League of Legends General - /lolg/

Bad Gankers edition



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I wish I was Nami!

I haven't played in since 7.4. Who is busted in 7.5? is build leathality or lose still the game's big meme as ADC?

coolest girl in the league!

>Someone with mastery 7 having a bad game
>Ask then how they managed to get mastery 7

speed is the heart of battle

I am having a bad month

xth for Syndra

>Tfw you ask diana for a date

so you stopped playing for like 4 days? nothing changed nigga

>play against syndra as adc
>get oneshotted even if she missed 2/3 of her missable spells
>no amount of defensive items fixes this

>play as syndra
>land a full combo on an adc
>doesnt oneshot
>get raped because my range is somewhat shit and i just blew everything to not even get a kill

i dont understand, i built correctly

Anyone have headcanons for relationships in League?
>Jinx and Ekko would always be hostile to each other but if one saw the other in legitimate danger they would go out of their way to save them
>Jarvan and Xin basically have a Simba/Zazu type of dynamic
>Lux and Ezreal...oh wait...my bad.

I wish I could hug Nami!

haha how did they respond to that?


QT Diana, what's the sauce on that?

>>Jarvan and Xin basically have a Simba/Zazu type of dynamic
That's always exactly how I've pictured them.

Also, now with the Galio rework I'm gonna headcanon that Galio and Lux hang out and she's his little human buddy that rides on his shoulder.

I wanna cuddle and protect Lulu!

Jinx needs buffs so she can jungle better desu

its a cancelled comic

Crit Yi is the best Yi

asaide fact fiora is god tier waifu in this splash isn't she protect elementalist lux here?

I wish I could take a bath with Nami, with LOTS of bubbles and bath salts and a water just warm enough for it to be extremely comfy but not hurt at all!

First Scenario, that's how Syndra works, don't stand next to her when she has 6 orbs out.

Second Scenario, that's how Syndra works, get over it.

It's painful how obvious everyone in that webm was desperately trying to out-keyboard each other.

Lulu is the cuddliest! THE CUDDLIEST!

>252 cs as jg
That's actualy the only reason you have an s- lol


That sounds awesome, wish I could do the same!

Trundle was the troll boy that Braum saved so many years ago and is the only human he respects. He was inspired both by his strength and quick thinking, which is why he's the most crafty and innovative of the Frost trolls.

>Ryze literally doesn't know how to AA
Sure I can win as Yi if I play against intellectually disabled people too.

i remember you from when Braum got released. That's a nice headcanon.

I want to take a hot shower with Nami.

Fiora and jax secretly date each other because they believe they have found their only worthy opponent

>open eulcs stream
>xpeke support
>close stream

EU isn't a real region anymore is it?

this response doesnt offer anything, thanks for the effort typing it though

isn't it pretty much canon

Jinx in general needs buffs. Jungle Jinx would be hilarious to bring back

I meant the part about being saved by Braum not the rest

Nope, entirely headcanon. As far as I can remember neither Braum or Trundle have ever interacted with each other in the lore of game.

Is there still a link to it?


Braum saved a troll boy in his background lore, but that's it.

I just google searched the images and saved what i could

I just want to spend all day and night in a warm cuddly embrace with Nami.

this line was propably before ezreal figured aatrox existence

Nah, that picture was just Ezreal being creepy as fuck.

nah I hard carried that game without even trying :^)
riven and volibear where dou top and singed proxied bot vs a solo leona.
so much of that game was us playing on the back foot with one final push.

what does she need? I'm thinking an actual base movespeed

What about spending an entire hot summer's day with her, doing cute things together.

Can I get a link to this? Also, what was the general reaction anyway?

It's easy though.

Before, there was the League of Legends to justify all champions knowing each other, at least from fighting. So they just said "oh, Ezreal and Lux are more or less the same age, I guess we'll just hint at it or something".

Now that there's no League, it makes no sense at all for them to even know each other, so the pairing is impossible. Thus, "we've never even talked".

>tfw fine with Ezreal being creep since it makes him canonically straight

What's the matter with some people? This duo was in the same game I went vs a challenger Zed and got completely shit on and they decide to go and int from the start because I was in the same game as they. Someone dodged in the last 3 seconds but how can it be hard to understand that everyone will have a shit game from time to time even if he's playing his main especially when he goes vs someone who is miles better than him.

People are still bunch of fucking cry babies no matter how high you go, I guess the only way to escape this hell is to not play ranked in the first place.

League of legends.


>First 10 seconds
Oh my lord, I had completely forgotten they're updating her VO. I hope older champs like Ali and possibly Trundle get a touch up too.

>You're a lightshield but I wield the light

Uh, Lux, remember J4 has a literal shield of light as well? He IS wearing the light.

this is not drawn but made be some magic camera
pls don't be harsh for riot thrid older paring


like this?

My Waifu is always abused

Diana never gets what she deserves.

As long as it makes her happy, I'd be up to do anything.

She got a bloodmoon skin no?

What kind of camera shows only the people in the photo but then leaves everything around them, and shows shadows as lines drawn by a pencil?

>still no starguadian anime
Riot Games everyone!

>movement speed
Yes 100% yes, her movement speed is her biggest weakness in my eyes, she's already fairly immobile and you could ask any assassin/gap closer brusier and they'd say she's the easiest adc to butcher. Jinx's issue is her super fragile early game (which makes sense I get why its like that for a hyper carry) and how defenseless she is if anyone jumps on her. Movement speed buffs would honestly be a good simple fix. I'm thinking if she had Sivir's 335 ms or had movement speed that scaled like Fortune's would be pretty good.

magic one

But no buffs to make her actually good...

Bloodmoon Diana a QT.



>dom janna

i need it please
give link

How would you buff her in that case? her gameplay is very simple

Harass until 6, Hit Q>W during travel>R>R>target should be dead or flashed away

>tfw lost vs Yi


what does mating press mean

he movespeed is deliberately set low because of her passive (then again sivir has her ult so i don't even know anymore)

>not instantly knowing based ArbuzBudesh

make me

>Picking an ADCuck in toplane so that my ghost may deal more damage

Why thank you

So is the Evelynn rework next or after Urgot?

Ima go back to bed after this post so if ya reply I probably wont see it till later

hope you guys have a very comfy bfs~__ day!

>king gay didnt kill himself yet
maybe tomorrow

>its an ascended graves episode
is this how it feels to be violated by a big black man

>playing ascension

>playing normals
im not playing ranked on the weekends my good senpai

>playing bad meme modes
the only good meme modes where urf and BMB

>Playing League of Legends

im seriously considering buying an elo boost help me

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums euw +3

It's awesome place to practice mechanics because everyone get same amount of gold and get it pretty fast. Ignore points and treat it as simple deathmatch

Why would you do that this early in the season?

is it to impress a girl?

yes -> you're a retard but I understand
no -> you're a giga retard


>tfw you blind pick Rammus into an all ad enemy team in ascension

because riot gave me retards and i've lost so many games that my mmr is now bronze 1 and i've went from gold 2 to silver 3 in less than a week.

no but i have infinite money so it doesnt matter

I can understand that and her passive does its job properly but it in emergencies it's unreliable. If its hard to balance the numbers of ms and passive I would suggest a new component to her passive similar to MF or Sivir's passive since that would give her some kind of bonus ms but it would keep her passive in line. Of course if this added their is other factors to consider like warlords and wanderer, at that point she would potentiality have mf tier ms. Considering Sivir's ms to ult difference its more of riot's cognitive dissonance to me. Sivir's ult is a reliable tool for her she can (post6) use it at anytime but Jinx's passive isn't' something she can activate at will it's entirely situation dependent. Sivir's ms being allowed to be what it is while Jinx's is lowered is just annoying reasoning that doesn't make sense from Riot's descriptions

Glad to see you back, I missed you

Straight up give her some more damage on her Q, or make her vaccum have more range, or maker her passive deal bonus damage to targets who have Moonlight applied to them.

Either one of those three. Currently it's
>Diana dives, target dies, Diana dies
>Diana dives, target lives, Diana die

She just needs a way to be USEFULL without feeding.

EU lcs only gets 24k viewers....

ded region

>infinite money
Can you spare some ?

Literally nothing is interesting about EU LCS.

Hey guys what Champs can I play to get out of silver?

I'm currently silver 4.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums euw