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Old maymays reborn with crappy shoop Edition

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the game keeps throwing FFVI relics at me even though I'm the only guy on the planet that doesn't really like FFVI all that much

How did I do?

Since I failed to pull based TG in BE I might spend more time on RK now, if this will go any way to help me. The only other shit I have is Papalymo gloves and Ramza shout.

fucking old memes man

>mfw did a 58 chain using 2 Orlandoous and 2 Lawrences

>mfw never got a 6* before in the game
>Free 11x Draw
How the heck do you get Squall?

Hero's Soul exchange.

Threadly reminder that Yams did nothing wrong.

Go to the main menu, press "The Annex", press "Hall of Rites", press "Soul of a Hero", press "Squall"

Redeem a hero's soul in the hall of rites. There were three given away as a login bonus recently, but if you started after that, every event has one that you can unlock from the normal (super easy) dungeons.

Is that current event dungeon offering up a Hero's Soul or do I gotta wait for an event repeat?

It does at the last normal dungeon. And those barely break 30 in terms of difficulty so go nuts.

You can get one from the VI event and one from the II event today, easy peasy

so it was an error

Cloud's OSB is standard. That means it's good, but can be overshadowed by the BSB. This is particularly true in Cloud's case because he has one of the best BSBs in the entire game, his BSB2. But it makes for a powerful sword and with two of them it'll provide good stats.

OK BSB, jesus we've answered this a million times. It provides boosts, it's one of the best in the game, but in order to fully utilize it you need to have the resources to dive OK. Other anons have described this relic better than me in the last thread.

yay, now i can shatter it

You got a halfway decent stat stick and a long term investment that will help you in the long run but will take the better part of your resources.

Looks like we get to keep the shit one, too

Ifrit's level keeps going down but I don't get what that means. do we get less points and coins?

well no shit

The journey begins.

I got Cecil's shitty BSB on my free draw

I'm going to go look up the survey just so I can see all the real BSBs I could've gotten

>get sad that I didnt get memelandeau
>immediately feel better cause enhancements will bring my party up to par anyways

Oh my fucking god I hate all of you
look at this
look at it
why is the fanbase so stupid

Don't hurt yourself my man, it's not worth it.
Unless you're a masochist like me, in which case, enjoy.

No they won't.
Also, enjoy literally getting raped in the 10man dungeons without Orlandu+Agrias/Velius of the Naruito.

No dupes and no friends allowed. Orlandu is the only chainer with synergy outside himself. Orlandu+Agrias will be the only combination that works.

One specific extremely rare unit is absolutely necessary for future content? Nice game. I doubt Orlandu will be necessary, as the majority of players don't have him or will never get him and if they can't play, they'll quit.

He'll be necessary to chain in future content.
Whether that content will be hard enough to require chainmeta is not yet known.

But Orlandu holds the unique distinction of being the only chainer who can work well with others. Even if you get OK or TEEDUS, that might not mean much.

>oh hey a free draw, this might be neat
>Oh, two rainbow orbs... Wait, what the fuck is with that 3D bejeweled shit on one of them?
>Oh, it's my first osb, well the only unit of those listed that i use is squall, but i'm okay as long as it is no-

you're making BE sound like a shit game


>run out of ability uses by the time I kill biran and yenke
>want that MC3


>gets one of the best BSBs in the game
>would rather rage about getting a great stat stick
you know you don't have to use Lightning to use the sword right

cause it is

Doesn't Ashe chain well with Rasla or whatever his name was? I remember them being in the same category in that altema chain list.

>he's still pulling on this shit banner

He's an idiot, chaining isn't even that easy to do going forward because trials become attrition fights

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

you need to do more orbfesting obviously


Threadly reminder that Vaynefraud did everything wrong.

jesus christ when the fuck is dissidia 3 coming out on consoles

You'd rage too if your least favorite character has blighted you left and right.
My onion is only 65 and i don't have an mc3, though i'm still happy about that at least

I have Agrias already.

No I wouldn't, I really wouldn't. I don't like Lightning either but it's not like you have to use her.

So I did a second pull in this choice banner and I have to ask, is Lightning's fucking OSB 100%? I got it on both pulls and its only frustrating me because everyone is saying its the worst OSB there is.

Now this
this is a pull I'm legit jelly over, congrats man

Rasler and Ashe both hit 7 times, every 10 frames.

But Ashe's is only 270% mod and Rasler's is only 300%. They lack an imperil and aren't geared toward physical damage anyway.
Pre-enhancement Agrias chains better with Rasler.

As a new RK player, which banner should I pull on?

>2 nice stat sticks with thunder element in 13 realms

Kain bsb and lightning ssb2 would love that

Ignore the quote, stupid dumb phoneposting scum, etc.

>This close to paying a chinaman $50 to charge 50000 lapis to my account so I can roll FL Orlando

Talk me out of it

Fucking nice

Leila is a great character too

Nah, I pulled twice and I didn't get it. There's an user here who saved 50 mythril for it IIRC, I wonder if he got it.

Why'd you pull twice anyway

Player's Choice because it's free.

After that come talk to us and tell us what you got

That sounds sketchy as fuck

I got this. I am aware that at least the Ragnarok should be good, but what about the rest?

I liked like 4 relics on this one and was hoping for a healer Burst, of which there are two and luckily enough I landed one. I still have some mythrils for the anniversary banner but to be honest the only one I want to go ham at is the fourth, in the rest there seems to be one thing I really like and a bunch of stuff I don't care about.

Hot damn, you got Healer's Circlet, that's the one I wanted the most. Unlock Y'shtola and you've got the one of the best, arguably the best, healer in the game. Congrats!

Just to get you context for how rare your pull was, I've been playing since December and I have two OSBs. You just had one pull and now you have three.

It's not, they just do a chargeback on their throwaway chink google account

It works and it's pretty untraceable, but fuck spending money on gacha games.

>3 OSBs
>Y'shtola BSB

You are set for a good portion of your time in the game with one free pull.

>three massive stat sticks to start with
>arguably the BEST healer's BSB in the game

Motherfucker you nailed it.

That's great to know, I knew I had a good pull, but not that good. I guess I'm not getting Orlandu in BE in that case, huh

The best relic there is Y'sh's BSB, one of the best healing BSBs in the game. Cloud and Squall have standard OSBs. Lightning's OSB stinks but it'll make for a good sword. Overall a very good pull, now you won't have to worry about healing which is very fortunate for a new player.

As far as what to do with your mythril now, tell me more about what you're looking to do. Have a favorite FF? Want to make a specific type of team?

>tfw my account is a year old and this free pull gave me my first
And i'll be salty about it forever now.

This is my current team, what should I be focusing on grinding for this event? I dont have too many good materia and no TMRs

Do tell us more.

My favorite FFs are FFT, V and VIII. I don't really like playing with mages, prefer physical damage.

Focus on rerolling orlandu before it's too late to get a free catslut

Fair enough. Congrats on the Wizer Rod and the stat stick.

>there are relatively new people playing RK right NOW who dont know what wall is

Who else /dayone/ and blessed to have SG and SS2

Are you me?
I prefer mages though.

What are some must have abilities in RK? I have no idea which I should be making.

IX had the best weapons and equipment system. No game has come close to giving each piece of equipment such uniqueness. Having to search, steal, synth and buy weapon and armour to learn all the abilities was incredibly rewarding. It was similar in FFT.

What is your favourite equipment system?

Newbie player here, I couldnt help it and spent my 200 mith (I dont regret it) And I could use some help in making a viable team with your help
>Onion, Ramza, Vanille, Relm, LuLu Ovelia and Celes

I understand that OK BSB and Ramza's shout stack, but thats all I know

I got two Lightning osbs and I didn't rage a single bit, in fact I laughed my ass off.

Read the pastebin.

Fuck....and it's a dup

I wish I was /dayone/ just to have all the seasonal exclusive free relics/past event accessories.

Why the fuck don't they put them up for sale in the jew chocobo shop?

Breakdowns, Lifesiphons, spells/spellblades of varying element, Tauntilate, etc. Depends on your team setup and what relics you get.

But seriously read the pastebin. It's helpful.

Full break and the 5* ninja /spell sword 2 hit abilities

Link. I'm interested.

But I don't wanna reroll :V I have all the FF4 characters except DK cecil and Golbez

I am day one but left for almost a year and came back shortly before fest. I have stone skin 2. But your post makes me think its a rare thing now? Is it no longer used for higher stuff, then?

Breakdowns. Full break is nice for getting medals but do breakdowns first for clearing content
Any skills that fall into whatever element you have the weapons and SBs for (ie if you have holy+ weapons- saint cross, lightning spears like kain's bsb- lightning dive, etc. same goes for mage weapons/soul breaks- get the right spells)

Utility skills like the 4* machinist shots/ slowga

Uhhh whatelse guys? Oh, post your team



Where do I go from here?

I also have:

Artemis Bow
Seraphim Mace
Battle Standard
Mythril Gun
Crescent Wish
Chocobo Brush
Onion Gauntlets
Wizards Gloves
High Summoners Robe

I'm getting to the point where I can't auto through shit.

You're not clever or funny. You can stop posting this already.

The opposite. Its ALWAYS needed but very rare.

We are in a league of our own, oldfriend

Hey RK newfriends, post the 5* you got from the tutorial draw

Check out the fourth Anniversary banner, which has Agrias' BSB/OSB, Thunder God Cid's OSB (generally considered best in the game and a top 10 relic), and Ramza's SSB.
Bartz, Gilgamesh, and Krile have relics on Anniversary banner 3. The former two's OSBs aren't quite as bad as Lightning's but they're still pretty bad. Otherwise I know FFV is going to have a banner sometime in the next 2 months or so.
I'm actually kinda at a loss as to the best way to get VIII relics is. Maybe someone else here can help out.
You're well on your way because the three OSBs you pulled are three typically physical characters. Keep an eye out for Ramza's Platinum Sword, which has Shout, considered one of the best SBs for a new player.

how many Poach materias should I get?

I'll go for the fourth banner in that case, FFT was one of the first RPGs I played, and the one that got me hooked into them.

Post standard team and ill tell you what to do

I got Danjuro

I'll laugh my ass off once there won't be anymore U++, replaced by Apoc-tier levels instead, and you'll get raped because instead of keeping a good XIII synergy sword for that jobber of yours, you were a giant faggot and fused them.

You're the epitome of stupidity, but then again, your mains are Garland and Gordon, so that was not exactly a surprise.

>Was going to do this myself to try to work out am A team and abilities to work on going forward
>I have two pages of weapons and one of armor
Yeesh, i know that's low for an older account, but i never actually paid attention before.