League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best Freljord



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xth for feeding gooks


Nami is for hugs and cuddles only!

Xth for feeding then ragequitting

Also a single loss dropped my MMR almost a hundred points and an entire division lower to likely place in?

Now this is a good OP

Nami is pretty fun to play to be honest, if only her bubbles weren't so hard to land I would play her more.

is this the faggot from lolg?

rate your minion killing competence on the scale of 1 to 4...

1. Unconscious incompetence
The individual does not understand or know how to do something and does not necessarily recognize the deficit. They may deny the usefulness of the skill. The individual must recognize their own incompetence, and the value of the new skill, before moving on to the next stage.

2.Conscious incompetence
Though the individual does not understand or know how to do something, he or she does recognize the deficit, as well as the value of a new skill in addressing the deficit. The making of mistakes can be integral to the learning process at this stage.

3. Conscious competence
The individual understands or knows how to do something. However, demonstrating the skill or knowledge requires concentration. It may be broken down into steps, and there is heavy conscious involvement in executing the new skill.

4. Unconscious competence
The individual has had so much practice with a skill that it has become "second nature" and can be performed easily. As a result, the skill can be performed while executing another task.

>Be in queue

>Get matched

>Get in lobby

>Top laner is first pick

>"Any one want me to pick for them??"

>no one responds cept' me

>I would pick for you but i dont have much champs in this acc

>"I would play naut"

>yep, dont have him

>"or singed"

>Don't have either lol

>"Then what do you have?"

>Gnar, Teemo, Kayle, Mao, and Panth

>"Okay that'll wor-

>Time was up for his pick


why is plat elo this stupid?

Mixture between 3 and 4, unless Im playing a mage, I just become a potato and get about thalf the cs I normally get.

2-3 depending on champion and some wave location specific stuff. I'm still garbage at CSing under tower as a mage

Relax senpai, you can't get banned for quitting. If you're cool with the L there's no other downsides.

Probably 4 on my main, 1 to 3 on other champs. Doesnt help Im 625k mastery down on him...


4 When playing adc.
2-3 when playing anythingelse.
I Main Adc someone fucking kill me please.

Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.

comfy cosplay~

Where's that shotacon Leona x Ezreal edit?

3 or 4 depending on if im playing someone im familiar with or not

I practiced last hitting/denying back in dota to the point of mental illness. League only has me last hit too, not that I don't like the cheeky cannon denies.

*blocks ur path*

>with ezreal
>vs lulu kogmaw
not sure how I feel about this, top 2 LPL teams right now btw

Anyone want to team up for 5 stack rankeds?
Tired of playing with toxic little kids who flame all game
EUW Bronze 2 right now

>enemy team takes the most LCS shit possible with malz, nautilus and ezreal
>auto lose
nice game lolbabs

You're bronze cuz you're bad not because of your teammates

fuck off, nosey girl

>enemy picks meta
>we shitpick, instead of picking meta too

>Pick champions that are excellent in this patch
>Do well
gee who would've thought

why the lb ban
still playing on 7.4?

Post obscure League tips that newer players might not know about.

Don't play the game and get a job instead

and what are you supposed to do if they take the best champions for each role?
you auto lose because you can't pick the same champions

That's the kind of toxic attitude I'm talking about, just being rude for no reason, shame

No.. that's truth, not being rude. I'm sorry if you interpret the truth as being rude.

One tricking doesn't actually make you play well just like people here say. Don't fall for the meme

Just because something killed you doesn't mean it's a no skill brainless champion

I got to d1 by being a one trick pony

this game isnt fun


>die once
>immediately tilt so fucking hard and get so fucking angry I have to quit
>completely incapable of playing safely or from behind at all because I find it so mind numbingly boring I'd rather die fighting than hug a turret whatsoever
>can't play anything other than feast or famine lane bullies, have zero mechanics just throw numbers at people until they die
>every single game is either a complete stomp in my favour or I leave early on
>never having any fun whatsoever unless I'm doing stupid damage to people and making the game unfun for them
>can't not play aggressive because it just feels intrinsically good to hit things

Jinx is best waifu.
Love her and treat her right and you'll ever lose

>tfw went from gold 4 to d2 by playing only ezreal in 400 games back in season 3
you are full of shit faggot.

You sound fucking retarded, and I hope you stay out of my games.

Flaming someone isn't the truth it's being an obnoxious toxic kid

>Lee's name
Time to pack it up and go home.

this isn't the game for you senpai

you all
are full
of shit
stop memeing

getting a morde ghost actually stops you from obtaining the rift herald bonuses so never get it for morde :^)

baron does more damage from behind
ludens echo is a bad item on anyone and youd be better off building rabadons
counterpicks DO NOT exist just better players

Why is Vlad good again all of a sudden?

wait what

>counterpicks DO NOT exist just better players

They do there's just very,very few of them

Use bushes vs shitters. They dont understand that shit.

One tricking is literally the only way to play this game. Riot's balance decisions are all over the fucking place and never make sense, so trying to keep up with the 'meta' would mean changing all your heroes every 3 weeks at least.

Playing just one champ and fully grasping their mechanics lets you play the GAME instead of the champion, which is what actually makes you climb. You can one-trick all the way to Challenger.

Trying to figure out and play only what's currently OP is pointless and is the ultimate Ranked noob trap.

Wouldn't surprise me, there's like 100 Morde bugs atm.

I'm not sure.

I know what image you want, but I don't have it here. Sorry user.

I know but the games where things DO go my way and I pop off and shit on everyone and make the game unfun are so fun I want to keep playing and the game's very nature is fairly addicting too. Plus the fact I can't start a new game until the one I left ends gives me a built in cooldown period for my anger to subside. It's a difficult to break cycle.

Counter pick.

if you're playing every meta champion of course you're not going to climb dummy
it doesn't have to do with the number of champions you play, it has to do with how you play

It's better to main a small group of champions regardless of their strength(Unless they're seriously godawful) than pick whatever's called OP at the time

t. shitter

How do you solve your anger / tilt problem? I have a friend I can't play with anymore because if they do bad its pretty much the end of the world.

I want to play with them but not when they are so depressed over the game

t. someone who has never gotten past plat5/gold1

> t. memer

If you apply Xin's passive onto Shaco before he ults, it stays on the real one. If you know his Q is down, you can press R to knock the clone away automatically.

One-tricking doesn't cure retardation, but if you're actually trying to climb and improve it is significantly more effective to one-trick while you learn to actually play the game. It's much easier to focus in on your play when you're not having to compare several different champs across multiple games.

I haven't. I tilt, and I DC, and the wait periods whether it's waiting for the game to end or waiting for leaver buster queue gives my body time for the heat to leave my face and my heart rate to slow back down.

>can still get creep trapped in your own creep wave


then one tricking isn't the solution
improving your game is


Your reading comprehension isn't very good.

>Players A and B pick syndra because she's OP in patch [whatever]
>spend a week learning the basics of that champion, auto timings, proper spell rotations, what matchups are good and bad to face for her, etc
>Syndra gets nerfed
>Player A still players her
>Player B moves on to Orianna
>Player A can learn more advanced stuff for the champion because he already knows the basics
>Player B is back at square one again and has to pick up everything from scratch

lol noob
stop being bronze

you can also ping Shaco before he ults, the ping stays on the real Shaco.

Incoming Madara copypasta on how Jax actually shits on Malphite if you play him to his TROO POTENSHUL.

> if you're bronze just one trick ;)
> one-tricking doesn't cure retardation


i try to do this but i like a lot of champs across roles
is it better to master them one at a time/ will i learn faster

anyone near San Diego or better yet, Tijuana? I'm going down there for the summer and want to know what kind of ping I'll get.

Does your friend get depressed or does he get angry? Does he constantly leave or does he play the full match and is miserable the whole time? Role and champs?

I'm from Mexicali, pretty close, I have 70 ping on NA with my mexican internet.
and 90ping on LAN.
totally playablye perfectly stable for about 99% of the time.


Respect the Dyr

miss old warwick
ulting q felt so good

>being hard to counter
Mate, you have no idea how wrong you are.
>Usual AP toplaners
Coming from a Jax main, he doesnt really get free matchups.

I see you're still having some difficulty comprehending what I wrote. Try reading it again, and this time really think about what the meanings of each word might be.

Anything that lane bullies without needing to autoattack. A Jax with no cs is useless. Swain and Panth are both decent for dealing with him.

Why is futa Akali so rare? Someone slap a dick on this ninja.


Learning every role is a good idea. You don't need to play 6 champions in every role, but even if you aren't a jungler, learn like 2 junglers that don't rely on heavy skill investment or whatever.

Like if you're a mid/jungle player, at least learn something like nautilus for the times you may get asked/autofilled top/support. Just don't go picking riven or gangplank when you don't even play top lane

>ap tops

Jax shits on all of those lmfao

> y-you're just not reading right


Just like pick Irelia

nothing about this webm is good, stop posting it

>this is ranked in silver
i finished an AS, boots, and IE before cait
for some reason we were talking about the fappening
cait asked why i bought a shiv. i asked why she didnt buy a bf sword

Results. I heard Boodum inted again

got it i really like champs that can fill multiple role to boot

results for what?

that doesn't seem so bad. I hope I can adjust as I currently get 50 and before the move I got 15

why don't you two...co-exist
more directed at boodrum obviously

Who wants to bully Nami with me?

>Tidecaller? Nami can't even summon water from the faucet.