ITT: stock performance thread

ITT: stock performance thread.

How much are you up/down this year? Do you think you can replicate the results? Post strategy.

Me: only took half a week to go from -7% to nearly 4%. However, bad timing booted my ass back to square one.

I made like 0.1% return, would have been 10% but I panic sold a garbage stock at a 33% loss. I set my stop loss at the absolute lowest floor and it went back up 20%.

I picked out great stocks and have full faith in them but they're all doing shitty atm. I should probably just ignore them entirely for a year or so cause it makes me sick looking at them.

That would suck but you're still in the green so not complaining. How much money did you put into it?

I am relatively new to stocks (Been in the game about 4 months now)

I did a bunch of day trades, at first I had good results so I thought I could just keep day trading.

Then my trades took a turn for the worst, so I quit day trading for a more long term approach. Im still down about 33% on $150, but ever since I stopped looking at stocks from the perspective of small time tables, im slowly working my way back up to my original investment, and slowly adding money here and there. I lost about $50 altogether day trading, but I learned from it and will use that information to tackle the future.

Although its not impressive with some of the meme trades people make, I was proud to hit just short of 10% gains this month.

I focused on logistics (trucking), energy and gold markets. I definitely made some stupid mistakes, didnt know the difference between a stop loss and a limit trade, which made for an embarrassing daytrade waste.

Either way, im happy. Im not touching bio memes with a ten foot pole.

I'm up like 5-6% actively managing my portfolio, while the GF is u 14% buying bluechips and i know the market is >10% so I failed.

The assessment is that I fell into the vortex of memes with part of my portfolio, and the analysis i've done for my other picks is wrong or will take longer to come to fruition. Either way, my plan this year is to create algorithms to trade for me based on fundamentals and/or signals... If i can get machine learning involved i'll do that too, but it looks like those implementations will require me making an AWS account and spinning up a server & database which cost $ so idk, but it seems like a fun project

401(k) is 90% stock. Doing about 8.7% so far thanks to the God-King.

AMD gainz

IDK but sub-par.

I believe the (((MSM))) that the market would crash if Trump were elected, so I moved my 401(k) balance (around $10K) away from an S&P Index fund to a U.S. Treasury bond fund.


Haven't made any trades yet. I've only seen two very good opportunities so far and I missed both.


Made 35% this year.

Wish I had invested more, but this year is my first time doing stocks. Just tested the waters with $1,000.

Account is about 2-3 months old. I am at a $120 loss on a $3000 account. Might be able to regain it all back and them some, or I might take an even bigger loss. I got myself into a wall. Options man, a fickle mistress. Everything was going so well for a while. I am glad I decided to invest only a small amount. I learned the hard way all the things I did wrong, and I have a new strategy that will net me less money, but at least it will be in the green continually. But first I need to wrap up this crap shoot I made by Jan 20, and then go from there.

Holy shit my dude
35% in the first year? Did you go all in and get lucky or are you just good at it?

There were index funds up over 30% in 2016. If you didn't make large returns last year, you just weren't trying. And if you did, it's primarily because almost everything went up.

Somewhat luck, Somewhat good choices.

I played all penny stocks.

My rules:
> Just went on RGT and looked at what the rumor mill was saying
> Look at the 1 week, 1 month, 3 month, 1 year, and forever stock charts
> But I would only pick a meme stock if it did have some solid facts showing it's a good buy
> Buy in the dip, sell it as soon as gains hit 25% or more

I think the only mistake people make in the penny stock game is they get too greedy. They want to double, triple their money, even go to the moon.

Just get in, make 10% - 20%, then sell. You can do this pretty frequently on penny stocks.

Also don't panic. I bought DRAM at $1.60 and it shit down to about a dollar. Then went to $2.50 last week and I sold it as soon as it did.

Yeah also this. This year was bull as fuck. The election of Trump definitely boosted the market a lot.

What app?

Have about $20k in right now, up about $1200.

Only sold twice because I got antsy about the fast rise. Bought back in on the dips, holding everything for now.

Haven't figured out the limit and stop loss stuff yet so I don't use them.
Wish I'd figured out I was looking at the Venture Exchange instead of the Stock Exchange for CGC earlier - it wasn't showing up so I figured something had gone really bad.

I'm at 34.41% as of COB Friday.

Cranking along nicely. About to dump a few more grand in there for the next 3 months strategy.

my favorite is QFX. Magnificent failure - but worth it for the badassery

they were making money, and growing the user base steadily - not rapidly - steadily. There was a hard convertible note held by 'Stan' - who inherited it from HBO.

They put forth a strategy that they would VA in the hopes that they could force a renegotiation on the convertible. It failed magnificently!

At least it was only a $500 punt. The way i was viewing it was as a 0.005 exit.

Ive made 105% this year in long value with 2:1 leverage.

My portfolio and biggest entry points

BME:TEF 8.2€
XET:PAH3 50.5€
NYSE:KMI 21.5$

About to start the new year off right. Heard some guy here talk about $MSTX. Bought in 10k shares @ .9 on RM rumors. Been about a week and just announced the RM this morning. Bout the be a moon mission. Easy 500% + monday. Might not even sell though, 3 drugs all in late phase 2/3. Could be billion dollar valuation in less than a year if they pass phase 3

Not sure where i'm at this year but did an awesome job catching the weed bubble and exiting at the top in November.

I'm just trading bitcoin futures now to grow my stash, it's ridiculously profitable. Currently holding CHK, FCX and APH.V again because the weed bubble is about to do a 2.0 this year