/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1312

>Free Quest Guide

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for March:
3/1 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue
3/11 - 3/17 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
3/18 - 3/25 - Guild War (Wind)
3/26 - 3/31 - L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G. (Rerun and Renew)
4/1 - 4/9 - New Scenario Event

3/18 - 3/26 - New Skyfarer Special (1/2 Off Free/Special Quests, 50%+ EXP)
3/20 - Anniversary Patch Part 2 (GW character 5*, T4 SS)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.
pastebin.com/8xELSDu4 (embed)

>Guild pastebin
pastebin.com/EgJBF9xi (embed)

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Best girl
first post.

How could you say you love her if you don't drink her piss?

ChocoCats crew when?

Newfag SEAniggers actually believe the designers are not the root of the problem.

Her piss heals my heart.

Reminder that nothing matters.

Anons reminder to bet

>literally sounds like detective conan now



This is フェリ

anyone got proof regarding breaking relic 150 relic give u 50 gold tingy and 100 relic give u 20?

who do i bet for

Blame it on the balancer!


GW 5* materials will not change and KMR will never apologize. Be sure to spend money on sparking the next limited that is powercrept in a month!

Translate pls

But there's no balancer

Is this game a spin-off of Final Fantasy?

Any tips on beating her?

There is. It's S.Zoi

>173 Crystal Payout


Charlotta's mom is a plant

Bring something really hard hitting and Veil. It also has 10% and 5% nuke triggers

Why is she timid and polite while trying to kill the crew?

Spartan + Nemone

`Not on this shitty payout

yeah I have a doujin that can give you some ideas

N stands for Nosedive

Don't bet today. Yakuza is tomorrow or day 3.

The phone call that saved granblue

can you use dama bar to flb the relic? cuz i dont have that much quartz


>hihiiro isnt a limited resource
>the producer isnt the problem of the game
>a lb4 lv150 relic gives 50 fragments

this is why no one cares about this shithole

>only ~10% earth atk up on ougi
Jesus christ

the Lb4 Lv150 relic doesn't give fragments, it was a rumour.


Nothing will change basically. No surprise of course.

Does F/GO have any kind of new player promotion right now?

076559A2 RQ

i want to have sex with vira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I pray for the strength and resolve to finish this bullshit grind

cygames airline


I want to fuck Nio under the kotatsu.

>hihiiro isnt a limited resource
I don't understand the people who think this. If gold bars were so easy to get there would be a lot more than 25 people in the world with all 10 gw chars.

are you sure about this? because im in between making 2 lb4 relic or another full upgrade gw weapon

I wonder how many of their whales will stay when alll the lower level people give up and leave.

Then the game will just become a prostate milking of all the whales that are left with a giant horse dildo.


Are these where cygames is dedicating their resources to at the moment?

>people are arguing about GW*5 to hell and back
>meanwhile I'm here screeching because I need two stash of SR fodders to slvl up 3 weapon grid and seraphic weapon
Different problem for different folks, I guess.

Translate these moonrunes

There's a picture of a 4* harp at level 1 that gives 0 fragments.


b-but is just because you're unlucky, besides kimura sama reduces just for us the price of the hihiiro on the gw i mean thanks to kmr hihiiros are practically free now


yeah i know that lv1 give nothing, but ppl are saying lv 150 give u 50, a lie?

I don't know but she's an absolute qtpi and I love her voice.

Whose bastard kid is Song giving birth to?

>have to grind quatre for 150 sk15 daggers
Is quatre the new meta?

does anyone know if we still the flb gw weapon for the lasst fate step? (lv 100 fate)

> Sarasa sounds like an actual tranny

>Someone's making 5* funf


>Sounds like tranny
>Looks like tranny
>Refuses to give age

Is there anyone worse than Sarasa?

for all intents and purposes

>you will never be bros with Nakamura

>Different problem for different folks, I guess.
A problem we all faced at some point. You're just behind the curve.

Silva's since it's all about whose cock is the largest.


>ywn fuck around with Sugita and Nakamura
Why live

It's time to sleep, good night /gbfg/

and thus 5* nio was born

>accidentally came while checking on a Harvin doujin
wtf I'm a pedo now

The sad thing is that image is an accurate representation of what the GW 5* grind amounts to.

Quatre is also a tranny

I can't believe it has come to this.

I hope you're prepared to get his 5*

it hurts user, it hurts so much.

You need to make your waifu suffer immensely before she can achieve her perfect form, as ordained by KMR.

Why is there no good bea doujin. but zeta has.

But Quatre is a cute tranny.

Don't do it, don't betray light!

so when will ex+ get element reduction

someone get me KMR's home address, I'm paying his sister a visit


Aren't some of them a bit underwhelming though?

anyone can translate this moonrune?

Reminder that the Japanese knew Song and Silva were going to be /u/bait. It's why they got less porn and attention than Heles and Narumeia.

did people actually thought song and silva were hetero?

I'm 3 swords away from using those as fodder. You better believe it.

>Nakamura is a Granblue shill now.

no, besides thefirst fate episode theres no requeriment on using the gw weapon anymore

and you dont need to use the fully upgrade gw weapon, as long is the same gw weapn it doesnt matter


But silva is Gran's nee-chan.

At lmao3sword you should already have more than enough guns anyway

In order for autism to show its true power and strength, you must first break it and its shell completely. Only by doing this can true autism shine. That's why you have to break 2 fully awakened and maximized or 20 just budding autism shells to 5* your GW character.

Too late bruh

Of course my light grid is 3* and 4* already. I just remember vividly when >a fucking stick was a thing, while every chev gun was the hottest shit drop for me.

And of course the guns started raining when I was finished with them. I got 3 guns last week while barely capping my renown.

I mean I'm 3 sword drops away from 8 MLB so the rest becomes fodder like all other magna weapons.