League of Legends General - /lolg/

crossdressing edition with extra sauce



First for Master Sissy

>"M-mordekaiser will totally keep his AP scalings!"

Aye, Jhinposting!

That Sona is not thick enough

lewd bfs~__

Just like galio kept his mr ones :^)

I want Annie to________

Riven is a SLUT

xth for Syndra


I really really wish I was Nami!

That's Jinx dresses as Sona though

Galio actually got MORE MR ratios, he lost "literally free AP for MR"

Nice op.

Anyway I wanna see a new effect added to Get Excited where she gets a warlord's tier ms buff after killing a minions. That would be a fun buff for Jinx


Talking about Sona dressed as Jinx. No way Sona gas a flat stomach

Why do new players buy so many fucking potions.

post small but thematically fitting buffs for your favorite champs faggots

Ill start. Annie gains bonus MS when hitting champions with 2 or more of her spells (pyromaniac, fire excites her)


Asking again, anyone on Europistan want to play some normals?

They don't understand they're useless past level 4-5 and think league works like other games where potions are actually relevant.

I remember when I was new asking my friend how to "equip" my Doran's blade

>new players
>trade with enemy adc
>im at 50% he's at 25%
>he has 0 ways to win now.

Even at 12lvl+ potions can make difference

he doesn't get damage from tank stats other than his passive anymore, and that ratio was hugely nerfed

I like this Jinx pic, although Im missing the face

you think that, but today I got a vayne to 20% hp as lucian while I was at 80 and she fucking crits me with the 1 crit rune on her tumble and kills me for FB

I'm not talking about having a potion or two when you leave base. My friend is learning this game and almost everyone in this game spent 1k-1.7k gold on potions over the course of the game. Legit bought 5 potions almost every back. There's a huge difference.

sounds like bot behavior

I want to go on adventure with Ezreal! with NO HOMO involved


Say it with me:

Heh, yeah. I've actually seen this.

Have an account in Bronze but it isn't very common. Mostly sub 30 games I imagine.

Xth for Katarina
best girl


>easier to play around
guarantee they'll make it really shitty and then test it on a bunch of silvers who will die to anything

Marked targets take execute damage instead of %current health damage from her passive

Really wish they made marking a target more than +1.25% current hp damage. Some sort of interaction to make them actually feel hunted and fear you.

Like wtf is this?

An alcoholic?

I dont understand why they put piglet back on ad for the 3rd game against c9, they were doing great with dl and pig mid

I want Jinx to jerk me :3c

>anal beads start

Wow he really likes health regen

IE -> boots -> Runaans -> Cannon -> whatever might be in the way of your easy pentakill

Any better ways to build Jinx? Used to buy a lifesteal or armor penetration item after Runaan's, but 50% critical is so damn unreliable that I've gone back reliable criticals

I want Talon and Ezreal to go on a romantic adventure and explore their sexuality~

inform him that corrupting and refill pots exist

He will probably cum a little

He uses all those potions?

>three bead start
>that many potions
>finishes first item at twenty something


which champ out of curiosity I also need to know if this was ranked pls b ranked

The org has no idea what it's doing


Just got this skin yesterday. Cannot stop fapping.

>No one wants to play

I guess I'll play alone like a loser, like usual.

>no dark seal


i want to look EXACTLY like diana!


>pick nasus top
>enemy picks Riven
>"fuck trying to stack against that bitch, I'm just going to E max to poke and clear waves"
>game goes badly on all fronts
>jungle blames me because "lane push nasus is shit in low elo"
I didn't play that well because I'm not used to it and it was just a way to salvage a bad match up, but I still feel like I made the right choice under the circumstances.
>hurrdurr blind picking nasus
I don't have a wide champion pool. I'd rather learn to play Nasus well into disadvantageous matchups than play other champions poorly into good matchups.

That was Darius. Blind pick normals. I htink his account is like lvl 15
My friend's build path wasn't that retarded

This has to be bronze, how is it hard to farm against a riven as el doggo of infinite tank and damage

>IE start
Here's a messy run down of what I do I can explain it if you want but for now here it is:

BF>Zeal/Hurricane>Zerker/IE (whichever comes first>Vampiric>Last Whisper (Upgrade to blue or red whichever works for the situation)>finish life steal BloodThirst/Scimitar (situation)>Rapid Fire/Shiv (situation)>Elixir of Wrath

Is Shaco ever going to be addressed at any point? Ever since his rework he's had a high winrate/ban rate in every elo and a 15% banrate in Diamond+ with a 55% winrate there. He can build brusier, ap, crit, lethality, hybrid etc and all are powerful on him, he's insanely un-fun to play against due his invading and cheese with smite and he doesn't even really fall off anymore. He is really oppressive and has been for a while when the fuck is something gonna be done about him? The fact that the high challenger ladder also has several Shaco OTPs should also open up some eyes that he's a problem right now.

>el doggo of infinite tank and damage
Have you ever laned as Nasus? He doesn't have either of those things when he walks out to lane, he has to play as safe as possible before he gets stacks and items.

Is it safe playing ranked already?

Why does it seem like my mmr fluxuates so rapidly? I'm only a silver 2ish, but if I win 2ish games most my teammates and enemies will be plat. If I lose 2ish games my teammates seem to be mostly unranked or bronze. Are all ranks so close together in mmr that a couple of games will drastically change it that much? If so then why even have divisions within ranked if that's the case? Why should I care about silver 4,3,2,etc. if I'm still going to fight unranked-plats just depending on a couple of games regardless.

A decent Riven will completely shit on a Nasus trying to stack are you retarded?

>playing safe until lv 4 is hard when you have a huge slow/atk speed debuff
>stack normally until she goes on you
>then let her abilities she uses for that to push her wave under your tower
oh man, completely shit on.

>Poppy innately has 15% bonus resists
>doubles when she's low on health
Fuck that. Additional passives on top of actives need to go

Silver 3 is like the average mmr, those "plats" are just boosted degenerates, not real plats.

It's not actually happening

>last hit like 15 minions with E
>back and buy shroud
>now invisible

Yes. safely continuing my losing streak without fear of disconnecting.

>ask friend if he wants to play
>just starts a game without me
>look at whos in the game
>no one between games is the same so hes not playing with anyone else
>hes not playing ranked


I don't like building double crit in favor of ga personally.
Too much shit can just flash on you and kill you late game that you really can't outplay often that I feel it's better on her to just get the GA. You kill the one guy that b-lines for you and then you get your passive up then mow down everyone else. If their team doesn't have armor builders or their tank is irrelevant I go for double crit though.
This is your standard start
bf sword ->boots -> zeal -> upgraded boots -> runaan's -> ie
Situational after that.


>stack normally
>slows mattering against Riven
Unless the Rven is braindead retarded she will eat you for breakfast. There's a reason why Riven is consideed degenerate champ beyond her shitty player base. Plz stay bronze or silver, which is the only Elo where Nasus works anyways.

>4 stack on enemy team
>incredible synergy doesn't even give us a chance
>4 stack on my team
>feeds uncontrollably

explain this?

>a huge slow/atk speed debuff
We're talking about riven. slows are worthless because she has 4 dashes without much of a cooldown
Attack speed debuffs are worthless because all her damage is from her abilities and weaving autos between her abilities
if you W proactively then she waits for it to wear off and then goes in
if you W reactively then she's either already done enough damage to destroy you in the trade or she still has enough dashes left to undo it and reset her position

8 decides my new off-role. Main role is toplane, current off-role is adc.



>1500 gold worth of potions in the first game

Ahricuck still around?

How do you get this? I'm trying to figure out a good build order for the few champs i've played and i'd love to get /LoL/ feedback

Runaans/Frozen Mallet/BlackCleaver/Mortal/Bork

super sekrit tech for Jinx

thank me later


Brand "support"

That's an areola user

On the match history on the website just click player builds and then the icon for the champion you want to know the build order for.

Varus adc only

>posting r63 of my husbando
>not even posting good r63

you guys are bad, imagedump of proper Crimson ladies inc

also i might cosplay her at EU LCS


bet it doesn't feel as good as this



>stand 3 short dashes away from her until first back
>when she uses all of them to get to you she has no damage left anyway
i dont see the problem here.

Welcome to indie company developers.


whats the funniest LoL related image/filename you have ?

you're going to have to post a screenshot of the stream when you appear on camera if that happens.

>this cs/m


big plays


TF jungle.