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>level 10 Ike
>7 str

1st for Lucina


Who does Robin conceive Morgan with on Christmas?


>captcha: coast cockington

what did they mean by this?


I want to fuck Lucina in her pretty pink asshole!


go to bed Chrom

I like Hana

>Chrom wants to fuck his daughter

>It actually worked

I'm not Chroma but you better believe Lucina calls me daddy.

further tit expansion


Sharena appreciates you!

Can anyone on Team Lucina with an armored hero please pass me your friend ID?

Looks like you got second once again.

me on the right

With all the people in Team Lucina you still haven't had a reply?

I wish she'd appreciate my cock with her warm, wet mouth.

These are our protagonists?

It's always slow during these hours.

Sauce pls
I know this is a twitter filename but I can't find the account.

I started late. Any one mind hitting me up? I have Azura as the lead unit, so she should be good for the even.

Reposting this, since it was posted before the Exodus.


I'd appreciate if she was naked

Lucina is the only true victor! Also my future wife!

I love you too Sharena but as a friend.

Fuck off IS.

d'awww but I voted for a winner

1.5 billion vs 467 millions, even your sister wasn't BTFO'd this hard.

(X) Doubt

Remember when Team Ephraim actually thought they had a chance?
If you couldn't convincingly beat the third most popular Fire Emblem Awakening character what made you think you could even scratch the most popular Fire Emblem character from the most popular Fire Emblem game?


I don't think Lucina can be called the true victor if she'll be married to you

Mind sending me some requests?

Huge tits vs dfc gauntlet when?

>Most popular FE character from most popular FE



Won't counting oldfag spamming her 15 times being more popular than Lucina when Lyn wasn't even popular in her own game.


>12 now
>still 7
I'm gonna restart jesus christ



That'd better not be an ephraim in front. Not that there is any point to this battle anymore but still


Who has the cutest pose in battle and why is it Olivia?

When does the Cipher stream hit, and where can we watch it?

Lyn vs Florina
Loli Tiki vs Titty Tiki

>replying to your own post

Now I wish I could see Nephenee in GBA graphics.

Damn you.

20 minutes from now


Pretty sure you need a nicovideo account to watch. I'll be taking caps and posting them all once the stream ends.

She looks stupid

No Lyn wasn't a story character in Awakening user.
Most casuals into fire emblem like Awakening the best as it is the first one they played.

>Lucina easily beats Ephraim because she is face of the franchise.
>All the haters start crying and claiming its rigged.

lol stay mad grandpas, its her turn now.

>Alfonse tickles Olivia's foot with his sword

It does look kinda stupid. I like all those mages with their books the most.

>Check defense results out of curiosity
How in the fuck?

That whore would get off to it

Oh, I thought you was talking about the most popular FE. My b


Obtain fresher memes please.

>picking on Olivia
This is why Al will always be a loser.

Is she gonna make it brahs?


Thanks, user. How long is the stream supposed to be?

it looks like some phony ninja pose but its CUTE

I assure you only one of those is me, though it does deserve me.

These are usually about 90 minutes long or so.

That speed is a joke. Just like in fates.

That Al picks on everyone. It's kind of the point.

tiki the christmas elf

>suddenly time rewinds to the start of the battle
>this time a Pegasus knight flies over to protect you
>a cute girl talks you into joining her army
>she starts trying to get you a girlfriend
>get benched because you're level 1 and they are getting into the late-game

It's unbelievable how petty Lucinafags can be.

this bitch better be worth what I went through to beat her

>Being surprised by that in the current year

Is all reddit cross posting, just ignore them

It does look pretty udmb. Like that pose is awful for either fighting or dancing and she's supposed to be doing one of those things.

>Grandpas are still trying to start shit when they knew what the outcome was going to be

Fuck you Nagito

She looks really solid based on her skills.

But half the people here cross posted from reddit long before the poll.


>Calling anyone who isn't underage "grandpa"

>Get paired up anyway since there's a limited pool of husbandos to go around and kids are required for endgame content
>You're married to the designated cuck waifu.

>Being this new
Just fuck off

Don't bully the frumpy tactician.

Beating a bulky blue like that is impressive though.

She's great

t. Grandpa

tfw no five foot long penis

t. underage redditor

t. Geezer

That is some fucking weird ass dick

This should have been the whole event.

I hate Lucina and I hate her popularity and how pretty she is so this election must be rigged, damnn you isis there's no way she couldve won amirite reddit?

I wish Lyn had been in this poll.

Ly would have beaten Shitcina's face into the ground.

ass dicks are typically weird

Why is Lucina such a lightning rod for cancer? These threads always get visibly worse whenever IS tries to shill her.

It's only appropriate to call Jagen, FE6 Marcus, Gunter and Sensei grandpa.

> Alfonse and Sharena are brother and sister
> Ephraim and Eirika are brother and sister
> Leo and Elise are brother and sister
> Chrom and Lucina aren't

The Lucina slot should have been Lissa

I wonder how many posts are actually falseflags.