Do you support the Oden Yinon plan for the Middle East?

Do you support the Oden Yinon plan for the Middle East?

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>land is blue
>water is grey


how about we just leave the middle east how it is, and let the people living there just sort it out, messing with their shit is the reason its so fucked up today

Fr frFuck them Jews always fucking everything up

Yes I support turning the middle east into a big water crater

fucking kikes man

>Jordan is left alone

Fine by me.

>"""""Free"""" Syria

t. Bashar

>that much territory that close to Turkey
I doubt they would allow it, especially when the turks are actually inside Syria now and fighting for those lands in favour of the FSA while driving both IS and the kurds back.

>everything is in Hebrew
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this?

>dude let's create Christians out of thin air lmao


>two kurdistans

Unless Rojava gets to be socialist that's a terrible idea

Israel must stretch from the Nile to the Euphrates. This is the land we were promised by Yahweh.


Fuck this always gets me

I'm trying to think of a single instance of planned nations and borders that has worked in the past....

I support the oven plan for Israel, is that close enough?

> copts
> out of thin air

>having a majority in fucking northeast egypt

I'm jewish and have never see this. This is why people think jews control the world. because this dumbass has the balls to pretend he can draw new borders

>two kurdish countries
>no assyria

There's like 100,000 of us left dude

Literally chaos tier.Only thing creating borders with ethnicity in mind does is a flashpoint for war.Only thing this will do is raise oil prices and create a Mid-East where Israel will have dominance.

Goat borders

>Israel doesnt stretch from the brook of egypt to the eufrates



Naah tho

>destroy all those cutie israeli chicks

I'd rather keep being a stupid goy then letting that happen.

>le ebin chink nazi tripfag fag man


Looks pretty good to me

It's funny because he's a Mexican.

Fuck that shit

>lumping the Hashemites in with the Syrian Ba'athists and Islamists


Only correct answer.

Oh (you)!

>Israel opens its borders to Islamic State supporters in Sinai
Haha, what could go wrong?

>Letting Sunni arabs have access to the Mediterranean

literally perfect

> Giving kikes the Suez

Why doesn't Israel just give itself to the Palestinians?

But they built the original Suez when they were slaves, just after they built the pyramids!

Since you are creating monstrous superstates, why does your Arabian state not get Oman and Yemen?

The only reason the Egyptians have it now is because the kikes gave it back. They had no real problem taking it when they tried.

They gave it back because the USSR said they'd nuke London if the British continue supporting Israel in the conflict.

Houthis are still around in this scenario.

>monstrous superstates
As opposed to weak micro puppet states?

>weak micro puppet states
How else are we in Israel and the West supposed to control and exploit them?

Can someone explain this map?

I can see

>larger Israel
>some form of coptic state (?)
>Iraqi Kurdistan
>Iraq with old flag (Shia Iraq?)
>Iraq with a crescent moon flag (Sunni Iraq?)
>Syrian Kurdistan (?)
>Antioch state (?)
>Some weird state with a red and white flag

Looks like Palestine has been folded into Jordan.
Enjoy your refugees, habeeb

Be better if it covered Lebanon too, since the Muslims became a majority there the Maronites have dwindled in the face of persecution. Israel could reverse the trend and save Phoenicia for Christ and Civilization.

Red and white state is for the Druzes, Antioch state is for the Alwaites

What about the Kurds?

What about them?

How is the ME going to be stable if you have a large ethnic group split between 3 states?

genocide as usual.

Not him but kurds have never been a significant focus of unstability for any powerful and well organized state, and the middle east has a long stoy of multi-cultural countries.

Kurdistan being necessary for middle east stability is a meme. In fact, Kurdistan existing would be like having a second Israel and therefore a prime cause of unstability and conflict.

>Saudi i.e. wahhabi exporting s.a. gets even more ressources
>Israel exists
>significant shia minorities still ruled by sunni but at the same time there's a grossiraniums

You didn't solve shit.

Kurdistan would not at all be like a second Israel. The only countries that would be pissed would be Turkey, Syria and Iraq of which only the first has direct control over their kurdish territories.


Also you're wrong and the whole arab world would be enraged at the west playing imperialism again drawing and erasing borders at will. Iran would disprove too.

Everyone in the middle east, basically.

Why would people in Egypt/Saudi-Arabia/Maghreb be angry at the Kurds gaining the self-determination they so want?

It's a demonstration that the USA and the NATO can come any day they want to Egypt/Saudi-Arabia/Maghreb and break their own countries in the name of "self determination".

Over half of the population of Jordan is already Palestinian.

They are the same people.

Why does this apply to adding Kurdistan but not to the other superstates?

Israel would destroy ISIS in a day or less. Jews tend to be less timid and cucked than other whites when it comes to this sort of thing.

Look again; the borders are the same.

That said, Jordan knows how to deal with Palestinian refugees getting uppity. They learned their lesson in 1971, and they don't give them a single solitary inch anymore.

I think the crescent state is Turkmen

Which basically sandwiches the Kurds in between them and fucking Turkey

I read hebrew and it says allawite country. Turkmen can go back to Turkey.

Turkmen are not Turks you tard, why do you even bother to speak about the ME if you dont know shit about the people that live there?


What are they then o wise one?

Also I didn't post OP pic and neither gave any opinion on this map except translating you faggot.

I bet you reason that all arabs should go back to the peninsula then

And I bet you like sucking cock.

not the one in Latakia, but in Iraq since its similar to their flag

but apparently it was a flag that was suppose to be used by post-saddam iraq to "unite" all the different ethnic groups

Map is retarded anyway and yinon plan should be from the nile to the euphraat.

Was giving up Sinai a mistake?

Of course not, Arabs know how to keep their borders in check.

Since I don't live there, it's really none of my business, but I support anything that will make them shut the fuck up over there.

Not him but the problem isn't getting culturally and religiously similar people but poor refugees that will not immediately be contributing members of society.

For the Egyptians it was more of a mistake to get it back. They're just as big of a circumcised dick to the Gazans as the Israelis are at their border. Plus they agreed not to develop the area. Damn Egyptians should have accepted annexing Gaza when they had the chance. It would have been better for everybody including the Israelis.

17 shekels have been deposited into your account.

In this scenario, the situation for most Kurds would be similar. Iraqi and Syrian Kurds would get their own regions within the Arab Socialist State(Rojava and Iraqi Kurdistan could either be one or two separate entitys) with their own elected(not installed by the government) representatives, the right to teach/use Kurdish in schools and in the public sphere. They would have the same access to the state finances as the other regions, they would simply put be equal with the Arabs and other minorities. In Iran and Turkey they would get the same liberties and equality, but without their own regions.

The Saudi Wahhabi monarchy has been overthrown in this scenario. Israel/Palestine is administered by a neutral secular party i.e the UN. With the disappearance of the Saudis and Wahhabism, stabilization of Iraq and Syria, economic recovery, cleansing of foreign influence and funding and government repression of extreme sectarianism from both sides the sectarian violence will decline.

Its just Azerbejan and Bahrain dude


>Israel opens its borders to Islamic State supporters in Sinai
>Haha, what could go wrong?

You people act like that wasn't the plan all along.

>Israel would destroy ISIS in a day or less. Jews tend to be less timid and cucked than other whites when it comes to this sort of thing.


>The Saudi Wahhabi monarchy has been overthrown in this scenario. Israel/Palestine is administered by a neutral secular party i.e the UN. With the disappearance of the Saudis and Wahhabism, stabilization of Iraq and Syria, economic recovery, cleansing of foreign influence and funding and government repression of extreme sectarianism from both sides the sectarian violence will decline.

Why would Israel want to overthrow one of it's few remaining allies in the region?

> supporting so much shit flags