cuck?
You wouldn't believe it if I told you. I'm going to make millions off the GOP privatizing government operations. If nothing else I won't lose hundreds of thousands from them shutting the government down twice a year every year.

just talking to myself here I guess. You have no clue what I'm saying.

>I'm convinced now you don't actually know what payrolls are.
I'm positive you don't. I'm guessing you think its salary or wage related, but it's actually a metric that measures job positions.

Jesus, you dumb white Americans are the worst.

>I'm going to make
You're not going to make anything but meth, cuck. You're clearly little more than a functional retard.

>it's actually a metric that measures job positions

we're discussing American statistics. Perhaps you as a non-American are having trouble understanding them?

let me know if I can help.

I dont give a fuck about your numbers.Trump won because everyones know you and your lttle charts are bullshit.Have you been in american.More homeless then ever before.Just go on fucking indeed and monster tell me about mum jobs.People are hurting and nothing will change it.Hate people like you.

Here you go cuck: bls.gov/

Ask someone at the plant to read it to you, since you appear too stupid to get it on your own.

And I'm an American, a true American, with enough self-respect to get a good education. Shame you're an uneducated cuck. Sad!

The ironic part is that dumb, poor white people like you elected a president that's going to make me even more wealthy. There are perks to being in the intellectual elite.

Now get go to bed, cuck. I don't want you messing us my lawn when you mow it in the morning.

>I dont give a fuck about your numbers.Trump won because everyones know you and your lttle charts are bullshit.Have you been in american.More homeless then ever before.Just go on fucking indeed and monster tell me about mum jobs.People are hurting and nothing will change it.Hate people like you.
Typical Trumpeter. So stupid he doesn't realize he's attacking another Drumpf cuck. Sad!

Deleting your post doesn't make you any less stupid, user. kys.

oh shit

did I miss something there?
was there some part of that page that says payrolls aren't related to wages?

>don't want you messing us my lawn when you mow it in the morning.
the irony

>doesn't know the difference between payrolls and wages

Notice how you keep repeating the same thing, even when I provide a source proving you're wrong? Stop being such a massive fag and admit that you're wrong.

We get it, you're poor, dumb and angry. You can work on your poverty: go get a better job. You can work on your ignorance: finish high school and aim for college. Your anger is your own demon to solve.

Get moving now, cuck, or you'll be stuck in the shitty life that caused all your problems. Stop blaming others for the fact that YOU are the fuck up.

>I provide a source proving you're wrong?
yes, I'm clearly an idiot.

quote the part of your source that says payrolls aren't related to wages.

because I'm not seeing that part. Honestly I think you're drunk off your ass.

>I'm clearly an idiot.
Finally, a fucking breakthrough. Admitting the problem is the first step to fixing it.

Small steps, user. Take this progress and apply it to the clusterfuck that is your life. Get some education. Find a good job. Stop being a burden on your family and society. You'll be much happier, and people will dislike you less.

Fuck you faggot.who do you think you are calling everyone cuck and shit. .gov is your problem and do you honestly think they would tell truth.Never trust goverment.People see that all minority get goverment jobs that use taxpayer money to pay salary.Homeless has increase,full time job are almost all service jobs,rising rent,food cost,and thanks to opic gas is going up.8 year of low interst Punishing Savers and muh credit.inflation eating away at people savings.credit bubble is once again going to pop.

I see you failed

failed to quote the part of your link that agrees with you.
because none of it does.

stay poor, you stupid motherfucker.

Haha, its the cuck who deleted his post because he was so stupid he yelled at the Trumpfag.

Any time I begin to wonder how stupid you Drumpfsters truly are, people like you show up and I've convinced again that there's no floor.

Jesus, you really can't read? I mean I was joking about it earlier, but even when you get the citation you still can't figure it out? Fuck, are you actually retarded? Like for real?

>stay poor
The irony. Some fag who probably collects my garbage is calling me a poorfag. This is comedy gold. Please keep going.

>are you actually retarded? Like for real?
I'm honestly curious.
I don't think you even checked what you posted.

I mean, you might be right, but nothing you posted agrees with you. Try the link.

hurry though, I've got my millions to make and I'm off to bed soon.

Obama made a deal with opec to lower gas and they get to kill shale.Obama doesnt want to increase fed to make him look good.Inflation is still killing savers.I am not pro obama or pro trump.Just trying to find the truth.borrowing is what got the american people in trouble but yet they are encouraging iit.taking out loan instead of rewarding savers.?????

I found the definition of "payrolls" used by the Bureau right on the website I linked. It's the same definition quoted on thousands of other websites. Any moron could have found it in a minute. Maybe you could have done it too, but you chose to shitpost for an hour while getting repeatedly mocked and ridiculed.

You're a cuck. You like the punishment and insults. Sad!

>I'm off to bed soon
Good. My garbage cans aren't going to empty themselves. Don't bang them around this time, cuck, or I'll have you written up.

Johnny Misquote is back again. Why are Trump supporters so fucking stupid?

I should probably tell you
yes, I take out 'your' garbage. In a manner of speaking

I take out the government's garbage and you are technically part of that.

in the time we've been talking I signed a deal for $90k.

I've made ninety thousand dollars while talking to you. That's what I get paid to take out 'your' garbage. Just thought you might like to know how close your guesses are.

now show me a fucking quote. Teach me something you pathetic motherfucker. How are payrolls not related to wages?

>I found the definition of "payrolls" used by the Bureau right on the website I linked
link me to it, I'm drunk. Prove yourself.
vindicate yourself.

win an argument.
of the two of us, I'll still be $90k richer in the morning.

>I take out 'your' garbage. In a manner of speaking

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK, this is the too fucking hilarious!!!!!!!!

A garbage man is trying to debate me on finance and politics!!!!!!!!!!1 I'm fucking dying here.

still no quote.
hurry the fuck up. get the right link. I almost believed you for a second.

Do you drive the truck, ride on the back, or switch off?

Honest question. I won't insult you any more. I feel sorry for you.

none of the above.

I'm your friendly local retired janitorial contractor.

I wasn't lying when I said I made $90k in the last hour, nor was I lying when I said I make money no matter who's in office.

I don't care if you make fun of me, I'm almost certainly wealthier than you.

I still want my quote, you posted the wrong link.

Stop roleplaying and answer my question. Do you need a special drivers license to drive the truck? Is it a seniority thing?

Also, does the stink ever wash off? I'm guessing you shower after every shift, but the odor must linger, right?

still no quote and the wrong link.


Given your lack of education and marketable skills, do you consider being a garbage man to be a good job? It's a union gig, I'm guessing, so the pay is probably decent for unskilled labor. Depending n how old you are, you might even be upper lower-class.

I don't mean to be insensitive in asking these questions. But the truth is, I don't get the chance to talk to common workers very often. Usually, your kind tend to stick to your parts of town.

I'll take that as your admission of defeat and concession that you were in fact lying.

have a good day.

Truth hurst huh.Dont listen to this faggot.This system is back by nothing.full faith and credit is what hold up this system.Faith and credit are only thing keeping this country together and everyone saw how fragile system really.Housing is not pre 2008 price in some areas.Obama should have let banks crash and we could have had homes on penny.Everyone go on indeed and monster and tell me all mum jobs .Goverment jobs are destroying america with pension and benefits.

dude i don't know if what you're saying is true but the way you type makes you come off as some homeless nutjob

just a heads up

Why won't you answer my questions? I'd be happy to tell you about my job and what its like to work in an office and get a large salary. Surely you're just as curious about that as I am about your job.

What was it about high school that you found so challenging, and did you finish or drop out?

I'm not going to pretend that I respect your job (you're just a garbage man, after all). But I am honestly curious. Where else but Veeky Forums can someone like you get a chance to talk to someone like me? If you tried this is the real world, you'd be fired.

>If you tried this is the real world, you'd be fired.
honestly made me laugh with this one.

I hire people way more expensive than you.

But that's the best you can do, isn't it?
You have no facts on your side so the best you can hope for is to amuse me and maybe if you're lucky gain from my drunken laughter.

You have amused me, child. If you want to impress me quote the definition you insist exists.

dude your on Veeky Forums at 3 in morning on tuesday lol.Office job my ass.

>I hire people way more expensive than you.
Haha. That's funny. How does a garbage man hire anyone?

Is roleplaying a coping mechanism for you? Also answer my questions, cuck. You're testing my patience.

>You have no facts on your side
Um, I gave you the facts, the chart, the source, and the cite. You're too stupid to check it for yourself.

Not. my. problem.

>You have amused me, child.
Hey, that's cool if you want to lash out at me. You probably have a lot of resentment towards the upper class given your situation. If it makes you feel better about your shitty life to go onto the internet and talk back to "the man" who am I to stop you.

Just don't forget that when your shift starts, you're labor and I'm management. In the real world, these distinctions matter.

>What are time zones and how do they work?

that's what I thought.
you've got nothing.

payrolls are dependent on wages and wages are affected by inflation.

I'm sorry I wasted time on you.

take I know for fact your not american.Fucking european ,tellling me about my country.Unless you wake up at 5 am in new york to shitpost on Veeky Forums.timestamp this then.according to your earliest id and timezone in us.

>payrolls are dependent on wages and wages are affected by inflation.
Payroll is the total of a company's wages. Payrolls is the measure of the number of paid positions.

Jesus, even a garbage man should have figured that out long ago. I explained this previously, and I gave you the citation.

I know similar words are confusing for people like you, but c'mon man, don't be a stereotype.

>Payroll is the total of a company's wages
you agreed that wages are affected by inflation, and now you admit that payrolls are the total of a company's wages.

so we agree that payrolls are affected by inflation.

I can sleep and your retarded self can go back to collecting welfare or whatever it is you do in Australia or whatever god forsaken country you live in.

Haha, you really are stupid. I explained exactly why you're wrong and you're just too dumb to see it.


Payrolls are NOT affected by inflation, dumbass. Stick to picking up garbage. You're WAY out of your league.

>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonfarm_payrolls> this is a number that is watched by the Fed as when it becomes low (generally anything below 5%) inflation is expected to start to creep up

tfw your citation disproves your claim

My citation proves that I'm right. Payrolls =//= payroll.

The Fed watches payrolls, inflation, wages, and many other things that are beyond your comprehension.

This is why you should have finished high school. You are looking like a fool here.

>this is a number that is watched by the Fed as when it becomes low (generally anything below 5%) inflation is expected to start to creep up
You do realize this quote refers to the unemployment rate, not the payrolls figure, right? You do know these are different things, right?

Holy fucking shit.

>You are looking like a fool here.
perhaps but you're doing a terrible job of explaining to me why I'm wrong.

I'm not the one looking like a fool and we both know it.

>perhaps but you're doing a terrible job of explaining to me why I'm wrong.
Your lack of education is a real hinderance here. It's like trying to teach calculus to a monkey. I'm doing my best, but you don't make it easy.

>I'm not the one looking like a fool and we both know it.
Sooooooo .... you're too stupid to understand the topic and I'm the fool because I can't successfully make you learn? Ok, cuck.

>I'm doing my best, but you don't make it easy.
you've spent 20+ posts insulting and 1 post providing information. If that's your best you should suck-start a shotgun.

I tried to treat you like an adult, and assumed you understand basic financial concepts. I assumed you knew that "payroll" and "payrolls" are two different things. Apparently I gave you WAY more credit than you deserve.

Once I realized who you were, I tried to dumb it down as much as possible. I spoon fed you the information.

But let's face it, someone like you isn't going to learn these things in a day. You couldn't even finish high school ... why should I expect you to understand labor statistics?

Also, stop blaming others for your ignorance. It's not the world's job to teach you the things you missed out when you gave up on formal education.

Stupid fucks like you are stupid for a reason.

so we agree that wages affect payrolls and inflation affects wages,
but you're still pretending inflation doesn't affect payrolls.

I think we're good here.

>so we agree that wages affect payrolls and inflation affects wages,
OMG fucking god, you must be trolling. Payroll =//= payrolls you dumb fucking garbage picking no education worthless cuck.

What is poverty like?

the data represents about 80% of United States employees, and provides monthly information about salary

Read more: investorwords.com/7681/non_farm_payroll.html#ixzz4UhevuFnp

affected by inflation

Done with your trolling. Now answer some questions.

Do you regret your lack of formal education? Do you think you could have gotten a degree, or is garbage man what you always aspired to be?

I claim to be the stupidest of the stupid

that way when you lose an argument with me (as you just spent hours doing) you will appear to be even stupider.

I am low.
You are lower.

dam goverment worker are not includes.That changes everything.WTF How could they not include them

Done with your trolling. Now answer some questions.

Why not the military? Surely you could have turned service into something better than garbage collection.

real life?
I served in the Marines. Active duty during war time but not in combat.

I've made millions (several) picking up trash.

you may or may not have better financial knowledge than me, it's hard to say. I wouldn't be surprised if you knew more about this than me though.

but knowledge or no I could hire you if I wanted to. You cost less than I make.

You served in the military and you couldn't get a decent job? That seems highly unlikely.

Drugs? Mental illness? Or just a good ol' fashioned fuckup?

goverment unions use inflation as reason for pay increase every year.Goverment employee wage as been increasing since 1969.everyones eles wage have been stagnate.They get increase and agree to that inflation affect their wage .Fucking goverment crooks

like I said, I made more money in the last two hours than you'll make all year. I don't have a job, so sad.

Stop roleplaying and answer my questions.

Drugs? Mental illness? Or just a good ol' fashioned fuckup?

I'll see if I can post you an award letter tomorrow night.

I just signed a government contract to haul trash for 2017. It will pay me more than you'll make in the next 5 years I guess.

assuming you're average.
which seems a bit generous.

It's nice that your employer is doing well, but you do realize your wages will stay the same right?

Talk to your union rep if you don't understand this stuff. You seem a bit delusional.

this guy here has a solid point-
government employees and contractors have been getting 3% increases every year regardless of the economy.

so when you pretend wages haven't gone up with inflation you're just tipping your hand. You're the employee here, and the one getting ripped off.

Do you regret your lack of formal education? Do you think you could have gotten a degree, or is garbage man what you always aspired to be?

I'd like to think you were actually this butthurt over being made a fool.

I'll pretend your pain is real if you keep displaying it.


They already know and don't care because they have the government boogeyman to blame all of their problems on.

Are you embarrassed by these questions? I would think someone who wallows in garbage all day would be beyond self-respect.

You've already admitted you were wrong and that I know more about the topic. The only reason I'm here is to learn about how the other half lives. So start answering my questions.

>all day
you should probably be aware by now that all I do "all day" is post here.

I've enjoyed whipping your metaphorical ass, but I must retire to feed and slumber.

Stop deflecting and answer some questions, cuck.

Goverment worker know they are proctected by union and know immgration wont affect their wages.But paco willing to work for less then you in private sector is diaster.I wish i can give myself a raise.They are throwing us under the bus for money.After all, the more people the more taxes.I see what obama is trying to do with increasing goverment worker but we know what happens,just look at detroit.union destory the city.Unions are Pyramid scheme.obama has good intend but unions worker get greedy.Human are the worst.Greed greed greed.half california budgets is for union worker.We dont have money to invest in bridges,school,road,building.Then they ask for more money ,only to find out later about their 8 percent increase.Jerry brown is cancer.

this thread unexpectedly got interesting lol

Oh boy, another dummy from the private sector that thinks I can give myself a raise. Jesus...the best argument for privatizing schools is the stupidity of fools agitating for their privatization. God, can you imagine how much dumber these people's spawn will be once it costs twice as much for Pajeets to "teach" them?

Dude, you should get a life, it seems like you know a lot of things, but you are another useless NEET.

>it seems like you know a lot of things
like that wages are affected by inflation but payrolls magically are not. Even though payrolls are just collective wages.

he's a moron. He needs a wash.

I am just showing you that public sector can give themselves raises by making deal with governor for their vote.Fuck you faggot.Public sector is burden to the American people.Look at Detroit.How can a company function when half their money goes into past services that were done 30 years ago.Doesnt make any sense.Its easy, when your employer can just grow money.Fuck you.A basic income would be more beneficial.Government worker are no different then tyrone on welfare.Your taking money from taxpayer and not investors.We get nothing in return and still paying 30 year after you retire.Half the jobs can be automated but unions refuse to do it because of dues.California bullet train to nothing was so they can build another union agency and make themselves stronger.It was have been cheaper to built a super highway lane where automated vehicle can go 150 miles then built a fucking billion dollar project that will tie the hand of people with pension and benefits.
Its too late and union are too powerful and will take american people down with them.Such a shame.California was the best in 60s when there where no union and all money would be spent on construction.we were able to invest in ourselves but now half your money goes into someones else paycheck.Fuck that.State are collecting more taxes then ever before but cant even build a fucking school without paying paco 50 bucks an hour to stand around and paying up the ass on supplies.UIC system was result of money going directly into investing in ourselves and now our money goes into upkeeping pensions. Republicans in california in 60s were pioneers.They lay foundation like 1 percent tax on homes.UIC system.They wanted less tax and more for our dollar.

I am just showing you that public sector can give themselves raises by making deal with governor for their vote.Fuck you faggot.Public sector is burden to the American people.Look at Detroit.How can a company function when half their money goes into past services that were done 30 years ago.Doesnt make any sense.Its easy when your employer can just grow money.Fuck you.You know that a basic income ,would be more beneficial.Government worker are no different then tyrone on welfare.You taking money from taxpayer and not investors.We get nothing in return and still paying 30 year after you retire.Half the jobs can be automated but unions refuse to do it because of dues.California bullet train to nothing was so they can build another union agency and make themselves stronger.It was have been cheaper to built a super highway lane where automated vehicle can go 150 miles then built a fucking billion dollar project that will tie the hand of people with pension and benefits.
Its too late and union are too powerful and will take american people down with them.Such a shame.California was the best in 60s when there where no union and all money would be spent on construction.we were able to invest in ourselves but now half your money goes into someones else paycheck.Fuck that.State are collecting more taxes then ever before but cant even build a fucking school with paying paco 50 bucks an hour and paying up the ass on supplies.UIC system was result of money going directly into investing in ourselves and now our money goes into upkeeping pensions. Republicans in california in 60s were pioneers.They lay foundation like 1 percent tax on homes.UIC system.They wanted less tax and more for our dollar.

NEET on unemployment here can confirm

You're an idiot. Nobody in the public sector can give themselves a raise except the legislature and those assholes are owned by the rich and tax-exempt (poor victims abloobloobloo).

exactly you cuck.They vote for him in office and in return he pass a bill which increase their pay.WTF
Goverment tyrone over trying to protect his job.Everyone knows not have governments union backing you in election race is death sentence in california.All politician pander to unions here.

Government workers can't give themselves a raise you knob. Quit swallowing that anti-union scaremongering before you down in it. There is no shop steward under your bed, in your closet, or right behind you.

Government workers can't give themselves a raise you knob. Quit swallowing that anti-union scaremongering before you drown in it. There is no shop steward under your bed, in your closet, or right behind you.


What are lobbyist you cuck.What all that mum union for hilary about then.Fuck off tyrone union cuck.Welfare leech.Truth is the truth and anyone with a brain will be able to look for themselves .Research and dont listen to this cuck.Trump is going to destroy and i will be smiling on sideline.Big goverment equal to over regulation.

I honestly can't decide who's the bigger autist: you or the garbage man. I think it's you.

shills sure seem to sniff out these threads fast. don't even have to scroll down to know that the rest of the thread is this dipshit posting disinfo.