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Mating press edition

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xth for Syndra

xth for Rumble

I want to lock Lulu in my basement and rape her daily!

Who's better in jg, Hecarim or new WW?

Who should i play if i want to go really fast and kill fast?

Any other Bronze players here?

How do we get out of bronze

Would you fug nidalee even if she had a feminine penis?


that looks like that bleach's girl

delet this

ww is better but he is prone to getting banned depending on elo

I wanna win promos with Jinx

Shyvana is for _____

>get towerdived by diana and graves
>double kill because they didnt do it good enough
>top getting fed off gp because they tried rushing triforce (fine but dont start sheen against illaoi, lad)
>somewhere along the line ahri loses mid
>ivern not helping much
oh well, 2 more chances

Please explain to me how blitzcrank isn't the most broken champion in the game?
He literally has the ability to completely move your champion into another position and there is nothing you can do about it, at least lee sin puts himself in danger and thresh hook doesnt pull you all the way

Fucking broken piece of shit, he needs a rework

Is WW gonna get nerfs

demacia lores where

something something invite

Do you ever feel bad about picking overtuned champs?

someone doesn't know basic roman numerals holy fuck

Is there a non meta champion that is good against renek in lane. So tired of this cancer.

>knockup cannot be dodged
>except by ezreal
>because his skill and flash are programmed differently
its gayer than me

Yeah, my boy Mordekaiser

tb.h good thresh scares me way more than good blitz. Thresh can basically do what blitz does and more.

Hecarim is better for killing fast. Warwick is super tanky but he isn't going to kill shit past 25 minutes unless you went full offense, which is less optimal than literally never dying with his 35% damage resistance from E.

Riot needs to learn that % damage resist is a ridiculously good stat and they shouldn't be so liberal with it. Being able to just ignore 35% of any damage source is ridiculous.

And tristana
And riven

I am on NA, you?


>still no Wisp or Oracle
Even DotA's healsluts are better...

crit damagerunes
and a very small lethality rune

Post "smut" pls
Shyvana is for ripping me to shreds and laughing at me while i cry and beg for mercy!

What are your thoughts on custom skins? Do you meddle into it?

but thats wrong

Sure, add me if you don't have me.

>im still climbing my ass to a respectable rank
>youre still stuck where you are

>pick melee toplaner
>enemy is an ad shitmo autist
>tell botlane to swap with me
>they do the LCS three man dive top and get the kill
>enemy team now tilted and flaming each other
Why don't people laneswap more often in solo queue? Seems to work really well.

Plants are very fertile
Dragons are very fertile

Dragon Sorceress Zyra is a plant dragon mix
How does this make you feel

who /normals/ /euw/ here

>those slapping noises

But its not unless they changed tristana jump startup

Riven can eq out of hook and e
I think she needs flash for hook but that bitch dashes right thru the knockul

Look it up riven animation cancels


>dude new champs cost 7k ip now lmao
>dude but dont worry for every new hero 10 old champions will have their prices reduce lmao
>they stop releasing champions

already got into a game what's your ign anyways?

>AD bruiser itemisation is god tier and has been since triforce changes last year
>Only ever gotten better
>Jax / Riven / etc. shitters still whine about itemisation

reminder ad defensive itemisation is cancer too

not a hook user

why the fuck has doublelift been playing as draven lately?


Dark Star Orianna when?

Because the toplaner that goes bot has the risk of getting fucked. I blame trust issues within solo queue.

>not a single shyv game in match history

l thought you were based..

So what's better? Never dying as WW or actually being able to kill shit as Hec?

gunblade or bork, which one is better on jax? I feel like gunblade is better at literally everything but I mist be wrong since hash builds bork every game
also, is machete better than talisman as a starting item for zac? he has no mana

Why would you torment yourself into playing Jax

Don't give me the hurrhurr hash is challenjour

yeah he's also autistic and good which you are only one of, you're gonna feed with him

First for diamond 3

Being a shyvfag doesnt mean i play my waifu 24/7 i just like her the most

Hecarim is better because he's hard to kill but still one-shots squishies, but he gets banned out a lot so you might not be able to abuse him.

>be a teemo OTP
>team cries in champ select to ban teemo for no reason

Why tho?
like is it just common courtesy to ban the champ that people hover?
and then they wonder why you pick soraka top

>Fizz lost his %HP damage and now deals only flat damage with low bases that scales well with AP
>ult damage changed so long range fish are harder to hit and short range fish are sub optimal
>BotRKforce Fizz who sits on top of people STILL returns

honestly at this point im fully for certain items just saying "cannot be built on X"

when shit like frozen mallet yasuo or triforce fizz keeps coming back then something needs to be done

>hovering your OT that isn't meta

Especially in low elo, people like to dictate what people like to play. The ones
who are the most vocal will feed first.
I just instalock Urgot and keep it moving.

There is an "Urgot?" here and there, but once they see the Mastery 7, they keep quiet because all they can do at that point is trust you.


make mallet a decent item and just make it so gnar can't fucking build it and we're golden

but its hard to instalock in a ranked game tho.
Its not like hovering makes a difference considering that my name has teemo in it.

well fuck you that's not what I asked
I'll play him twice as much now so I can feed in your games faggot

sounds to me she isn't really your waifu

I'm looking for a top laner that can splitpush and has (hard, so not just slows) CC. Give me your best shots I'm trying out Garen right now!


>in solo queue champ selection
>mid is named Lord Vayne
>jungle is named Quinn something but has preselected WW
>Lord Vayne complains "Quinn main gg"
>pre-selects Twisted Fate
>check his op.gg
>is on losing spree and adc main, 30% w/r on TF
>enemy team is Darius, Ahri and Yi
Dodged faster than ever

My main and the best champion in this game, teemo. Rush a botrk and see him cry

Your lucky day. You're in for one hell of a ride.

>tfw too intelligent for mating press

dont feed his autism

>pick yorick everytime all the time forever
>shovelling my way out of silver because shitters don't realize how horrifying the maiden is

Not the writefag but I'd make one for a skin.

I'd only really be able to write something niche that he wouldn't like, though.

/me cuddles with user

can someone redpill me on fizz?

why is he allowed to chunk 70% of my hp every 10 seconds?

>shit all over top lane and keep teemo out of the fucking game
>help bot lane by TPing down and ganking
>still lose because fizz LITERALLY would not group, kept running into jungle 1v3 and dying
>gragas and cho'gall kept missing CC abilities
>no one would fucking listen to orders and just do objectives and push when we were ahead
>jhin fucking goes bot lane to clear instead of just pushing and winning the fucking game after we win a team fight
but despite all this, remember : ITS NOT YOUR TEAM'S FAULT THAT YOU LOST!!!!!

how do placements work exactly?

how many will I have to lose to get in bronze assuming its my first time playing ranked on this account?

The maiden is shit, it's her debuff that's bonkers

>+8.5% max health damage on every auto

>level 12

While are people so quick to be apologetic for people who are feeding like someone cursing me out while being 21/2 is preferable compared to a guy who is saying "ill do better guys just believe" while being 2/21 and filing down mid

Its like im not harassing a person but when you are 2/10 you need to just shut up and listen to your teammates who you are ruining the game for and who are also still trying to win


Yes they both can get out of both knockup and hook
Unless it got changes jump startup ignores cc and riven can just e q thru it

when im 2/10 because of my teammates sucking dick and allowing their fed teammates to roam i have a right to bitch at them

your right to be a cunt back is context sensistive

The sooner you realize that most people suck at vidya, the better off you will be.

>getting mad over level 12 normal


Fizz's damage makes no sense.

You look at his actual values and his damage levels should be impossible. It just materializes out of the ether.

you're playing with people that don't even know which summoner spells to use faggot shut the fuck up

the last time I smurfed my winrate at your level was like 90%

you have zero fucking excuses for having a negative w/l

Im talking in context like me being mid against a champ that counters me and im still able to fucking win the lane despite jungle chasing me out of lane multiple times just for my top to lose despite getting help from our jungler

Yes Yoruichi is the pinnacle of all brown cat-girls.

there is no escape out of a knockup no matter the circumstances except for ezreal
a patch note stated youre not able to stop the knockup. if it is stopped its held and they can just knock em up anyway

you cant use zhonyas to avoid this, because it will stay until the elapsed time his aa is empowered is over, which is much greater than a zhonyas, though if you bard ult and zhonyas youre fine

he can knock up vlad when hes a pool of blood, when vlad is not able to be targeted. consider this

>play aram
>someone dodges because they're an otp and only play one champ

then why play fucking aram



everyone that plays this game is fucking terrible.

im mad that my team makes me lose every single game that i lose

if i was a fucking faggot like you that only played riven and yasuo i could win every game too, but that is literally the cancer that makes this game terrible.

>let tower die
>farm jungle or force yourself into another lane until they get the point that they should be helping
>you instead choose to keep filing top and feeding while crying in all chat

yeah naw

small indie dev?

I think you place around silver 2 if you go 5/5 if you never did ranked, but it depends on your normal mmr too, so idk.

>taking a ranged champion top
You deserve all the misfortune in the world.

>tfw the cleanse in SMITE (Beads) can pull you out of knockups and banishes

i was against teemo, you fucking autist.

It's because his combo of Q-attack-E-attack-W makes him dash through your champion and then be untargettable. Most people have a really hard time reacting to this so they miss a spell or two and one of the counter auto attacks. Fizz just trades really well if the player understands the enemy champion.

>play aram
>get a bunch of fresh accounts on my team
>enemy team is a aram account premade

>tfw hi-rez somehow manages to be much fucking worse than riot


How is that relevant?