League of Legends General - /lolg/

cute husbando edition


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Steve should kill himself


post yfw team liquid

xth for Syndra


>82k viewers



>tfw Piglet

sexualize yordles (male)

>Early thread

kill yourself euro trash


I want to lewd yordles and buy annie icecream and raise her in loving care so she can become the great mage shes destined to be

it still hurts

can you handle this

>Go 1 for 1 and essentially win a teamfight when super behind
>Lmao just go back in

wait what's the problem here?
I don't play darius but starting Q against melee seems like the obvious choice

>lewding yordles (girl)

that incompetent hemoplague

I have enough for a 4800 champ

Do I buy rumble or vladimir?

this would be perfect if some of her stockings was ripped

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

>Lod steals the scuttler too
this game is a fucking shitshow

Holy shit what was that engage
What was that TP

TEAM ????

just do it

darius always ALWAYS starts w against melee so you can get more stax

Starting W lets you get way more damage off and level 1 W start Darius should win auto attack fights

Are you furfag or just gay?

>never liked vlad
>got blood lord vlad in hextech ages ago
>dusted it a while back since it was just sitting there
>sudden random desire to pick up vlad

You start W so you can get more autos off

Hey buds, whom do I shoot for next?

the fun sexy one

Lourlo more like LourLUL amiright? haha

please laugh


sorry jeb, it wasn't that funny


jesus fuck dig they have families

not doublelift tho

blood lord is his worst skin good disenchant senpai

What is pic related good for?

17 - 2 Never Forgotten



solo queue desu

havent watched lcs for a while,
why the fuck is DL on piglet's trash steam
big paycheck? no repercussion options to leave whenever?

delet this
I played an entire LAN next to steve and we never exchanged words because we're both autists
we're blood brothers now

Ludens into Rabadons

>not wanting to be maximum edgelord with dat laugh

he's only on TL for the rest of spring split

raping your backline while being unkillable

probably booted out of trashSM because of his unforgettable dash into a godly Korean midlaner.

When will the NA/EU subhumans learn that they are inferior species?

Darius wins all level 1 all ins. He does this because auto w auto is an instant 3 stacks plus grasp triggered.

Q start is exceptionally niche. I only do it vs like ryze.


Piglet vlad is really bad tho. What was that mastery choice?

>tfw DL only made TL worse

Why can't Jinx be real?

Would she think sex was fun?

Would I have to be a cuck to be in a relationship with her because she'd be ready to drop her panties for fun at any moment and with anyone at that moment?

These are the questions I need to know

are his stacks that good now? Can you even proc the full thing in trades?
haven't played him since the "rework"
I assumed you wanted Q for the sustain from the start, plus it should be easier to get off on melees

>Piglet, mid for Team Liquid

Would you have believed this 2 years ago?

God listening to these casters talk about how Vlad needs to build Spirit Visage first makes me want to kill myself. They have absolutely no clue what they're talking about.

>team with Piglet and Doublelift completely disrespecting their opponents by being over aggressive and taking ridiculous summoner spells, runes and masteries and acting like they won before the game even starts

Wow what a surprise

Is Team Liquid's owner a fucking retard?

You are a loser

You only do it against ranged cancer where you can't get any autos off. Against melee you should ALWAYS go w on Darius.

NA is all full retard

>play during the day or in weekends
>constant flaming inting, stealing camps and taking cs in all teams
>playing late at night or early in the morning
>comfy teams who support you and say "its fine" when you do a stupid play and talk communicate about plans to win or make plays

Surely you play at night, user?

>the 3 weeks of building up DL and Liquid to rise up have all been just to shit on them after they fail

what item should i build on ahri after morello? meme mask? dcap?

they nerfed them a bit recently but they're still ridiculous


you're a retard

He didnt say build it first
He said build it second cause piglet was losing while trying to build a dcap after ludens

Is that supposed to hurt my feelings?

Best inspirational speech ever or best inspirational speech ever?

And some silver surfer on Veeky Forums does


while that's as may be, what they're saying is that this is what's usually done in competitive, which is a fact.

>play on any part of the day in EUNE
>retards never end
>no one is nice
>barely anyone speaks good english

Why is Darius not a pick in pro play?

South Korea may not even be a country within the next decade when based Kim Jong Un bombs the shit out of them and the US/China does nothing like the cuckbois they are so who's laughing now?

You start at full health at level 1. So to use any healing you have to walk up and auto them and take harass and get 1 stack off before slowing your stack generation for q.

Or you could walk up hit them with the cool 90% slow and bap bap bap.

His bleed was recently nerfed but he's still really strong. You get guaranteed 3 stacks on a melee by starting w. 4 if they try to harass you back. If they're too stupid and try to fight you that's 5 stacks and a won lane.

>30-200 free AD

where's the Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums at

>me pick darius
>me get kited
>me lose game

It's either SV or Abyssal. Hell even Protobelt wouldn't be that bad a choice.

Straight fucking Ludens rush has literally never been a thing

Not necessarily SV but at least a spectre against heavy magic damage dealer like orianna and ap jungle would have saved his ass

Because the top meta is literally just tanks and rumble. Even top Jayce has heavily fallen off and Jayce can at least be played mid. Fiora also fell off hard even though she was picked a lot at the start of LCS.

Nice repeating digits

Worst part about it is that DL probably doesn't even care. He's swimming in money from his offer and whenever he loses he's like 'meh I'ma be in tsm again in a few months it's gonna be alright'

His only motivation right now is money which he already has

I don't play ranked on weekends and only between 12am-6pm

Pro players are not manly enough.

Look at this triggered NA monkey subhuman

what mastery did he take? not even knowing the champ or playing him id guess you want dft or stormraiders

>Because the top meta is literally just rumble, renekton, and things that can survive lane against renekton

fixed that for you

pros tend to value teamfighters more, i.e. gnar, naut, maokai, shen

Darius is really good in solo que tho. He has like 51% win rate even in diamond+ which having a decent pick rate.

I mean Quinn was not even picked once in LCS or LCK and she is called cancer.


Nah, they said to build it first over and over. Then they started talking about how the second item was even more AP (Dcap) rather than the Spirit Visage.

Yeah, but Vlad has been pretty crappy in competitive ever since the big changes to shift him from a drain tank to a burst mage. Spirit Visage rush is garbage on Vlad

>NA Plat
lol ahahahahha

me on the left

>Implying I'm front NA

Keep sucking that gook dick over videogames faggot, see where that gets you

Unless your ADC is ruler they're probably not going to run blindly at a Darius to be killed.


go to EUW at night its pretty chill
anyone got more like pic related?


>question about pro play
>"but he's really good in solo q"
what did he mean by this?

>naut, maokai, shen
They are utterly destroyed by Darius.