League of Legends General - /lolg/

Cute Riven Edition


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Oxymoron edition my favoritw!

Poppy is CUTE!

fuck early threads, but at least it isnt a luluthread

comfy kisses~

Name a better meme team dream team, i bet you can't lolgen

>Any mid
>any top that isnt Shen
>No jungler because that would be 5 people and 5 is too many.


i want to look EXACTLY like irelia!

What's wrong with heal sluts? as long as you're smart about the game and can enable others to carry without being a burden, there shouldn't be a problem.

>get camped at top
>enemy top laner is still somehow behind in cs
>win the game because our jungler camped bot and our adc isn't dog shit

is there a greater feel?

every single shield slut provided the same survability but brings a ton more utility

Shields can only prevent damage. Heals can undo them. That's their utility advantage. Also nearly all enchanter supports brings a lot of utility. Even Soraka has slow, snare and silence.

use that thread first

I have the strong urge to play Riven. Is there any way to keep her from turning into a pumpkin at midnight? It's rare that I close out games before 30 mins.

need 2 vg na

how long does it take to farm ip on a new account
just want to buy and spam Camille

shes not exactly useless late like pantheon


don't speak

Literally all she needs to do damage is BC and a Tiamat. Everything else is flavor. Maybe you buy a LW in lane against someone stacking armor. You can build tank items after that.

>tank update only updating Zac, Sej and who even fucking cares about the third guy
>diver update will probably be worthless
>no healslut update anywhere in sight so that ALL of our supports can have interesting utility skills like Braum Tahm and Bard

>dragons are fertile
>plants are very fertile
>dracozyra is both at once


>Start out lane by getting first blooded and then dying after I get back to lane
>This is the game I got an S+ on Karthus with



Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on LAN needs 9
pass vidya

>Updating Zac
they're gonna make him shit aren't they


Who is the most fuckable male champion?

say hello to mana costs

The heal/shield sluts all have high win rates/play rates, they're fine, one of them even, Lulu, is cancer right now.

right here. Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums UP ON NA!
pass vidya
all are welcome, including the wiifm posters
join up

Matate puto
es chiste, maricon

ehh i dont know. The health costs end up not really being anything so I don't think that will be bad unless the mana costs are absurd

I wanna cuddle Jinx and lewd shyv/irelanon

are you gay?


Lulu enters to a bar.
There is no counter.

Oi its late go to sleep

I'll do it later after a few rounds!

need 3 more for vg vs vg!
NA of course
pw: vidya

that's gay.


Who is the ULTIMATE "1v1 me u won't" champion?





How do I fucking get out of gold

I breezed by g5-g2 but ever since I lost my plat promos I can't seem to climb

Main is adc


Start playing Legion Commander

I'm done pretending I understand the scoring system.

so many champs feel the same!
galio is fun just the way he is!

Xin Zhao

Pretty much ever champion that can just stat check you and run you down.

Learn to push waves harder. Play for OBJECTIVES>CS>KILLS. CS is safe gold. Kills is risky gold. Objectives win the game. Pushing minions into towers lets you hit the towers, or the minions hit the towers, and you slowly win. It's really just being more macro focused than other players to get out of Gold, because they tend to be games where most people tunnel on kills.

>the unseen damage is the deadliest

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on na needs 2 players
pw vidya

Your cs is pretty low for Karthus players. The ranking system compares you to other players of the champion. Karthus tends to have very high cs, so your kills barely make up the gold for the lack of minion kills compared to the Karthus average.

Then why'd the game with LESS cs give an S+?

S+ game was 1.3k damage per minute, S game was 2k damage per minute.

Except that he got a lower rank on the game where he had both higher CS and higher kills, plus fewer deaths more assists and a triple versis double kill?

>tfw you will never bully jinxanon tight midriff

longer game, not taking into account death streaks/kill streaks jungle mobs etc

listen im not a waifufag by ANY stretch of the imagination, but it seems as tho Tristana is best girl.

That's probably barley an S+ game and the S is just barely short of S+. There are small things like kills early in the game are weighted higher, kill streaks, how much you counter jungler, et cetera.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums needs 1 more super star gamer
pw vidya

I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends ...
They're in my head

No. She's actually close to one of the worst girls though.

How dare you.

>tfw she will never leg lock you
>tfw youll never get your pelvis crushed by her

She's not the worst but she's not the best. She's at least in the top 10 of best girls

rev up those bets

believe that is why they say life is unfair

>we'll never have a support as fucking awesome as Oracle

Trist a shit.
More like top 10 worst league girls

>Blue has Ryze
>Purple has Yasuo and Fiddle

Gonna have to go with Blue here.

Dont forget DFT "I didnt read patch notes"Miss Fortune

urgot on 3 items


dft is still the best on mf

>doubting the fiddle pop off

i'm not popping off...died twice already!

why you gotta let me down like this dude...

>tfw no Sheepstick

Hey /lolg/

Can you help me out in this one


I tried to carry this game since it was my promos to Master but i felt like i could have done better

Any tip ?

I hope it's a shitty 520RP tier looking skin and exclusive to hextech chests. :)


Reminder not to reply roll posts l got banned 1 day yesterday for doing so

consider this:
zyra support, max e first...

first item morello and max w second, you are now an 8s cd aoe root bot that always has a seed up whenever your spell is up

>wait through long ass queue
>wait through people constantly dodging
>games just end up being teams taking turns for wins because of where the mongoloids are distributed
>truly awful players getting LP out of pure luck
>people refuse to surrender under any circumstances
>waste 45 minutes
>all these idiots who "can't support" screeching at me to give them their role
How is anyone with a job or other priorities supposed to climb in this awful game?

All ranked has been so far is me getting LP then immediately losing it all because I get Xin top who dies 14 times. Then the next game the drooling idiot is on the other team. Then it just repeats

This seems like a massive waste of time


play only 1-2 games per day

those champs are all too easy to kite. The hardest is probably trundle, and he can still lose 1v1s pretty easily if his enemy is more mobile than him.
The ones with low CD gapclosers like fiora, jax, or riven are much harder to duel in mid/lategame.

>Silver account I've had for years
>get put in S5
>get to S2 and it becomes unbearable
>get my old smurf to 30 and do placements
>easily get into gold
Nice MMR system

>he just realized this game is shit

its ok dude, you can start the healing process now

Not him, but my way of dealing with this is the exact opposite.

Hey, you should see Heroes of the Storm. Fresh accounts start in Diamond.

>"Ban zed"
>"No lol"

>people actually want this
Streamers ruin this game. Only a Lucian main would want Lucian to be picked more.

He was put into the trash can for a reason. His kit breaks the role

He has no fucking range.

Any Melee champ can sneeze on him and pop him like a balloon

>Carrying about climbing.

You will never climb with this mindset.

is this you? where the fuck is ghost blade?

Cheers made this in 1 hour.

>dashes 4 times during a fight
>just get on top of him

>death dance
>but im not low elo
