/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1253

>New Patch Info

>GW 5* Translation

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for March:
3/1 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue
3/11 - 3/17 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
3/18 - 3/25 - Guild War (Wind)
3/26 - 3/31 - L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G. (Rerun and Renew)
4/1 - 4/9 - New Scenario Event

3/1 - 3/14 - 3rd Anniversary Celebration (Daily SR/SSR Tickets, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)
3/20 - Anniversary Patch Part 2 (GW character 5*, T4 SS)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

ssr fodder

shit OP

>possibly even drop a gun for jk dagger
why would anyone do this

Primarchs were shittily implemented.

fuck you ssr fodder why you gotta exist


post the best girl, you know the one

Hey the daily ticket finally stopped shitting out SRs. What will this be?


Lucius magic works


Pinions drop from EX.



Zoi 456A5CDE

Papa bones.

Welcome to Mr Bones's Wild Ride

Does anyone know why my menu isnt playing the dragon knights theme even with Daddy Sieg's outfit?

That's not too bad.

To the user that was asking about f2p spark. I started saving since Nov.

We're all gonna make it, guys.

How do the special Primarch weapon skills work? Surely they aren't separate modifier weapons like chev swords.

>no centrum in 5 RQs
So about that buffed droprate

>water actually got an unk

What is this strange feeling of disappointment?

Glad I got those horns from the event now!

Don't forget to farm your Typhoon bits!


>More daggers, sticks and bows
Another day of disappointment with Yugu.

At least it's not a dagger unknown.

What are you talking about



Nio's buff only works well with wind allies, Korwa is still good on other elements.

Why does Backwater Lad dress up like an Erune?

wtf is this bullshit

I need advice. I have Rosetta and Petra for my Wind team and I'm looking to ticket, but I have no idea if I need Yuisis or Korwa more. Which do I go with?


what is that thing you need 30 of?

Who else /livinginfearofGWcharacter5*uncapmaterials/ here?


Wrong element, but I'll take it.

how many times should I roll for character rate up?

I'M GOING TO DO IT /gbfg/!!!

Joke aside, I should ticket her first, then Juliet and Jeanne in the future as Lightlord?

De la Feces

Calcium lord.

>birdman has 11400 base attack at 100
>+600 from Lady Grey crossfate
>+2000 from each of his three ATK masteries (assuming they're the same as the player's)

Start buying your red papers boys

papa bones always

Do you have Lucio?

>yfw it requires 5 centrums

Do you have any other light members? Ferry by herself is fucking useless, unless you're doing some weird AT shit with another team.

Keep in mind you can only do 5 masteries, and break atk is unnegotiable for him.

ferry a top cute!

Can anyone please help a newshitter with Sandalphon Ext.?


Thanks for the 2 feathers.



is this good?
why is mine different? confused

God damn it even on my ult I have shit luck

Albert and Rosamia

What do you suggest then for a light beginner?

Happy birthday

TA, BA, 3x ATK? He does already have 5% more TA and wind is not short on DATA buffs.

>you can only do 5 masteries

>needing 10 silvers instead of costing just 10 golds
Fuck this game.

This is for the 0* version. That one is for the 3*. You've just gotten started.

>korwa the most broken character in the game vs memesis


go check urself

Still wondering how I should spend all this. Anyone?

s-somebody post niyon's 5* art


If you're a light beginner and you're soloing alot, I'd pick either Juliet or Jeanne.

Ferry isn't as good for solo missions and such.

>catch up weapon for new players

Literally just build a magna grid its easier

Rose Queen weapons are all Unknowns.

Thank you for helping!

Save it for the dagger if that's your main pool.

So what is Siegfried saying in his skin? He keeps mentioning the other homos.

>Raphael EX
>75% HP trigger is an ougi with unknown debuff AND fills diamonds so he can ougi again turn after
>no 50% trigger
>25% trigger
>10% weak version of Super Rotation
THe fact I didn't die with my garbage fire team felt surprising, that was intense as fuck.

what do i spend points on?

5 centrums is literal nothing, I have to farm 20 just to 4* my Bahamut and Lucifer.

How much boost does the the seraphic weapons provide at 0*?

Is it worth using over a baha with no Skill levels

>10 draws gives me 4 bronze moons and SR Feather

My condolences.

Can you give me their pros and cons? I know that Juliet is good because of her stacks but Jeanne?

Break attack first, then TA or ATK.

So no one knows yet?

Chapter 85 mats.

>Decide to YOLO pull on alt
>This happens

Why ..

>chapter 85
>new players

How are new players supposed to go over Akasha and the bird?

Making a 3* SR is relatively easy, that's the pre-SSR step. Just as a by-the-by, you can't use att/def debuffs in the primarch EX fights.

Did they actually say they were for new players? Or is that something taken out of context?

That's what you get for having an alt

Jeanne brings defense (and attack) down, attack up, and guaranteed TA for two turns. She's good but some of her utility loses its value in raids and later on with Tier IV Berserker.

Juliet is good because she hits hard, she's brainless and she brings light attack up / light resistance down.

But elemental attack/defense debuffs work?

They are still good weapons for new players as SRs you meme masters

Multiply final damage by 10% as SRs, also increase your damage cap by 10%.
It's for the SSR version of the weapon, have fun.

>wasted his luck on an alt

LMAO that could have been your next draw

How is this gacha different from the legfest ones?

They said on stream it's supposed to be for new and intermediate players.

Am I supposed to use clear all after the 10% trigger or the 3% trigger for JK?

are those uriel animas?

what's the best way to level weapons in the grid? farm angel halo?