Why does the right wing have a "monopoly" on the ideals of Nationalism and Patriotism...

Why does the right wing have a "monopoly" on the ideals of Nationalism and Patriotism, when Right Wing ideology tends to be largely centered around self-interest over society and Right Wingers tend to largely opposed to welfare, social programs etc that actually contribute to the health and well being of their fellow citizens? I've never met a right winger who didn't have absolute disdain for the poor, working class and underprivileged and wouldn't happily sell out most of their countrymen if it meant benefiting themselves. (and I've grown up in a redneck, right wing area almost all my life)

I've never understood this disconnect. Isn't it the left with the view of social equality and cohesion and the greater collective good over the individual self-interest the true ideals of "patriotism"? So why is it the right, who seem to have a monopoly on these ideological and philosophical concepts despite the right only engages in patiotism in the most shallow ways, flag waving, jingoism and xenophobia?

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It doesn't entirely address the issue, but you might find this article helpful.


The very tldr is that the "right wing" is usually more associated with traditional culture of the country (especially in America), and thus, have a more natural claim to the patriotism bank than the Left does.

Liberals think that nationalism is a product of authoritarianism and/or fascism, both of which they belive to be inherently anti-egalitarian and so they fear it. Republicans might think this too but are less concerned with the idea of equality, so they don't fear nationalism like liberals do.

Another theory is that liberals, having a higher iq on average, might be more informed about the many atrocities which have been commited by the US government and are embarresed by it. Therefore they reject nationalism (which they believe to mean blind support of the government) because they do not want to be associated with it.

Right-wingers are known for being inconsistent in their beliefs and actions

Why does Americans think the political realities of their own country hold sway everywhere else?

There are several strains of left-wing nationalism outside the United States.

>liberals having higher iq

The times, they are a changing.



On average, liberals are more well-educated. I never said there weren't educated conservatives, there are plenty. At the end of the day both of their ideologies are wrong though so it doesn't matter.

Because /int/ is scary.
They tell me to shart in marts.

This is very untrue in many parts of Europe. Sepratist movements are usually very socialist and very nationalistic, Sin Feinn and Esquerra are two big examples of this. Even the SNP are liberal. They're still the main nationalist parties of their regions though.

maybe he's talking specifically about american politics.

Americans ignore the rest of the world.


Why is the rest of the world so interested in us.

The right wing is for simpletons who need a Big Brother to tell them what to do.

You're the cultural and political centre of the world.

Its kind of natural.

Holy shit what a blast from the past

Didnt Obama carry 100 of the most educated county's and McCain the 100 least?

But according to foreigners we don't have any culture.

good read desu

Lobbying for tax evasion and gibsmedat is hardly nationalistic, pedro.

People are brainwashed and stupid. They rarely think beyond what they're told. It's the same reason the poor vote for the rich and believe anything will change.

Leftists are usually seen as multicultural globalists cuckold sellouts.

America was built upon certain liberal individualist principles ( as opposed to french democracy/modernism which was always more collectivist and closer to socialism), hence American nationalists will emphasize extreme individualism as as something particular to their national experience, that differentiates them from other people, hence you get individualism + nationalism.

Stallinism was incredibly patriotic as well, historically far more so than the Americam people ever were. Most far right organizations, including many, if not most. American White Nationalist ones, support leftist or centrist economic policy. The right/left dichotomy is actually pretty messy and uninformative for the most part.

> and Right Wingers tend to largely opposed to welfare, social programs etc that actually contribute to the health and well being of their fellow citizens?

The belief is that these things ultimately harm other people by taking away their autonomy, hence the emphasis is one protecting people from having their autonomy taken away from them due to socio-political protectionism.

> I've never met a right winger who didn't have absolute disdain for the poor, working class and underprivileged and wouldn't happily sell out most of their countrymen if it meant benefiting themselves.

Yes you have, you've just bought really hard into generic leftist talking points, and like to generalize those who think different than you negatively because that is the limits of your critical thinking abilities.

>conflating education and IQ
Christ. Next you're going to say that the formally educated, particularly higher educated, have more professional success.

Countries with highest average IQ are East Asian countries, which are very conservative by Western standards.

Foreigners, generally speaking, believe we have no culture because they themselves have been largely Americanized. Europeans in particular will deny this because they have retained most of their culture while not fully realizing the extent of American culture they have absorbed, but it's a pretty well fleshed out topic in recent cultural studies. Latin American will also deny this but they are above and beyond the most Americanized of any country besides Canada. Hell, if you spend time in Nicaragua you'll notice that outside of the poverty and Spanish it's almost indistinguishable. You can find American culture in some of the most remote places in the world. Despite the claim that we have no culture, we have the most dominant and pervasive cultures the world has ever known.

>why right wing have a monopoly of nationalism
You should look further beyond contemporary us & euro politics m&.

Vietminh was socialist & nationalist movement. Evo Morales populism is peppered with anti-foreign sentiment. Even Chinese Communist now have a monopoly over mainland's chinese nationalism.

typical leftist, wants free shit from hard workers because
>muh equality
gets mad that liberal selfish brats wouldn't fight for each other or there nation because they are too busy fighting in class wars with each other for power and not seeking to improve anything


conservatism=ingroup empathy
liberalism=outgroup empathy

liberals can't have the mantle of ingroups such as nation and patriots

This will all depend on which particular country you're talking about. Modern nationalism got it's start during the French Revolution and was initially linked to liberal and left-wing politics, particularly in France, Germany, and Italy. Only later in the century did nationalism become more associated with right-wing politics after Otto von Bismarck unified the German Empire under reactionary Prussia, displacing German nationalism's association with liberalism (Revolutions of 1848). He also created the world's first welfare state in order to cuck the socialists out of popular support.

As others have pointed out there are varieties of left-wing (left-wing generally meaning support for egalitarian social and economic policies) nationalism; generally being associated with colonial struggles and the Cold War. Many right-wing nationalists do support welfare states to varying degrees if it's seen as benefiting the nation as a whole, particularly in Eastern Europe. The difference between right-wing nationalism and fascism is attitude towards cultural values. Fascism, to put it simply, is a synthesis of an ultra-modernist outlook, socialist economic programs, and right-nationalism, which is why I think 'national socialism' is a good description of Nazi Germany's philosophy.What distinguishes most right-wing nationalism today is it's emphasis on defending traditional social values, particularly the national religion, which is what I think is the main difference it has with fascism.

Liberal nationalism has largely disappeared within the last century, but it usually makes some commitment to social (if not economic) equality while not being as authoritarian, traditionalist, or jingoistic as right-wing nationalism.

American nationalism is peculiar since several varieties of it have existed throughout American history, as well as American culture generally seen as having an individualist outlook (although this isn't always the case of course)

>when Right Wing ideology tends to be largely centered around self-interest over society

Yeah, I guess the Enlightenment was headed by monarchists and fascists.

Protip: If you base your definitions of right and left wing on American politics, then you should stop posting.

This. People think the US has no culture because they themselves are a part of it, and when you're in a culture its hard to see what makes it so special. You see similar things with sjw types who claim that whites have no culture, for example, because all of them grew up at least partially influences by white culture, they don't see it as anything unique or special, so its not culture compared to something exotic.

People in general tend to do that, desu.

Because nationalism, tradition, and religion are the greatest bluepills to keep the masses from challenging their material oppression

Its actually really funny. I think European /pol/ and American /pol/ would think each other was "cucks" if they actually tried to make a united movement or something. What with American values being so classical liberal based and the alt-right of Europe being opposed to all forms of liberalism.

Bonus points if an American says they are a "libertarian Alt-right".

My take on American nationalism is that it was originally associated with favoring the federal (central) government over that of state sovereignty. Many people would be surprised at the degree of loyalty and affection that Americans had towards their states before the Civil War, later turning into more regional identities. The American Civil War was largely between two competing nationalism: a Southern nationalism that not only emphasized the dominance of one race over another, but also a rigid traditional class hierarchy within white society. The Southern side was continually hobbled by many of it's citizens being more loyal to their particular state over that of the Confederacy, to the detriment to the war effort. The Union (or Northern nationalism) was federalist, more left-wing and democratic than it's Southern counterpart.

The South gradually embraced antebellum nostalgia and American nationalism until it ironically became the most patriotic region in the country after Reconstruction.

American nationalism wasn't particularly associated with the right or left for the first half of the 20th century as both sides were genuinely patriotic. The Progressive movement and American left began the 20th century being strongly nationalistic up until the First World War when the liberal/progressive faction (supportive of the war and anti-Bolshevik) split from the socialists and communists, who had more of an internationalist and class-based outlook.

American liberals remained nationalist and patriotic in outlook up through the 1960's, having been invigorated by the Second World War, the New Deal, and the tentative steps towards social democracy with the advent of the Great Society under LBJ. The rise of the New Left and the opposition to the Vietnam War decoupled American liberalism from patriotism, which increasingly if not exclusively became associated with the political right.