Which rulers brought about the most sudden and rapid change to their nation?

Which rulers brought about the most sudden and rapid change to their nation?
I don't mean which ones cause something down the line, I mean between Ruler X becoming in charge and Ruler X stepping down, who changed the land they rule the most?

I feel like Hitler is an obvious contender, but who e

napoleon or genghis khan you dumb fuck

Mohammed, you dumb fuck.

Pericles. Athens became an empire and would have stayed that way if he didn't die from the plague



That chink who opened up China to the rest of the world so suddenly 1 billion had food to eat

Susan B. Anthony

>Susan B. Anthony
You wot?


I'd say Constantine more then Diocletion.

>I mean between Ruler X becoming in charge and Ruler X stepping down, who changed the land they rule the most?
Augustus is pretty far up the list by this standard. He basically rebuilt the whole government in all facets during his reign.
Then again he ruled like 40 years.

Phillip II

Napoleon and Lenin

He ended the crisis of the third century, and founded the Tetrarchy. Those are some sudden and rapid changes. It all fell apart after he stepped down though.


Emperor Meiji did pretty well.

Peter the Great dragged Russia kicking and screaming through 500 years of development in a couple of decades.

China's founder of course.
>Destroyed Feudalism.
>Ended slave trade in China.
>Opened up government service to commoners.
A thousand years of aristocratic privilege destroyed in 20 years.

Women have always ruled the world. She got many women to use the ultimate weapon-withholding pussy-to gain suffrage for women.

The world has never been the same

I'm not at all knowledgeable about Chinese history. Is he a real figure or more of an myth? Sounds interesting

Don't know to what extent, but this man is supposed to have transformed his nation drastically.

He's real. Qin Shi Huang literally means "First Emperor." Started out as a ruler of the Qin State, one of the many Pre-Imperial Chinese Kingdoms. You can visit his tomb in Xian, China.

The mythical founder of Chinese *culture* is the Yellow Emperor. We're not sure if he exists or is a simple prehistoric Chinky Tribal Chieftain blown up by legend via oral history.

Wasn't he that one responsible for destroying a whole shitload of philosophy?

Yes. He had a shitton of writings burned.

Which one? Probably the Spanish one, but I think the French king changed even more. He basically invented France as a centralized state.

You're thinking of an Aristophanes character.

Pol Pot