Try to name a better car reviewer on YouTube, go ahead. I'll wait

Try to name a better car reviewer on YouTube, go ahead. I'll wait

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off Doug we don't care about your shitty content

Have you checked out his column on autotrader/oversteer?



His fooling around car showing it's features is ok. The driving part is lame and boring. Also, terrible sound.

>one Farrah headshot
>no more doug

get out reddit

Did Fatt Marah's LS 400 pass a million miles yet?

Fuck off furry



You should really spend this free time editing doug

alex on autos


Maybe if you had more friends doug

Unironically demuro.

I heard these guys are alright

>Doug meets gril
>Hi, I'm Doug, find out more at autodrader dot com slash oversteer!

who is this and is he on tv?

The only car reviewer I can stand, or relate to, at all.



>bringing youtube comment section jokes to mongolian horse pictures sharing forum

what else do you expect from the autistic man-child we know as doug

doug is alright, leave him be

Car Bros



Fucking Cleetus brother

There is no better alternative to these shows.

>he makes his own webms
>just to self post on Veeky Forums
never change dougy








lel I thought that was a Waffen SS badge on his jacket.


oy vey, lamb skin keeps the arab away.


Later doug

This is good content.

Check 'em

spaghetti doug fight when?

Just likes to have fun
Boring and complaining about everything
Cringe and has no experience
Just a giant douche

If you are 20 or older, then you know that Harry Metcalfe is the only true god.

who /adamlz/ here

at least he knows how to ride bmx

A better car reviewer?


Moog is almost unbearable but marty is alright. Videos are usually fairly informative as well.

Yeah, I used to thoroughly enjoy the videos where Moog would just fuck off and be doing 'other projects' and not trying to be an unfunny troll cunt to those freebie techies from Haltech and turbo yoda.

Jeremy Clarkson. All the others just try to emulate him.

Is that the hipster who was everywhere until he crashed his car into his truck while he had a reporter in the car?

top gear has a youtube channel
can i get a /thread pls


These two guys are my personal favorites. I like Rob Ferretti a little more.

Rob bitches a lot, but it's sorta like he's trying to downplay everything. His 'who can get a ticket first' vid is funny.


What accent does Doug have?
When he says engine like ingine?

Doug on a date
So tell me some of your quirks and features

>yfw no brakes

Pantera, woooooooooo!

This. Not sure if it really counts as a car review show though.


I like his videos but sometimes comes too much as a "oh look at me I'm so rich and cool".

Definitely prefer Rob to Doug although he isn't really a 'car reviewer.'

>car reviewer
into the trash

watching car reviews is for fucking normals

These 2 shows plus Noriyaro are the only guys I watch regularly on jewtube.
Farah's one takes are pretty good though.

Fatt Marah is a fucking cancer

This. I really wish fags would learn to have some respect for their president.


I didn't have respect for Obama,
but never went to this level. This is just stupid.
Who becomes obsessed with something they DONT like?

>ITT we express our opinions vicariously through reviewers we all like/hate.

>has no experoence
>been doing it for 8 years

The most correct person.

Especially if you've watched a lot, it's not just about the content for him, it's the community.

Please enlighten me about Doug's accent
I've never heard that from anyone else before

engine => ingine

Wtf i hate matt farah now



>jalopnik cancer

That actually triggered me.

That and the door bouncing.

Fucking dropped.

He's just a dork

RCR is sometimes entertaining and all, but hes not really a car reviewer. No one would watch his video about a car if they wanted to know practical information about it because they were thinking of buying it. His videos are mostly monotonous philosophical tirades about the car set to a video of him driving the car. Doug at least will tell you if the car is decent or not for specific reasons.

I can't stand RCR. The guy is a pseudo-intellectual SJW, and like you said, his videos have little to do about the actual car, it's just him projecting his retarded views and philosophies. It's no surprise he's so popular with redditors.