League of Legends General -/lolg/




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xth for hugging Nami!

xth for feeding

Reminder that Mordekaiser has the game's highest skill ceiling. Maximum skill level Mordekaiser play involves perfect ADC mechanics while simultaneously controlling Mordekaiser himself.


Favorite skins?
I love how he uses a club instead of a sword

what streamers do you guys watch?

I like ZFG

dekar/tarz/meteos/hash/silaskroeger if they're on


Come back when we aren't in EUW hours/during LCS
Lolg has three types of posters:
>waifufags that are either silver or don't even play
>hardstuck silvers blogposting after every ranked game
>high elo players shittalking the other two groups or discussing LCS
There are no high elo players in EU that come on here, wait until nighttime NA hours

>enemy mid keeps coming into my jungle and chasing me out with his jungler
>my mid is too busy autoing minions to help
>dont die but this happens multiple times and i lose farm and fall behind because of this
>mid still manages to lose tower/not have cs despite enemy mid never in lane

I know some games are loses but come on at least fucking try if you are gonna queue ranked

Justicar Syndra is objectively the best skin in the game
Fight me, faggots

ok ye i saw some person talking about lck then was upset that more people were not discussing it.

>"wahh people are talking about the game"
Would you rather this thread be like /wowg/? That thread is just an extension of some faggots discord chat

that lck game was utter shit. what was that team? 0-17?

How do I Jayce? He seems like a more complex version of Pantheon, but for some reason, I just can't get his combo right. Any tips?

xth for Syndra

hash is funny. i had silas in my game the other day he literally 1v5d on hecarim. hes really good

anyone else worried that urgot's new model will look more like a goofy toy?

Who /animecomeback/ here?

Is there a better feeling?

I really really wish I was Nami!

>That thread is just an extension of some faggots discord chat
>Implying lolg isn't the same


I wonder if Dragon Trainer Trist ever locks herself in her room with her dragon and trains him with some peanut butter.

>yordle anything
Is it summer already?

Feels good to not be part of the lolg discord

Please kill yourself at the earliest opportunity ty
>t. faggot that got banned for waifufagging

hello lolgen, I haven't played the game in years now but I used to watch lolisports with a passion. of course I'm way out of the current loop but I was wondering if you could tell me if the following people/organizations are still around and what they're up to / if they're still active and if so if they're good or became shitters. For organizations what's their current power level. Think last time I played was when they changed the shop system and introduced the cute shopkeep and re-sell feature

>SK Gaming

Thanks for any and all input on this matter have some ancient meme

Meme team at this point. Burgerson is the only reason they're alive
>>SK Gaming

yeah silas is actually crazy. its easy to believe that he finished last season rank 6 when you watch him play

Post the Karma one and we talk

Playing like shit but still around
Still owns CLG but might as well be dead
Best NA team but still shit. Was better last year but still didn't amount to anything
On NA team but team is shit
>SK Gaming
I think that's the guy who owns G2 Esports, I forgot. If not, RIP

>tfw can't get udyr to work
it's not fair

I love ls but his streams are so fucking depressing most of the time. Though he's gonna be coaching in an hour or so, which is always fun.

yeah i dont watch ls for the games, i watch for his analysis. he only plays meme shit

What's worse?
>%tAD + %Max HP
>X(+X per 100tAD)% Max HP

Xth for Katarina
best girl

seems like the old crew moved on by now. anyone know what oddbro is up to these days?

>be yorick
>have trinity, deadmans and steraks already, 3 levels ahead of everyone else
>solo'd rift herald
>maiden is with me
>enemy squishy jg come to stop me
>dmp/grasp/herald/sheen/maiden q does 80% of their health

>Triforce Yorick

this meme champ is pretty fun

Star Guardian Jinx
DJ Sona
Elementalist Lux
Star Guardian Lux
Academy Ahri
Earnest Elf Tristana
Slay Belle Katarina
Project: Ashe
Pool Party Fiora

>Return to the game after 4 years of not playing
>pull out my Brand and make some sick fucking moves like I did 4 years ago
>Do the same with Malzahar
>today I decide to go a bit of ADC, and take my main man Draven
>My support is a Sona
>She rushes in head first every time, dies and blames me for not being as aggressive as she is
>proceeds to avoid my lane all together
>I ask her nicely to come back because I just started kicking Teemo's ass
>She refuses and starts insulting me in her own fucking italian language
>It takes all the self control I have not to call out this goddamn guido fuck and jam my foot through the screen and up his asshole
>Rengar who is from Algeria calls us all noobs and decides not to help any of us
>meanwhile I'm in bottom lane getting gang raped by Teemo, Yi and Lux

T-thanks EU west

I want to cum inside Urgot t b h

>their team is all squishies
>not building trinity
Fuck off

oh fug ids dis memer again :-DDD

I want to start playing Assassin's to improve my positioning.

Who's better for a beginner: Talon or Zed?


Lulu is best girl! BEST GIRL!

What are some nice simple champs I can get comfy and play?

I want to focus on my macro so something where I don't need Korean mechanics to play and CS would be nice

No junglers, No Annie

I miss Sorc Shoes Darius

>I want to focus on my macro


she really is!
trist and poppy come close though.

ass ass ins have nothing to do with positioning m8.
better play someone who can only live if they stay all the way in the backline.
Like lux.

TF is better

If you want to focus on macro jungle is the best role to play.

You can play all sorts of mages, they are all pretty easy

Jax but he's not very good. Warwick top is pretty good for that

She really is! I love it when she slurps my cum.

It depends on the % of total ad in the first equation, i guess

Lets say you have 400 AD for the bottom one

>Base value( + Base * 4)% Max HP

Its whatever values you input for the equations, but the first one looks like it has a flat damage
value added to the %health damage, and the bottom is just %health damage

Top one I guess because of the combination

I really wish I could hug Nami!

bad cosplay

Go away morgana.

I know but I'm sick of jungle and Ivern, I want to play something else

>Skillshot reliant champ

Seems pretty micro intensive to me

I meant to say it would be worse to get hit by the ability with the first equation

gib full

Lulu is the sweetest angel! We will forever stay true to one another!

Wait until season 8 and you'll get both on the same ability.


>open boxbox's stream
>why do we worry at all starts playing

I'm pretty good with Vel'Koz.

what changed in bork that made xin suddenly a beast?

Urgot isn't going to keep his lock on EQQQQ mechanic

>Maining syndra
>Get penta
>open justicar literally right after the penta game
I was pretty happy, but too bad justicar skin doesn´t show syndra´s feet


Neace is legit af
Dekar173 is legit and entertaining af.

Vel'Koz is great at stalling games out.

Justicar is a pay to win skin because the spheres are difficult for the enemies to see

Lulu is the smuggest! THE SMUGGEST!

I like the snowdown skin alot but water skin stills ends up being better cause the model/particles ingame looks better and the water slushing when you cast spells sounds better than the glass noises in snowdown skin that supposed to be "snow/ice"

>being a pedophile

Why the fuck am I unable to carry in bronze but I am more than capable of carrying in plat or higher?

Who's gonna get the pool party skins this year?

bronze is heavy

Only if we get an actual woman this year

I'm playing strong lane winning champions like renekton and darius, is that the wrong thing to do?

the dildo fiora skin was horrible

winning lane doesnt mean winning game its all about tilting people in bronze

but its always my teammates that tilt.

is ranked flex easier to carry in?

>still no Chef Yorick skin with a giant spoon and the ghouls with waiter outfits
>they could even give the Maiden an outfit

>morg will never get her snare to not have a year long duration for a while until they rework her and kayle.


>getting hit by the slowest skillshot in the fucking game

>not having a morg point blank snare you after flashing

>Playing Darius in Bronze
>Not carrying
Obviously, you're doing something wrong...
He just got me out.

If they changed the snare duration to increase further it flies like xerath stun I think it would be better.

>Team of 1000 Rioters who are paid billions of dollars every year and work painstakingly seventeen hours a day to balance this game come up with Morg's ten year snare duration
>user sitting in his basement munching on Cheetos during his day off from being a construction worker comes up with a more balanced ability in ten seconds

snowday gnar or gentleman gnar?
rocket girl tristana or firefighter tristana?

Bronze players will literally chase you into all 3 of your Heimer turrets, and will run around in circles
within them trying to kill you.

But I know that his is bait, so here is they (You), friend.

>more than capable of carrying in plat
>unable to carry in bronze


dekar is pretty entertainign I like that guy but I only watch tarzaned these days

and then I watch a ton of lcs

>ended last season in S3
>4/1 in placements
>your MMR is 1350 you are likely to be placed in silver 3!

That'll go up if I totally crushed my placements right?

he pulls of the ironic autism really well, which is why hes so entertaining.