Why is the USA so god tier at war compared to its european counterparts?

why is the USA so god tier at war compared to its european counterparts?

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scouting and logistics

>(not present)

>what is a nuke
Baby's first thread

Dropping nukes on Japanese children is hardly the definition of martial brilliance op

Because it never fights anybody capable of beating them. Dead serious, its by far the best way to fight

>germany is fucked in every conceivable way
>time to declare war on them and take as much benefit as possible since there will never be any retaliation!
and they did it twice

Yup. Perfect strategy. It helps that the US is isolated on a fortress continent, is fully self sufficient and is surrounded by vastly weaker states

>"time to declare war on them"
Senpai, i hape you're talking ww1...

But the US had its entire armed forces wiped out by eight Vietnamese peasants armed with chop sticks.

>can't find sauce for this
>try to reverse search the cropped template
>mfw (no face)

Lol, that's pretty funny.

Surely you can see OP's image is from Wikipedia btw.


I didn't find about what operation or battle it was.

use google for all shit except for hentai or anime, thats what iqdb is for. moron

Germany declared war on the US first.
In 1941, while at the height of its power.

>declare war on britain while they're busy with napoleon
>cry as the brits later come and burn down the white house
americans in a nutshell

Logistics, industry, but most importantly geography.



2nd amendment and a non-pussy culture