/tf2g/ Team Fortress 2 General

Last Thread: >list of good comm. servers

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf | steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf | tf2outpost.com | backpack.tf | bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf | trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf | scrapbank.me
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil): teamfortress.com.br/forum/


>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

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what looks like corn cakes




>no ks attached.

Gross. Keep it.

dead game

>lets cross the map with map knowledge and good cloak management

>*autistic decloaking*
someone make this im lazy


how do you make the red tape recorder viable

Reminder that b4nny had a hard life and that his shitty attitude, while not completely justifiable, is warranted based on his former team mates.
He has undying love for the game while others have fallen for the blizzard jew.

I was thinking of the Cloak and Dagger partial decloak at no energy.


>b4nny could be a great player in overwatch
so could a chimpanzee with a controller

How do you start trading and stuff? I'm tired of only having a gibus and mann co cap. I only have about 20 ref

I can't bring myself to sell this simply because it's a gift from a friend.

again, sorry VKH if you're reading this; I blame my shitposter friend for sending me shit every minute.

invis watch: respectable spy player that knows what they're doing. they know the best time and place to pick fights and will catch you when you're most vulnerable

cloak & dagger: an infrequent spy player, they'll recognize when they're doing bad or if they're not needed and will switch to a class they play often. might be topscoring, but they got there by playing a different class

dead ringer: they'll wait for you to follow them up the stairs before missing an amby shot and jumping to a feigned death. you'll probably see them more than some of your own teammates, but neither of you will ever die to each other

A ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!

It is funny because user is right!

20 ref is enough to buy some hats & stranges
loadout.tf lets you look at cosmetics so you don't have to test stuff by trading for it
backpack.tf has prices and classifieds (mostly bots)
scrap.tf is all bots and can often be a bit more expensive
tf2outpost is ok for higher level stuff, but if you try to look for a strange rocket launcher you'll just see tons of killstreaks and strange parts

isn't that a fucking family guy joke

gonna leave this here and then sleep


hey, someone got it.

Bad video bad video maker BAD

>when a good spy uses a dead ringer, most of the time they use it to try and get a really convincing death, to really make the enemy team feel as though they had actually perished from their damage
>this is what dead ringer spies actually believe

Said generic shit like, "oh he's a good player" or "oh he really wants to win". And then for the rest of the video they just Fucking rip on him, I get it, he has social autism. But it's a documentary about him, can you swallow your pride for like two Fucking seconds and just remember the good times you had? Also that was pretty shitty of clockwork to just c.uck b4nny like that, and then b4nny still went on and played for the sake of the game. Also fuck their overwatch shilling, probably just mad they couldn't make it as tf2 streamers.

long hair b4nny was such a femboy

b4nny seems like a decent guy as long as you're not in a game with him

>Sideshow stream
>*med drops*
>Ohhh no, *laughs* what have you done
>b4nny stream
>*med drops*
>*autistic shrieking* WHAT THE FUCK MEDIC

i think if i ever streamed i'd scream at worse things than a med dropping

they seem so disappointed he isn't investing his time in a game that they like instead of just letting him do what he likes.

You did get one, right user?

>that very subtle jiggle physics on the moderately sized fempyro tits

>fempyro has to look different from "regular" pyro (even though it makes no fucking sense that the suit would be more skin-tight

>not using the titcow version
Kys ys desu

The fem-prefix only comes from the identification as feminine

Like femboy

post achievements you'll never get

i got a strange killstreak classic just to challenge myself to eventually get this one

any achievement involving steam friends

>FROYO Black
>not consisting entirely of afro-americans
dissapointing desu

What mod is this?

Titcows are too out of place in almost any game I play. I like my waifus with some subtlty and modesty, and occasionally dressing up as boys, and I never found the hypersexualization of characters like the Dragon's Crown Witch to be appealing. It's an obnoxious thirteen year old's idea of sexy, I don't care for it.

Corvalho's Female Pyro. Be warned:
>Date Created: Two Years Ago
>Last Updated: Two Years Ago

>Every second or so game of casual I play past midnight has a random /pol/ack in it

>every single comp mm match were i was put in US servers there was at least one /pol/ack doing the echo chamber thing
but that was months ago when comp mm actually had people

>some guy cheating on enemy team
>everyone else on their team sits at our spawn spamming lenny binds

>person blatantly cheating and top scoring
>score double both teams combined
>'how do you know he's cheating?'

Shade talking over b4nny's documentary and talking about the formation of the first froyotech (LG) rooster and the changes
twitch tv/videos/130548895?t=45m50s

Does VAC do anything? I mean, skial for example can automatically kick lmoabox users, why doesn't Valve use their method of detecting hacks?

valve is awful
basically, everytime they updated VAC, the cheat developers just update the cheats, and this repeats forever
if you want to play without cheaters its actually safer to just join a community server instead of casual, and play real competitive instead of garbagemaking "competitive"

>join server with lmaobox friend
>get a good 3 hours of pissing people off before he gets vac banned
>then he makes another account and we go again
so glad vac is a joke

So he actually got VAC'd?
Oh well that's a start I guess...

>and play real competitive instead of garbagemaking "competitive"

This never stopped anyone. You know how many competitive Snipers got VAC banned several months ago?

yep his throwaway that got created 2 days ago got banned
big loss lmao

yeah lmao haha


LOL its funny because its LMAObox haha :-D

i hack, therefore i am

They should start charging for TF2 again
Have a big announcement, huge content update, and then close the gates

die white girls :(

>b4nny gets in relationship
>brings her to event where he is playing for something he cares about more than anything
>gets cucked by teammate
>needs to play with said teammate to fulfill his desire to win/beat other people

those were all UGC snipers
UGC admins are literal 12 year olds
and they weren't obvious aimbot-spinbot hackers like the ones in casual and comp mm a nyway

>increase minigun base damage by 10%
>reduce initial minigun damage reduction from 50% to 35%

heavy is fix

that would change l i t e r a l l y nothing desu (to be honest)

it'd make him less pathetic

400-600 DPS is significantly better than 270-540 dps

>prefire before corner
>walk into huge crowd of medics soldiers and general idiots
>get random crits as i'm mowing down these losers

Hahahaha pottis (geddit? bcoz he say POTTispenserhier)

jew.tf is actually very good for the two things it was made for originally: scrapbanking and hat banking

Of course

that's a fair shake of the sauce bottle i'd say

did you thank comp.tf staff today for their tremendous work towards this community ?

>4k views in 2 years

Why are they even trying

>Encounter retarded heavy at midrange
>He revs up, i go take cover because i don't want to deal with this shit
>Random crits shred me before i can turn around
>killcam shows him standing still, unrevved
this happened way too many times

4k views for 2k subs is pretty good

they dont even upload i think
i have 73k views in youtube and only around 120 subs

So whens the new update coming?


It's best not to worry about that and just accept when it drops in 2 more years


im always on the lookout for neat community maps and community "updates"
the capitalistic nature of this "valve" company doesn't allow them to really see where the game should go
its better to focus on the great things unnofficial community members do


I too am a Prequel fan.

What are some good headphones under 50€ that don't become uncomfortable on the ears after a while ?


If we're lucky, this summer.

god I love eating shit

>trigger a dead ringer
>it counts towards my killstreak even though he isn't dead
i hate that shit

>Join server
>Two minutes later i'm on a 5 killstreak with 0 points
This is dumb

Question for non-americans
if you could time travel and make a dream 6s team with players from your country at their prime, what players would you choose ?

3rd from the left has a body of a teen and a face of a 40 year old man.



my country is too much of a shithole to have any decent players, myself included
you guess where I live

just name your best 2 scouts, best 2 soldiers, best demo, best medic

none, none, none aaand none

they're all shit

>30 minutes
Looking to unpaint some items FREE of charge
Pic related, if you have any of the hats and want the paint I have just send a trade

>never had an unusual in 8 years of playing the game
>have no interest in getting one
>play the game for what it is, a game, not a dressup simulator
why are cosmeticfags so repulsive

>it is impossible to play the game as a game and also a dressup simulator at the same time because I, and I assume everyone else, has ADD

Sent ;)

>tfw getting college dropout in a few weeks
>then compulsory military service
>1 year without memes, videogames and family
all i had to do is doing my homework and exams

Can I make a friend not see when I'm not connected, playing, etc?
I have a very annoying friend and I'm tired of her messaging me everytime I go online, but she is my friend after all, so I don't want to be a dick unadding him or telling her to fuck off.

b4nny please go

I mistyped, this is not helpful.