/csgog/ - Counter Strike: Global Offensive General

>Ongoing/Upcoming Tournaments

>Competitive News


>PUG Services
[FREE] cevo.com/event/cs-globaloffensive/downloads
[FREE] faceit.com
[PAID BOTNET] play.esea.net

>Betting/Trading/Item Related
Always inspect in game, always assume the worst. Bet what you can afford to lose and most importantly always do the opposite of what /csgog/ says.

>Game Mechanic Info
Damage Chart: schuzak.jp/cs-go/dmgchart.html
Recoil Mechanics: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=243468228

>Ranks & Stats

>Game Enhancements

>Watching Streams
Livestreamer: docs.livestreamer.io/
Open Source Twitch Chat: sourceforge.net/projects/getchatty

>How to git gud
Do this EVERYDAY: youtube.com/watch?v=SlCRfTmBSGs
Watch this EVERYDAY: youtube.com/watch?v=T0Y8PmrzHuI

>Useful websites and maps/How to practice
Read and watch everything here: pastebin.com/zTwcpC1q

Other urls found in this thread:


ay was good monica

Forgot this vid


>invite pro gamer
>he throws

>all these dislikes on a live stream

ahahaha esl was a mistake youtube was a mistake

couldn't happen to a more deserving group of people

It's about to hit 3k bois



TThis game is lacking in utlity. We need some grenade and rocket launchers. Maybe some tripmines and other explosives. The bomb should also be triggered by explosives so player really have to plan it out and hid away from explosions to win

>Let's turn CSGO into Rainbow Six Siege


>didnt win

>harveynig thread

We just dont have enough options besides guns taht shoot boring bullets.

Maybe we should get guns that should bullets that bounce off walls. This will add another dimension to the game and really take it in the right direction to attract the new, younger crowd that will keep the game bustling and healthy.

>that image

wait the ESL/ESEA server shit itself for both matches? lmao this is so pathetic

I just saw a streamer using this, is it a speedhack?

Tyler Latham aka Skadoodle has just passed away due to heart complications. This has been a huge shock to his team and this is why it is taking so long for the server to reset. #RIP

is this bait?

i guess the way to a man's heart is through his stomach xD

dude... YES!

and to get to the stomach you can go through the butt :3

Tyler Latham aka Skadoodle has just passed away due to heart complications. This has been a huge shock to his team and this is why it is taking so long, they are mourning their friend. #RIPSKADOODLE.

gg wp. May you practice your flicks in heaven

>most expensive primary weapons is from israel
>most expensive secondary weapon is from israel
hmm really entices some cognitions


Oy vey. Gotta pay your reparations somehow goy

r8 is $50 more than deag sorry

figuratively who?

>esl stream reaches 3k dislikes
>they shut it down

ahahahahahahaha PEA was right

anyone who calls esl retarded greedy jews is right

>2 hours to reset a server
they deserve it



>use aug
>literally fail to see enemy player right in front of me
why is it so big

>not having your viewmodel in the middle of the screen for maximum viewability

wtf fammy

Use goldeneye viewmodels.

N0thing: Fuck this, Fuck life, I want tyler, fuck this game.

currently down 12-1

>You are blocked from following @Thooorin and viewing @Thooorin's Tweets. Learn more

whys daps hanging out with nitr0 in a hotel room...?

what did ya tweet at him boi

daps takes care of nitr0's wife when he's in a match

>start ct side lmaodust2
>4 of us do ok, one guy keeps pushing
>pushes every round
>if he's lucky he kills one and damages the other before dying
>he keeps talking about how he's traded and there's one more in tunnels or some shit, talking shit about how people can't finish off dudes in the retake that he made us do, keeps trash talking me for rotating too slowly from long A after the team slowly dies and nobody makes calls (even if I tell people to wait for me to rotate before trying the retake)
>I decide I've had enough of his shit after were down 2-7
>tell him to stop fucking pushing like a silver, he goes on about trading and I tell him it's never worth trading as a ct, it's fucking retarded letting t's storm a site where there's only going to be 1 player defending it after he gets himself killed
>he gets super fucking mad, tells me how he's a mid-level professional and that he knows more than me (he's 2nd bottom fragging by virtue of managing a triple kill in pistols)
>He starts going on about not being able to afford a decent gun, team gets a bit more brave, everyone shits on him for force buying literally every round
>we come back and win 16-14 despite him being a piece of shit and trying to trash talk people if they don't 1v3 clutch all the time.

Where the fuck is Season????

vavle is allergic to good/fun maps. thats why we have agency in the next operation

This is where you use the mute function.

maybe u r dumb and gay and stupid and a faggot

>Team tries kicks hacker
>Vote no initially
>They threaten to kick me first so I give up
>We end up losing
>Go back and check the replay
>He looks perfectly clean, enemies just keep running into him and the angles hes holding
God people are dumb, why wouldnt you just run with the risk of losing some rank later than basically giving up the game?

sorry dude. they already leaked the next operation maps. its agency, black gold, insertion, thrill, and like 2 others. no season.

what the fuck is wrong with valve

There is only 3 people working on the game. They have to pace themselves

i found the full list. de_thrill, cs_agency, de_shipped, de_lite, de_blackgold, de_austria, cs_insertion

>liking subhumans


Your women do lmao

i just emailed gabe about this season not being active duty issue

It got to the point where we enjoyed shutting him down. It was kinda funny how tightly wound the guy was over his retarded antics

>Pushes through tunnels again, kills one, dies
>Team laughs at him, we were asking why his push strat didn't work, surely since it didn't work last round and the one before that, it would work this round
>other top fragger asks if he can join his professional gaming league in a mocking way
>dude gets mad, says he's too bad and it's invite only
>other guy says he's doing way better than him, why wouldn't he be allowed
>starts going on about m-muh valve matching-making meaning nothing, play me at real cs, you'd get destroyed etc.

trade you for that flip.

gee its almost as though you're a sexually frustrated 16 year old

why are the sounds of the silenced shots from the usp and a1 so soothing?

Because they are terribly inaccurate and you hate reality?

wait, did csco allow skins?

t. silver shitter

Yes but thats irrelevant. Silencers piss me off in vidja games. Its my little bit of autism

Royal Paladin

Radiation Hazard

Bullet Rain

which one?

bullet rain

Silencers adds to accuracy, and bullet velocity, unless they're specifically designed to lower bullet velocity to subsonic.

Oh lel. I was talking about the sound not the performance of it

What anime should I watch?

Detroit metal city is great

Trips confirm. Gonna watch DMC

Its some good shit

Oh damn we even got the same subs

I still lost this game

non non biyori

Amagami SS

The tatami galaxy is top. Just hope you have a highschool education and can actually read

I already watched that and repeat

do it again


>4 tied games in last two days

feels worse than losing

Oh damn this show is great. Gonna finish it tonight then start

Anyone else here have a deathadder? I feel like this mouse tracks like dog shit.

>another e sports general

When will we discuss the fucking game? A new map was release yesterday, can we talk about that?

if u want to talk about video games go to /v/
oh wait it's literally dead
if u want to talk bout videos games ur fucked/

Veeky Forums killed video games

I haven't used one since 2013, stick to zowie or logitech

i use the godly microsoft intellimouse

get a g403

Maps shit. Play it once or twice for the fun shit as T and hope you can wrap it up before slugging through all the CT bullshit

I want to strip out an intellimouse and fill it with a decent sensor and shit. Would be mad comfy


Oh shit. Aliexpress has me sorted with a fully legit SS intellimouse.


Pretty sure my mouse has that sensor. Wonder if I could canabalise my G502 when the wire dies next and swap it into one.

most new mice have a pixelart. you can swap out most mice senors if you put in enough work anyways

anybody else getting huge frame drops/fps videolag/ random frame skipping and just in general choppy fps as of the lastest patch?

i swear to god every single patch this game just becomes more and more unplayable. i have a gtx 960 i5-6600 and play at the lowest settings at like 1xxx-7xx something something

have you tried unsubbing from workshop maps then deleting them?

>your best ping to official servers is 80ms
>every game i get into i have 30-40 ping

why cant valve into doing anything right

Why does fucking everyone in this general suck so hard at the game, Im done, I won't join your fucking lobbies, and I'm tired of you guys adding me for easy carry.

Choke on my chode

idk how you think people here suck when we have guys with under 100 hours who easily drop 60+bombs on GE without breaking a sweat.

who else cant want for machine learning anticheat to fuck niggers up?

god i hate cheaters so deeply. the ones who paid like 2000$ for a super private undetectable cheat and learned how to use it without getting cauht/being obvious are such filth, these types deserve to rot in hell, i swear to god. lie to your face every day and every time, FILTH

I just broke 100hours and am on silver now. Its not bad for my 16 wins. I get really nervous when joining anyone's lobby as being in a group with good people means I'm up against people who will wreck me round after round =(

Bartender,Usagi Drop,Hidamari Sketch,Detroit Metal City,Code Geass,Black Rock Shooter,Durarara,Colorful

obviously the movies too
>sees toradora in the list
Why did you even ask?That's the greatest love story ever told.Watch that first then the rest of the list in that order.