I thought hondas could turn wtf

I thought hondas could turn wtf

It did, one witness said it turned repeatedly "to me it looked it was trying to hit as many people as possible. "

let me guess
it's one of those "unintended acceleration" cases ?

I thought americans could drive wtf

Navy Vet with multiple Drink Driving convictions.

my bad

What in all of history gave you that idea?


Should have known he was a terrorist before anything even happened

He is american and christian so apparently not a terrorist.

He's not white, so terrorist

It's actually quite funny watching as the mainstream right wing media let this slip down the bill as they can't go "hurr durr Muslims bad, trump good, now look at this shiny thing"

Isnt the guy a mexican?

that man in the red shirt will go down in history

someone post decent quality footage of the people actually getting hit. every video on youtube is of the aftermath.

he's hispanic but an american citizen and was in the navy but has a history of alcohol and/or substance abuse.

>Navy Vet
Sounds like he was dishonorably discharged.

someone give me a link

How the fuck would such a mental case come out of the Navy? Unless you're a SEAL or something, it's not like you're deploying to Niggerstan and coming back all traumatized. Did he get tetanus from scrubbing a boat?

unironically wanting to snap understeer

He smoked a weed

he was on PCP.

Took navy as a plea bargain instead of jail. Had pre-existing mental problems.
Many such cases.

So they knew he was a mentally fucked criminal beforehand and still let him enlist? How about some higher standards for our military personnel, eh?

Military has always been historically a last resort option for the dregs of society.