Atheist dark age for 4.5 billion years

>atheist dark age for 4.5 billion years
>religion is invented and the most advanced species in the history of Earth is born
>1000's of years later a certain Christian group of this species has a dark age from which they quickly recover
>Because of this one incident Atheists call religion anti science even though they had an atheist dark age that lasted 4.5 billion years and was even more backwards than the "Christian Dark Age"

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this might be the biggest BTFOing of atheism i've ever seen on the internet

hey I can beat a dead horse too

i never understood the whole "christian dark age "thing
religion was one of the only things keeping society together at the time

>>religion is invented and the most advanced species in the history of Earth is born
What are you talking about?
Humans were obviously around before religion was invented.

>before religion and towards the end of the atheist dark age
>humans are barely more than apes playing with sticks
>Religion is invented
>humans start creating civilizations

>the entirety of Earth's history is an "atheist dark age" despite there being no humans, let alone atheists, for the overwhelming majority of it
>religion preceded, caused, or had anything to do with the evolution of humans as a species


>implying raptor Jesus wasn't a thing.

No significant evolutionary steps have happened since religion was invented, it's essentially the same genetic makeup.

holy shit kek.

>hunter gatherers discover religion
>shortly after they start forming agricultural communes which later leads to cities
>the more complex the religion gets the more advanced society gets

You got the casual chain backwards.

> correlation equals causation

protestant memes

>Tfw when so many christfags shit up this board you can't even tell the difference between satire and genuine but terrible arguments

You mad fedora tipper? Mad that atheists had the longest dark age in the history of Earth?

Literally no way fedorafags can refute this. It's ironic too since atheists only have a dark age in their junk science where the Earth is 4.5 billion years old.


Sorry to have bothered you, enlightened gentleman!

Atheists are the only ones who wear fedoras or pretend to be "enlightened" about junk science that says the earth is 4.5 billion years old.

Of course, the earth is only 6000 years old, how could I forget!

can a single celled organism be an atheist when it can't even understand the concept of a god?

Prove that it isn't without "carbon dating" (very inaccurate and mostly false)

By strict definition it is an atheist. So is a dog or a baby. Not that that means much. It's about as useful as labeling them as unemployed. Technically true, but what's the fucking point.

>it take an intelligent being to understand the concept of God
Not helping your case fedoralord.

I've been sliding towards paganism this few months but godamn, that's some nice reasoning

Pagans are even worse than normal fedorafags because they are LARPing fedorafags.

Stop living in your mom's basement, go to church and get a life.

>religion gave us technology

Honestly being Christian should be the new fedora, because atheism is mainstream and all these catholics and orthodox christians popping up out of nowhere are just reactionaries who jerk off to Ben Shapiro

>implying most of the Orthodox and Catholics on Veeky Forums aren't LARPing too

I've been a Christian since birth. It's fedorafags who have no life and feel the need to rebel against society.

Like i said earlier, leaves your moms basement, bin the fedora, go to church and get a life. When you have God on your side your life will get much much better.

Protestant Christianity has the lowest amount of LARPers of any religion.

Lmao that's really awesome bro. God is so on your side, even though the most religious country in the developed world is run by atheist jews who force the christian meme class to give their money to godless niggers and godless baby boomers and to fight wars of attrition in the middle east. And you fags pray to him every day claiming he heals the sick after a stay in the hospital and do the mental gymnastics to convince yourself he works in mysterious ways because he never heals amputees, or anyone who's condition doctors can't cure.

But yea, I need to "get a life" by spending my whole life feeling shitty about myself and what I do in preparation for the next one, because the one thing that pisses off the almighty creator of the universe is people who eat shellfish and homosexuals. Even though the Old Testament doesn't count when it's silly and inconvenient, but it totally counts when it is.

>No taxation without representation

Super edgy, fedoralord. You definitely need Jesus in your life. Who fills your head with this junk?

I'll pray for you but only you can get yourself closer to God.

>plants had the sentience to somehow evolve fruits and vegetables to suit human's tastebuds because they somehow knew that animals would eat their seeds and shit them out and not absorb the seeds
atheists believe this

>writes off any dissenting arguments as 'junk'
>get's so triggered by 'junk' he has to reply with ad hom
Not him, but wew lad. You should have turned the other cheek instead of making yourself look like a moron.

That is certainly NOT what Jesus would have done.

Good fact based argument there bud

.>religion preceded, caused, or had anything to do with the evolution of humans as a species

>Every aspect of human biology and by extension psychology is a product of evolutionary pressures stemming from concrete falsifiable environmental conditions, and if you don't believe this you're a pitiable superstitious primitive that can't face reality.
>Except religion though, religion is icky.
Atheists, ladies and gentlemen....

If you're trying to say that religion is a result of evolution's shaping of human psychology, ok? What I said was that religion had no influence on human evolution into the advanced species it currently is, which is what the OP claimed.

Scientists, who are not necessarily atheists, believe that plants that happened to be better food sources for animals had their seed spread by said devouring mammals more often, allowing them to breed more often, as they would be replanted sufficiently distant from the source so as not to be starved by its local competitors, and as this process continued, and as the tastiest plant was always the most likely to assisted in breeding, shit just got tastier and tastier until you had a fruitsplosion of flavor!

Either that, or god just wanted to pull man's guilt strings, by passive-aggressively saying, "Hey? Remember that apple?", and left a bunch of other colourful poisonous things around, just for shiggles.

>What I said was that religion had no influence on human evolution into the advanced species it currently is, which is what the OP claimed.

Yeah just like our over-sized brains, up right posture, and other evolved traits had no effect on the advancement of our species....

That's actually probably not true, as you have evidence of ceremonial burials pre-dating modern humans, and ceremonial burials are usually correlated with at least some supernatural beliefs about death and the afterlife, the starting point of many religions.

One massively important detail though is that most common fruits and vegetables have been selectively bred by humans to be grossly distorted from their wild selves. Bananas are giant asexual clones compared to the rough and seedy fruits they came from, Corn used to be fucking grass until human ingenuity came in.

Early religion was a way for our intelligent brains to make sense of the world around us. I know this is gonna make a lot of fellow atheists ITT butthurt but it was sort of a proto-scientific theory.

Also meant to say scientific hypothesis, not scientific theory.

I don't know why it would. Even fedoralord supreme Christopher Hitchens used to remark that religion was our first attempt at science and philosophy. He just said that consequentially made it our worst.

Religion is an animal instinct as even elephants ritually moan the death of one of their own. Humans are so subhuman that they need imaginary beliefs to keep them in check.

Calling it an attempt is basically hubris though as it implies religion was just an early prototype model for science when in reality science as it is pushed in the modern age, is itself just another form of religion rather than some kind of superior replacement model.


Monotheism is cancer, polytheism was humans trying to explain how the world worked, Greeks had some pretty indepth ideas on how our world worked based on what their gods did.

>moaning = religion xd
I guess that makes your mom a saint.

If we're to consider religion in this context a method of solving problems and learning more about the world then yes I would agree.

There are definitely people who put "faith" in science but that's certainly not a requirement for proper science. Whereas religion without faith is just going through the motions, a cultural fixation more than anything.

Plants can actually think you stupid fuck, the brain exist solely so a multicellular organism is capable of locomotion, plants dont need brains to think.

They see something special about the death of one of their own that is the first path to religious thought the idea of an after life.

I take it the elephants told that to you?

What kind of cartesian bullshit is this

>Atheist Dark Age
Nuh-uh boy, primitive men did have religion, though very basic, naturalistic ones like "The God Thunder", "The God Fire" and shit like that.

>&humanities rednecks think they slick

Original person you replied to.

While science is definitely superior to religion i personally think religion was necessary for science to "become a thing" even if it was completely wrong.

Proper science and the concept of science as some kind superior version of religion are two very different things.

Primitive man developing religion was the end of the 4.5 billion year atheist dark age.

>sad pathetic virgin, bet you can't get laid ;^)

Yeah as a means of explaining things I agree. Of course religion encompasses more than that. Our modern conception of religion as an optional part of life simply didn't exist in the very ancient past. It was just the way things were. Religion was science, philosophy, art, ethics, etc. It was all there was to know about anything.

Eventually we refined these explanatory and expressionistic ideas into their own disciplines and now only the faith based element of religion remains.

Or to put it in another way; proper science and the idea that proper science provides us with a model for an orderly society are two very different things.

the earth is only 6000 years old

It's amazing how many people don't know this.

Religion has never really been about explaining things when you think about it. It's actually better understood as the way we organize explanations into a coherent model of human experience..

Proto-science: "Ahh thunder! That means the giants are fighting!"
Religion: "This is how giants fighting and the thunder phenomenon surrounding this event relate to the human condition"


the only logical conclusion of 5 million years of special evolution/2 billion years of universal life/consciousness evolution (known) is to either
a) back yourself as the evolutionary perogative & alpha
b) back such in one of your biological offspring
or c) go be a cuck or something but this isn't a real choice

>Billion years
Creationists shooting their own argument.

Religion is the glue that holds feudalism together.

there's also a correlation between people eating more ice cream and wild fires. you better stop eating ice cream

Apes = atheists

>being Christian should be the new fedora
Kek. Go back to faces of atheism redditor