League of Legends General - /lolg/

Heartmelting edition!

OT: eyosongive.us

Other urls found in this thread:


>threaten to draw bad draws of your waifu
>remind you of what i did already
>panic and make a new thread
lad you are way too easy

xth for Rumble, the best yordle

Lulu is shit

Why are Teemo mains possibly the scariest people to ever go against?

It's like they're literally trained in Guerrilla warfare and destabilizing entire countries

t. Teemo Main

xth for Syndra

I used to be a Teemo main

Here's a hint: We have no idea what the fuck we're doing, if you jump on me I'm just going to Q you and press all my buttons and kite. It's not even hard.

You were hoping to bypass the image limit in the old thread? Nigga you're not only despicable and degenerate, you're also stupid to the point where any ridicule aimed at you is obsolete.

what did you do already?

Because they have a champ that literally built to make people get pissed off and since Teemo is shit, the guys that kinda stand above the rest Teemo mains have gone through hell and back. But they don't go far anyway or at least I don't know top tier Teemo Mains.

report luluthreads and migrate to the one, weve won twice in a row lets keep it going

>Nigga you're not only despicable and degenerate, you're also stupid to the point where any ridicule aimed at you is obsolete.
i cant even reply to this. youre crazier than i am

thread wars to stop luluposter from being the OP

What's the proper toplane Teemo build right now anyway? Does he even have any 100% core itmes?

Then you obviously don't know what I am talking about because this fucker was the most evil thing I have ever experienced in this game

I was jungling but this little fucker basically made me his bitch for the entire 2nd half of the game. He was like a god damn angel of death, he would booby trap every possible chokepoint in my jungle and then swoop in and slit my throat when im choking on his poison. He the fucking vanishes into thin air when my team tries to rotate on his ass.

I went from silver 2 to platinum 3 in 3 months thanks to the bird man.
>Tanky while still doing a shit ton of damage
>You either snowball by getting a BS kill or you scale into the late game
>Win rate of 53+%
>Can be played both mid and toplane

Why haven't you accepted the gift of the birdman yet?

Guys I'm fucking retarded pls help. If I want to reach out to some Riot profiles like Krepo etc and ask them some questions regarding their jobs what would be my best way to go about that?

you dont


Put 15 years old on your twitter profile and then dm him

>becoming a part of the list.

make a new op user, this entire general supported you last time so keep doing it

You'd have better luck asking lower positioned employees instead of fucking Krepo. Try the forums. Good luck.

Or if you absolutely have to talk to Krepo

Pure AP basically. Only exception is Nashor's tooth just because it has really good CDR and synergy with his AA's, other than that you're building around your Q and R.

If you're mushrooms aren't constantly on CD then you're playing him wrong, because you should be in the enemy jungle setting up shrooms in narrow walk ways to mop up anyone trying to move freely around the map. His most powerful ability is map control and it should be taken advantage of.


bandlebro don't bully lulufag

>did it once
>literally everyone lost their mind
>they all did it for me anyway
was the only time i ever made an OP for this general and i still have no idea what happened

i fuckin wish i was

That literally wasn't even the same luluposter.

>theres 2 luluposters


dude there's like 5, but there's only one in my heart

I love you merippu

Actually there's about 5 now.

wtf is this nigga up

drugs are bad kiddo

>Rasslin memes in /lolg/

oh dear oh my

Is this all the skins you bought with your wagecuck bux?

I really really wish I was Nami!

I'm the inventor
a bold experimentor
join me as an acolyte and I will be your mentor

should i take teleport or exhaust against talon top?exhaust seems kind of pointless since he does most of his damage while invisible(cant target with exh)

just filter them

the only way to win is to ignore and exclude them

no invites to vg vs vg, kicks if they join

no additions or references to lulu in lists (even insults)

and no more (you)s

if we can get every poster here to refuse to acknowledge them we win

lulu fag is MUCH more enjoyable than the greenpost bloggers who are silver and complain about trolls

i know what my first drawing for lolg will be

but wheres the fun if i filter

What's you guys favorite kpop song to jack off to?
Here's mine


What's the point of champions like Irelia or Riven, if you ever come close to a carry you will just be deleted in a second. They are like shitty assassins

>MUCH more enjoyable than the greenpost bloggers who are silver and complain about trolls
Isn't that literally where this general is for?

I'm scared now

the same can be said for other shitposters and avatarfags like the janna transexual, but you can always rely on desperate fools to give them attention.

Enablers are half the problem.

>threads don't show up

and to make it better, ill use a free as in freedom open source digital art tool

no this is for high elo players like myself to discus the game and how its meant to be played.

I wanna give Lulu ALL the headpats!

Post league girls with EXTREME risk of pregnancy

clan_iraq go and stay go

free art software's fun

the fun is that he sees he has no impact and everyone ignoring him leads to him finally killing himself

the saying goes that any publicity is good publicity and any form of attention is good attention

literally just spread the word to filter and ignore him and lulu

the more you bitch about him the more you encourage his shitty behavior

and i want you to stop saying the same thing over and over. you said that yesterday.

>there will be a point where its so shit the mods will finally stop him
>and so will be his end

jesus this is just sad

mods are garbage, no ome other than me reports luluthreads and posts and so they dont see them as an issue

they wont DO anything so its up to us to fix the problem

if youre not a fucking retard you can notice when a new thread is posted

dont be stupid like lulufags and its easy

You should go TP. Talon wants to either kill you or roam, and if he's top he can't roam very effectively unless he runs TP too.

If he is going all-in with Flash Ignite then you're going to get fucked up unless you're a Maokai or a Poppy. Just carry TP and wait for fights. Don't give him room to kill you. Talon needs to snowball off kills, so he can't afford to spend 15 minutes top farming.

If you think you are way better than the Talon or you have a great duelist champion you can consider going exhaust, but it's only really going to help you in an all-in. Tele is a way safer choice.

What league dude would make a good pairing with Annie

In a gruff father figure cute special daughter way you sick fucks

Braun is too gentle

obviously Graves


comfy comics~

exhaust if there is an annoying dps champ that can kill you past your W (yi, fiora, yasuo)
ignite against anything else
dont fucking take tp thats just stupid


Gragas, an aloholic father with a heart of gold.

Is on-hit with fervor any good? Something like guinsoo bork runaan mallet, in no particular order. Maybe more defensive if needed

read my fucking mind
he's a criminal asshole but he seems more balanced than most league guys.

fujoshits disgust me

guys cant be fujos

Lulu is the spookiest! THE SPOOKIEST!

Look up iPav and copy him, ignore this faggot

What would be the best League oneeshota couple?


fudanshi then

when threads get made at 600 posts, no I don't know

On a scale of 1-10, how buff do I need to be to bang a decent league cosplay girl at a convention?

I'm not talking the nasty fujoshi trash, mind you. The DECENT kind.

Ekko Vi

rough street kid getting set straight by a rougher cop lady

shit writes itsself

>race mixing

Just workout faggot


Girls only fuck 10s user

literally just be d3+ and you'll have girls on your dick, but if you're a low rank then i guess you' have to be a 7/10?

>decent cosplayers

I nearly passed out doing legs yesterday because I hadn't eaten anything all day, give me a break

sorry hunter but
ya see
its whats best for business

WHy are there no good streamers on in the morning?



cosplay girls are either basketcases or there with their boyfriend. dont stick ur dick in crazy user

Lulu is the cuddliest! THE CUDDLIEST!

Weldy speaks troofs

I guess thats the correct term

sorry ya dont like me bud


Fuck league of legends that's way too much work for con sluts


I don't see the issue either way

Wrong, I personally banged a great 8/10 girl at a con after 2 days of speaking with her

You: Hey you look really nice!
Her: Want to take a picture
You: Yeah i would love to!
>You take the picture while hovering your hand around her waist as the beta you are.
>She becomes visibly uncomfortable
You: Thanks for the picture , how many conventions have you already done?
>She ignores you while the next beta tries the same thing

Don't even bother

>Stick my dick in crazy
>Get to fuck a hot girl AND get to die

Sign me up senpai



lmao do people actually do that shit?? nigga that's not even beta, that's some gamma shit

>auto fill supp
>pick my nigga velkoz
>go full ap
>carry the game while keeping the map warded

Feels good man

Will I become the incredible Hulk if I do it enough then?

It really happens alot.

Beta's try to the hold waist but they end up having a mental warfare and you end up freezing

lulufag i hope i got your aesthetic right

itt: youngsters putting women on a pedestal
