ITT: People who never existed

ITT: People who never existed

I think i've preemptively finished this thread, no reason to let it continue

This is the most reddit post I've ever seen

So Catholics did the metaphorical fall occur at the beginning of hominids, homo, or specifically homo sapiens? Or should we go back to the first time that an organism reproduced sexually instead of asexually?


It's also my second
The first one was "Bertrand Russell is a great philosopher"

I'm not saying I don't think they existed in saying those are the only other two whose existence will be thrown into question
Why did I spell it wrong or why did I include him?

Why did you include him? I've never heard an argument for Muhammad not existing

I haven't either but I'm sure someone will claim it

There is none. Mohammed was an alpha male who conquered and keft his mark on history. To even compare him to a Jewish carpenter who turned the other buttcheek to get fucked by other Jews is so haraam I'm going to blow my top from reading any more of this

that'd be weird considering his conquests and the Caliphates that appeared after his death are historically proven.

Do you guys think that Romulus existed?

>Mom, I posted it again!

one of these

most people here in Rome unironically do

No, those cave dwellers had to make up shit about their ancient "history"

It's pathetic how little those retard remembered of their actual past

No, just typical WEWUZ (like the other story where dey wuz Trojan heroes and shiieet)

>fucked a nine year old



>had eleven wives
>not alpha

The real Lee Harvey Oswald died in 1960.
The man that returned to America was a Russian spy, the first test subject of the KA program.

There are a dozen such Soviet cells still in the USA, waiting to strike. The collapse of the USSR was faked as predicted by KGB defector Anatoly Golitsyn in his 1984 book "New Lies for Old".


Adolf Hitler

Probably not.

Wives arnt girlfriend mate

I dunno, Ive seen Brad Pitt in alot of movies man

>Mohamed didn't exist

Get out

I realize this is common knowledge, for now...

But think about it - the guy has an address, a grave, and more movies than you can shake a cocaine snuff box at, a good portion which are made to look like dramatized biographies.

How long before whether or not this guy existed, actually becomes a question for historical debate?

Just as an example. There not even sure if Lao Tzu was a real guy. Some people think the book "Tao Te Ching" was possible a cult or group of people that didn't want to revealed there group. So they made up this guy, said he ran into the woods and was "never seen again", and made Taoism.

inb4 bait

are you fucking serious? Socrates was 100% alive two millennia ago. He's dead now tho. Definitely dead.

But could Motzart still be alive?

>KGB agent who was also a Cuban counter-revolutionary on CIA orders

I think you are getting him mixed up with Jack Ruby. Oswald was pro-Castro.

There's only two accounts we have of Socrates, both of which are second hand, politically motivated, often demonstrating personal philosophies through stories about him, and no direct writing from him nor other records of him.

...On the other hand, that's one more account than we have for most famous figures of the same era, and said accounts are pretty extensive.

But I don't think anyone was contesting the second part of your retort.

The accounts we have about Socrates are also more consistent than a lot of other figures from Antiquity.

Yes, it is one of your flakier "X didn't exist" theories. They pull the same with Homer, and even Shakespeare. On the other end of the spectrum, I suppose you have your King Authors and Robin Hoods. ...and the obvious Veeky Forums troll option that I won't mention.

To be fair to doing that with Homer, there isn't a lot of concrete information on the guy.

I still suspect, in the case of Socrates, while he probably did exist, a lot of the accounts of his life were simply parables designed to demonstrate philosophies in the process, and never actually happened. Plato's and Xenophon were probably giving him credit for a lot of their own ideas, or at least creating stories to demonstrate them with him as the main character.

Too many people reference the guy, but it could very well be some of his works are indeed the works of others. (Which is the same argument they make for Shakespeare.)

What exactly did they acuse Socrates of? On what grounds did they agree to make him drink hemlock?

Corruption of Athenian youth

And who accused him? The Hillary Clintons of Athens. Pure NTness

A guy named Melito, or Melythus, i don't know which greek names translate to english

A lot of rich men he was pissing off by asking them questions they couldn't answer

eh we found what we think were the remains of Troy, there definitely was a huge city on the coast of Turkey and it was definitely destroyed and there was definitely a huge battle in that area.

Their accused him of corrupting the youth with his philosophy and bringing in foreign gods to the city.

Real reason why they probably did it was because he remained in the city during the rule of the thirty tyrants and the previous coup instead of leaving, and was grandfathered in most of those governments as a citizen for staying when they became more restrictive. It seems like it could be agreed upon that historic Socrates questioned democracy (though it's uncertain if he didn't believe in it, instead of just evaluating it). And given that a lot of his pupils were Laconophiles, it wasn't irrational to suspect that he might be attracting some dissidents.