Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Amazon soon edition

Hero/Team League Season 3 is ending soon. Do your placement matches if you want some gold and that mount.

>What's new?

>Probius, UI revamp on PTR

>Return of the Cho'gall event

>WoW Event; Play Warcraft hero with friends for free mounts

>For new players:

>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation or try mode and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, you'll regret it.

>Current Weekly Sale
>Current Weekly Brawl
>Latest patch notes
us.battle.net/heroes/en/blog/20581817/ (PTR)
us.battle.net/heroes/en/blog/20581815/ (live)
>Latest In Development Video

>Hero Rankings, various Statistics, Talent Calculator:

>Current Tier List

>Where do I find you robot lore autists?
"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat

>Tips and other useful resources:

Got stealth nerfed:

Other urls found in this thread:


so what would an amazon do? will she be Veeky Forums?

1st for azmowaifu

Spear chucker probably

God Johanna delivers her lines so much worse than the male crusader

Spear chuck. Epic duel ult like Legion Commander.
Valkyrie clone? I'm trying to remember as much D2 shit as possible.

amazon is LITERALLY confirmed

Tier list is out of date, should probably stop putting it in OP

probably tanky and javelin based. fend, a piercing throw, and maybe slow missiles if the engine can pull it off. don't think they will bother with bow anything at all or put in any multiclass type effort, though she'd be great for it.

BFF's with Sonya.

Might do a longer range version with a bow and shorter range version with javelins

If she's anything like a properly built Jav Amazon from D2, she'll nuke everything that comes into her range.

>stealth heroes in literally every game
Nerf to stealth when?

No it isn't, same thing happened with a zeratul tint in the past, it didnt even go live, that's probably just the 4th tint from the loot system leaking

Plus, they would have to refund people who bought the skin if they changed the main tint, that is not what people paid for

So you retards should stop spreading disinfo

>mobility heroes in almost every game
nerf to mobility when?

>heroes in every game
nerf to heroes when?

>other players in every game

Remove all game modes except bot matches when

>me in every game
When will I be removed forever?

>shitposters in every general
when will you kys

You can do it yourself

Hah, trolling my own teammates with the stitches buddy hook is so much fun... oh trying to heartstone with 1hp? nope... wanna turn in 17 coins? nope

how much damage should i do playing dehaka?
like relatively to the rest of the cast aswell

similar to arthas

Top Hero damage.

this, but unironically

>Game matches me up in a team with 2 supports
Picking heroes before matchmaking is a fucking mistake.

Should I buy Lucio?


>started the week at d2
>about to be demoted to plat
Is there some kind of holiday this week?

I don't think I've ever had a losing streak this bad before. My games have been full of feeders and people that don't understand how to draft.

Both shit?

End of season in a week so everyone is trying desperately to climb now before next season

Oh, I didn't even realize.

Well I guess I'm going to get placed in Plat next season now. That's pretty shitty.

>made it to grandmaster
>just troll all the masters try to do a last minute push

do you get something for being at higher ranks?

Better teammates.

just kidding. literal fake diamond players are the reason i've tanked

Prolonged Safeguard or Trauma Trigger? 25 percent less damage for four seconds seems insane.

Masters league you get a better mount and high ranks get more gold

>i'm getting matched with bronzies now
i'm betting on bronze 2 for ranked

Prolonged is great if you have a good front line or decent divers.
Trauma Trigger is for if you don't trust your team to protect you.

>play dehaka in qm
??? i thought this guy was good

you get golds for ranks? might start doing ranked, when does season ends?

week of the 14th
these are the end of season rewards

Bets? Is oddish a man or a woman?



how the fuck? he was grand master #20 like a week ago

>pop ossein
>land talented drain hope
>have spell shield
>have talented 25 armor on wraith walk

>still get bursted down in literally less than 1 second by li Ming and ragnaros

Damn what the hell am I supposed to do if my role is tank but I get insta deleted?

Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_Veeky Forums_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!

>You can't move through Nazeebo zombie wall with Dehaka W

Dont dive, slow and drain anyone that dives your squishies and pray your team jumps into teamfights as a team also try to get picks with entomb or something.

But Leo sucks in QM because he just doesnt have the sustain to live through 3+ assassins and no support or another tank, he is fine in more balanced comps but sucks in QM as a tank.

That's for heroes not for obstacles.

his W says it makes him "able to pass through units"
Nazeebo wall are units

Amazon is in fact in the works. Leakanon opened up with a single post saying Amazon is now being worked on, this post is what went on to him saying Lucio should be next and Stukov shouldn't be for a while, after a few people asked him some questions So, yes, Amazon is actually coming, however how fast she's coming is anyone's guess, as he talked about Probius as if he were far away when he was much sooner than he thought.

From the very little bit he said, I remember him saying something about a Lightning Strike ability for her javelin being the only graphical ability being the only thing he's seen.

Either way, you people should remember this shit, I don't know why you don't. He posts very late at night, whenever he does.

No is not units, is an obstacle and that's why Auriel/Diablo can stun you if they push you to the zombie wall and Lucio can wall ride them.

i was sleepy

Yeah, in that scenario I was out of my position by myself, which is definitely my bad. But being erased that quickly while taking all the damage reduction and healing available to me is kinda fucky. That's a numbers problem, not a skill problem.

If one does find themselves solo tanking with leoric in quick meme, is peel>engage generally the thing to do? I'm guessing if a tasty entomb presents itself, then go for it of course. Cuz ive had people yell at me for not going in and tanking, even though it feels like certain death

i see, well not that much gold, think i am going to pass

Do i get anything for being in gold?
It would be unfair as fuck if only diamond shitters got free shit just because they are losers with no lifes and play this shitty game 24/7

I wish i could just blacklist characters, i'm so tired of seeing abathurs in my games.

1000g and a portrair

fuck i will never get out of gold and get that cool stag mount

word i liked it better when i got the epic mount for being plat
now i'm just getting the pleb mount

do team league, you get the mount for being any rank, just gotta do your placements

Is there any reason to pick the water Elemental as Jaina? Ever?

If your tank sucks

It's better if you can't aim ring of frost

Trama trigger is a trap.

First of all scouting drone is better 90% of the time. Checks stealthies of course but it also scouts bushes wards boss contests catches ganks etc. Just don't forget to use it and don't place it far forward.

If you aren't taking scouting drone. Then prolonged safeguard is the better option. W shouldn't really be spammed because it is even less efficient mana wise than q. So it's to protect people from fatal situations or in fights where everyone is low. I self cast it often. As medic you will be targeted so expect to use it on yourself. Something else to consider. Safeguard length has diminishing utility because burst comes up front. You also want the resistance immediately not when you're already low. If you drop below 40% health you should be hitting R as hard as you can anyway so dmg resist isn't necessary and prolonged should last you from 70-40% health.

Trauma trigger isn't horrible but prolonged basically does its job just as well and has other benefits.

Medic needs a rework because the only level without a very clear best in slot in all situations is level 7.

He's much better in ranked coordinated play because he's not a main cc tank. He excels at soaking and assisting not facetanking or bursting.

In a qm constant team brawl game he's probably a little weaker.

The match was lost incredibly hard. It was a real fucking tragedy

When your tank sucks
When the enemy team has too many escapes or not enough melee to get caught
When there is no tank and theres no way you'll get a good ring
When you need to put pressure on another mage that outranges you, like Chromie.

Zombie wall is classified as unpathable structure same as a wall. Dib can smash you into it. Artanis can pass through it but if you're being swapped you cant pass through opposing naz zombies. Vallas vault used to save her though i think they fixed that.

literally useless advice, i'm not some normalfag who has friends to play with

You can path through it with leoric's e.

I see.
Thanks for the tips m80s

Leoric's E can go through gates too.

>Lucio can't wall ride Naz's zombies for some reason.

>Nova will never get her old taunt animation back.

Why did they change it? Come on Blizzard, give it back.

Join Veeky Forums chat they do tl stuff

I think you can also join the tl chat where randos of all levels group up to do tl.

I swear to god they changed Raynor's AA sound. It use to be good/okay and now it's fucking garbage. Sounds like wet rapid fire farting. I don't know if I am crazy though and just remember it being different.

type in chat "/join lfg"
people are looking for team league groups all the time, just join randoms
a lot of higher players also 'boost' lower ranks because they simply want to do their placements

are the next patch notes out already? would like to see what changes are coming for shit i might buy

Ive been waiting for a starcraft worker hero forever, and this is the shit they give us, only 2 pylons and 1 canon out at a time?

Hes just Gazlowe. Why not let me build gateways, or warp in zealots? Or a shield battery for my team?


Yep. Very disappointing.

>b-b-but he CAN create a pylon and cannon! see! he's EXACTLY all you could ever ask for!!1!


i'm already getting matched with bronzies

his E could have 2 charges and it wouldn't be op in the slightest

>Starcraft builder hero
>Barely does any building
>Is a burst mage?
what did Blizzard mean by this.

dont even care abut OP

A probe should be a probe

agree, the hero is totally shit, better than it being so op you find it in every game but its just feels underwhelming, also when i try 2 pylons 1 cannon very fast (like when you spam shit asap in sc2) it doesn't work, feel clunky

Just make him take forever to build anything, and have it require resources or something

I was so excited to play heroes again when I saw a probe hero, this is just disappointing. They had a chance to make something different. but its just another burst damage mage.

They could just make him completely shit and easy to shut down, but let him run around building stuff all day.

I'm curious.

>friend too nervous to do placements
>scared he'll mess them up, asks me to do
>Diamond III

Interesting system they've got.

I like our little probe, but not sure about his turret. Perhaps they'll allow you to select the target, or at least have it prioritize heroes?

At least you guys can take solace in knowing he's a more useful Lazor build Gazlowe.

Even after this "rework" Gazlowe is still hot garbage that nobody is going to play. Now, if you're going to go Lazor build, you just play Probius instead.

Fuck Gazlowe, I wanted a Probe.

Matchmaking has been pretty shit in QM, UD and HL i might as well just give up until they revert, i could tolerate stealthies every fucking match but now that i get people with either mega low mmr or twice as high as me i can't stand that the match can be decided in the first 5 minutes unless the whole enemy team gets a seizure at the same time

>or twice as high as me
So you're sub-2k? lamo

Where are his posts?

>Probe's worst build path is the one that actually includes things it did in Starcraft
really gets that noggin joggin.

Gone now, this was before Lucio was announced.

feels bad
maybe i'll hit bronze 5 next time

I have to wonder what kind of amazing spectacles occur down in Bronze. I have no idea what kind of player ends up there.