What's the weirdest, craziest historical idea/theory that you absolutely believe?

What's the weirdest, craziest historical idea/theory that you absolutely believe?

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yeshua had children

not that crazy tho

believe in true love sealed with a hot kiss lip on lip

Niccolò Machiavelli was the best political thinker of the 16th century

That the white man is a failed science experiment

I believe all races were born from the same female monkey as mutant quintuplets

>What's the weirdest, craziest historical idea/theory that you absolutely believe?
that color folks will always fell inferior to their white masters

a 6000 year old flat earth

US Civil war was started because wealthy northern industrialists didn't want to risk the South industrializing because then the North would have to import cotton from outside of the country which cuts into profits. That and the obvious threat of the South becoming industrially competitive with the North.

Plus, European centrals banks (something something Rothschild meme conspiracy) weren't content with North America being a land free of provate central banks, and wanted to split the US in twain and whilst both sides were strained by the debt inevitable in war, the bankers would try to force a central bank on them and then all the creditors would start financially favoring the side that caved to them first, reuinting America as a countey that something something the Jews or whatever. The reason we have our green paper bills today is because Lincoln started printing the first ones during the war as part of a plan to institute a Rothschild owned central bank. Incidentally, the tide of the war starts turnig shortly after.

Together the Memeschilds and the Memedustrialists pushed Northern congressmen/Lincoln to be really pushy and pro-north, in an attempt to provoke the South into an attack. I wouldn't even stop at saying it's plausible that Fort Sumter was a false flag.

Not a dixieboo, just someone who thinks people simplify the causes of the civil war way too much and government funded public education spins it as a pro north story. We don't get the full picture

Mussolini was killed by Winston Churchill because he had information that would've saved him in court and ruin the image of Churchill

Hi i am a doctor and im proud to announce that im diagnosing you with autism

This is without a doubt the stupidest thing I have ever read.

JFK was a Catholic socialist traitor who wanted to undermine traditional America and him praising Hitler is just a cover up to trick people.

Also Trudeau is/was a French ultranationalist who only does gay stuff to undermine non-French Canada.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Jesus's Mom lied about virginal birth to get out of being shamed

I thought it was an anal birth.

She had a hyper permeable hymen

Or perhaps a cloaca.

Jesus never existed


Christopher Columbus was Jewish

Germans were created by god to punish Europeans whenever they get too proud and decadent.

Germany wasn't to blame for the war.

That's why he got BTFO'd multiple times right?

I do like Machiavelli though.

The South didn't need to industrialize to the extent of the north because they had slaves to pick the cotton and essentially create the foundation of wealth for the south. The South in general was actually losing to the North in gaining wealth because Industry was powerful enough to be much more productive than slaves for cheap.

The Americas would have blown Europe the fuck out if not for disease.

That the obscenely wealthy all have an obscenely keen interest in the occult. I don't believe they're out for a new world order so much as a new world, period.

I can understand what reasoning might be bring you to that.
I'd think that even with superior numbers the Americas would have lost. It just would have taken longer.

My reasoning is home advantage. Colonial powers would have had to have put in far more effort than they were willing or able. Eventually they might have just given up.

The singularity desu

The Europeans would've still been able to ally with the various American powers. I think history has too often severely minimalised how much of an impact those thousands of native warriors made compared to muh gunz pew-pew.

Napoleon fought an actual anglo-jewish conspiracy

To my knowledge, the natives of the Americas still had their own politics, correct? Differing tribes and whatnot. Odds are that the various European powers would have played them against one another, no?

Milton Friedman was a communist who promoted free-trade and deregulation because he believed, like Karl Marx himself, that capitalism must be freed from hindrances on its development so it can destroy all traditional institutions and prepare the way for a communist revolution.

Fomenko's new chronology

Wew bruh, if you want to go down the memechild path, watch the money masters (1996) and investigate those claims

Muhammad didn't exist

The abrahamic documents are hundreds of years younger than they claim to be.

Why do you think that?

That the 'enlightenment' revolutions were legit a conspiracy driven by secret societies

Caliphate currency doesn't mention Muhammad or the shahada until centuries after "his" death

The entirety of civilization is just a ploy by old men to get young people to feed them and keep then around

Thinker ain't the same as a doer.

Ancient seafarers and traders from the Near East and the Mediterranean discovered the New World thousands of years before Columbus.

The genetics, culture, and language of Native Americans (some tribes more than others) are PARTIALLY influenced by this ancient contact.

That's not really crazy.

This is what I don't understand about so many lefties and anti communists. Marx both complements and criticised capitalism in the manifesto. He acknowledges it is both necessary and good because it will eventually destroy itself and out of the ashes communism will arise.

This isnt that radical theory

I literally hate jews

This. I don't think many Christians understand just how fucking crazy this is.

Also, Celts (or proto-Celts from Ireland/Iberia) colonized New England between 2,000 BC and 600 AD.

The capitalist world is keeping Slavic countries artificially backwards and impoverished in order to make their female population desperate enough to make porn and whore themselves, something that is high demand in the west.

I can see this. Slavic women were probably better off in the user.

Nice try, Traditionalists

The Order of Reason did nothing wrong

Damn straight, the world isn't your playhouse.

Hitler had huge respect of Poland
lot of the mythos of nazies is pretty much stolen from Szlachta (eg: Aryans=Sarmatians)
he admired Pilsudski at least as much as he admired Musollini
the way how Poles obliterated the Red army and the Winter War was the reason why he was so confident about operation Barbarosa
he didn't start fucking with Poles until he had knew he has the single largest military power on planet on his side and in the Polish rear
he was so afraid of Poland that he viewed them as the largest existential threat to Germany and therefore they needed to be removed as a nation (he strongly believed social/national Darwinism)
"The Slavic subhuman" ideology was a made up excuse for the propaganda

treblinka was a transit camp

no jew was gassed in a fake shower

JFK blatantly stole the 1960 election and any attempt at uncovering the truth was covered up by RFK. Despite knowledge of this today, it is sacrosanct to demonize Kennedy for it. In essence, Kennedy was a fraud and he got away with it because he is the Left's sacred cow.

>inb4 that Kennedy loving cocksucker gives me a free (You)

>Even in 2,0000 B.C. Boston was full of taigs.

RFK yes, Teddy yes, LBJ hell yes, but JFK himself was no more socialist than Nixon or Ike

So he was Nick Land?

Nah, Land has gone way beyond communism and into singularity shit. His theories about capital and intelligence are really out there and weird as fuck and the Lovecraftian aesthetic doesn't really help.

nick land doesn't believe that capitalism is clearing the way for a better future for humanity

nick land believes that capitalism has a momentum of its own that we are powerless to stop, and it will mould humans to its own interests until we are no longer needed, at which point biological life will cease to exist

I'd really love to see a land thread take off for once

Donald Trump is the reincarnation of George S. Patton and Benito Mussolini.


>Also Trudeau is/was a French ultranationalist who only does gay stuff to undermine non-French Canada.
You mean Justin? he's obviously not a nationalist, especially not a French one. Much like his father, he hates quebec


What's this suppose to be?

It's all just a ploy to undermine Anglo Canada.

>What's the weirdest, craziest historical idea/theory
>that you absolutely believe?

That's no fun

There still exists a large, seldom spoken about counter-revolutionary movement against enlightenment republicanism, and anti-Americanism and anti-Western sentiments in general are mostly a result of this.

that's just fucking retarded

it's the scots blood. we scots might not be the brightest overall, but when we are, we're geniuses because we give zero fucks.

scots are tied with anglos for the most inventions, and equal to none when it comes to telling pussies to fuck off and die

George HW Bush personally offed JFK because Bay of Pigs cost him Cuba.

With his personal trigger finger.

Embellishment of the shoah.

That the abrahamic religions are a plague and must be destroyed.

according to Ceremony by Silko, whites were a prank that went too far

this post should be a banner

That America was a country

FDR goaded the Japanese into attacking pearl harbor and had foreknowledge that the japanese fleet was sailing towards Hawaii (but was totally justified in doing so)

That's actually a matter of public record.
Not even speculative.

>That's actually a matter of public record
>myth that has been debunked publically many times
>not speculative