/elyg/ - Elysium General RETBULL EDITION

/elyg/ - Elysium General

Retbull Edition

>Server Homepage

Alliance guild:
Horde guild:

/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

>Vanilla WoW database


>Leveling Guide

>WoD models

Old: >171486531

So is puddi accepting orbiter applications now that automute doesn't orbit her anymore?

What professions to level with on a hunter

Everything seems like it sucks


you can also switch out engi for another gathering if you want

Engineering for maximum memes and ability to take on every class 1v1 with easy during leveling.

>go to flightmaster
>spam right click on a player standing next to the flightmaster for like 10 seconds before realizing they aren't the flightmaster

Does anyone else do this?

stop posting about yourself, Puddi

who /kronos/ here

>tfw your shitty guild disbands and joins another shitty guild

why havent you guys moved to kronos yet?

t. alex

zzukbot is kill i guess he told them how to fix it?

I never left

are you even in the guild? don't you have a degree in memeology? his main targets are Kasandra and Madti and I sincerely doubt he will ever stop orbiting them considering what they did

Who is this person?

How will MoH EVER recover?

Can't handle the D O G G O S

Nice, haven't seen a guild picture of you guys in a while. Looks like you've been recruiting!

>mohs class leader

how do they put up with that shit? why doesn't autoshitter get kicked? nobody would mind
make yourself useful and gank automute/olivia until he quits

is Threepwood a class leader?


I'm too scared of getting kicked saying this in discord.
Can we have a vote on removing Automute?

dat backflip doe

just block him, Madti

I love Chinese people

remember me

Not Madti, just tired of this autist.
Like everyone else.

haha YES! hello joey

How to 1v1 plate-wearing paladin as rogue? They seem to be literally unkillable. Stunlock doesn't work, garrote/rupture doesn't help, expose armor isn't enough. Am I just retarded or what?

There's no chance of that, crabbersmon gm of salty dogs is unironically friends with orbitmute, despite all the harassing/stalking things he has done.

>tfw too intelligent to rank
>tfw no arena to BTFO all these autistic spergs who think they're pvp gods because they farm honor for 8+ hours a day
Feels bad man. Worst part about vanilla honestly.

kek what

Guys, what is the best vanilla server to play on? Elysium doesn't really look like its going to go far and Kronos might be too small, I don't know any other servers.

What's better for a warlock in pvp, Frostwolf Cloak or Crystalline Threaded Cape?

Is playing this game with people you can call friends really fun?
I've only played this game single player for the most part...

kronos is decent right now, not crazy high pop but its alive

>implying Orbitmute got shit on my stalking skills
watch this

I really hope she sees this and is proud of me :)))

I know this is a stupid question, but if I plan on being a holy priest, should I still learn Shadow Word: Pain?

Yes. The only thing you lose is gold, but the spell is handy for levelling and making sure rogues/druids can't stealth

Of course its fun. For normal people who don't post pictures of little anime girls. Autistic spergs like you wouldn't understand.

Yes it will help you a lot while leveling and if you're doing PvP then it's a necessity

Thanks, I'm pretty much a complete beginner so I appreciate the advice.

that doesn't mean I would tell people not to camp him

You won't respec to holy until you're 60 my dude. Of course you need SW:P.

Arenas is a different kind of PvP. You could be good at BGs and bad at arena, or the reverse.

whats the difference between Kronos I and Kronos II?

''''''people'''''''' who think blizzard 'shut nost down'

That's kind of what I was saying. Although BG's on this server (and in general) don't really take too much individual skill. A single player can't make a huge difference. Especially on Elysium where alliance premades literally just shit on horde because they can communicate. Don't get me wrong, there are some good pvpers on both sides but there are definitely a lot of ranking autists (especially alliance) who would get shit on even in retail arena.

Mmmhmm... thanks.

Did it take you long to make friends?
Can you describe the feeling?

Do world pvp => become a server legend.

and you think you're intelligent because you're not ranking? lol

They were merged into one recently so its just kronos

might aswell fuck off

you wont be able to kill him but he wont be able to kill you aswell

>Have to farm ridiculous amounts of honor which means playing a lot of hours per day (instead of farming for raids, etc)
>Do have premades so BG wins come pretty easy but nonetheless still have to farm much more than horde

>BG's a literal joke, lose literally every single one
>No premades
>Have to camp places like BRM

Neither side has it good desu senpai. Ranking just doesn't feel fun to me and I feel like there's much less sense of an achievement when compared to seeing your arena w/l or rating.

>TWO full 5-man groups camping baron longshore
>I have to tag-snipe him as soon as he spawns because they are both literally too full to invite me

ranking takes no skill, everyone knows that
no need to tell us
I regularly see r10 or higher who are so fucking terrible at this game it's fucking sad

tfw your guild disbands after downing nef a few times and quit when you realize you dont have the stamina to fight through ally premades to hit rank 10, made it to r9 too

this is elyg
Anathema posting is almost as bad as MoH posting

be my gf pls

dont be a pussy r10 isnt hard at all
gtfo kid

are druids fun in pvp?

>freshcucks actually believe they're the main server not the newfag shitter MC raider gold buying chink farming containment server

enjoy your aq
have fun with full bis characters sold by hackers that were never deleted
enjoy your downtime

How's AQ? lmao

Top tier ganking class because you're basically almost as invincible as a paladin but with actual killing power. You can also run away from pretty much any fight effortlessly so you should literally never die.

They aren't really useful in any way in organized pvp outside of flag carrying in WSG, though. Other classes damage better, heal better, and are more useful (except for flag carrying) than you.

>full bis characters sold by hackers that were never deleted
citation needed but even then it would apply to all realms anyway dumb freshcuck

Right around the corner unlike your bwl lmao

I like wpvp more anyway so that sounds great

Which classes should I avoid as a mage and which ones are ez picks besides warrior?

the new realms didn't exist when the hacking on Anathema was rampant you dumb newfag
there were r14 characters with 3 HKs or warlocks with GM spells

who do you think your fooling?
i command you to leave this thread at once

Avoid paladins because you'll be fighting them for 10 minutes.

That's it. Mages shit on pretty much anything as long as you get the first hit in. Hunters will fuck you up if they get bestial wrath off in a fight, though, so maybe start avoiding them after 40.

>there were
dumb freshcuck btfo

Is there an equivalent to the addon OPie for 1.12, its nice for switching druid forms

Paladins aren't too bad 1v1 but 1v2ing against a paladin+anything is impossible. Definitely avoid hunters after level 40. Before 40 you can blink towards them, frost nova, deadzone, poly pet optional, easy win. After 40 you're pretty much just fucked since every single hunter is BM.

I miss Pupper Pals

I miss ur mum

Me too ;-;

Anyone experienced with shamans?
I'm new so still learning, curious as to the best time to switch from leveling as enhance to leveling elemental.

Is this true?

as long as it wasn't with puddi i don't care

>790 ppl on ZK

Merge when? No way im gonna finish leveling let alone gear grind with no one to play with

It's your own fault for falling for the freshfresh meme

RingMenu is similar. It's not nearly as good as OPie though.

Never. Stick with enchance until mid-50s when you can respec for healing, or wait it out until 60.:

Use 1h/shield, and use Rockbiter until 30. Once you hit 30 use a SLOW 1h with WF (like 2.7). Then once you hit 40 and get mail, grab a sick 2H.

The other option is once you hit 40, stay 1h/shield and have a very slow 1h, with WF. Rockbiter/Flametounge is a meme after 30.

Also, be overleveled for quests. If it's not green or close to, do some dungeons and gear up. It's not a class like Mage or Hunter where you can wear anything and kick ass.

yes why?

Thanks lad

Is priest the hardest class to level?

>Auto posting about himself again

Warrior exists.
Priest with Spirit Tap and a not-shit wand has NO DOWNTIME

Naw shaman

No respect for Madti if true.

Madti is a guy stop roleplaying in the thread

>mining on Zeth'kur

If this dead realm ever merges I'm going to be so rich.

elemental is so much funner and a much easier gear transition at 60 if you decide to go resto (or you can stay ele and pvp)

absolutely, whatever you do, DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS POSTER enhancement shamans are honestly fucking garbage boring rng for toddlers who spit up on themselves when they 1-shot a mob every 3 weeks.

I recommend switching to ele at 40. You can do whatever you think is fun until then, but if you're waiting for big wf crits you're going to be waiting a long time. It's a reddit tier meme

she made a mistake

But it's a colossal waste of time if they don't merge.

Switch to ele once you have a decent amount of +nature/spell damage gear.

that's nothing . only the arcane crystals are worht anything

i fugged her too if you know what i mean

This is precisely why it won't be merging. Fuck reddit crybabies always asking for it every day, all