/parag/ - Paragon General

Narbash edition

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Updating tonight.

Previous Thread:

>Face the wind

>when you have 50-60 IPs in the thread but if you personally are not babysitting it at all times it dies
can someone other than me check on the thread every now and then
I have to sleep and shit you know

You fags let it die overnight AGAIN? Get to bumping amerifats

Anyway, any guesses about new hero abilities? Considering she uses a voodoo doll I guess we can count on some marking or stacks mechanic.

I monitor it as well since we made the first one and bump whenever it reaches page 10, it usually dies early when I'm asleep. And once when I really didn't have time to look after it.

I make the threads. I check as well but I was exercising and then when I came back it died. Didn't want to make one at night since it would've died again while I slept. I know people are awake tho

I'm hoping for her being heavily based on lifesteal, kind of like Fiddlesticks from LoL. I think that would be pretty cool.

Who is the best ranged character in the game currently?

You mean casters or ADC senpai?

Why should someone play this game over LoL/Dota2?

those games are bad and this one is good

It's fun and since it's still quite new there is less stuff you have to learn and keep track of. Also the behind-the-back view just feels much better and more natural for me, especially since unlike Smite Paragon actually makes use of verticality. And apart for that it's simply nice to have an alternative, I play DotA as well.

Blink Charm in a Twinblast deck y/n?

I prefer this game because top-down and heavy clicking is shit.

Blink is always useful, it just depends if you're willing to spend 5 points worth of upgrades on it.

I'm usually bumping the thread and shitposting to start conversation, I'm convinced that we're all in the same time zone though.

Do you like taking dirt naps?

Consider Blinkshot instead.

poison based abilities

oh boy I can finally use all those cards that do some small insignificant thing when it's 5AM on the second thursday of the month and you're poisoned but only if you have 30-55% hp

I really hope they make poison cards viable with this hero at least. Right now its the most useless effect in game

So I just started playing this game, what's the best way to get good cards? Should I buy the cards with rep or coast on freebies? Either way I break down the ones I dont use for the ones I want right?

Also is this one of those games where PC shits on PS4 because mouse precision or can console players do proper work?

On early levels you should get tonnes of cards as rewards, so unless you know you need one specific card for your deck I would wait with crafting and focus on getting cards as free rewards or from weekly tasks and card packs.

I don't really know, but I heard that accuracy difference isn't really that large, at least outside of highest leagues. I have a friend playing on ps4 and he's doing pretty damn great most of the time.

Now that you can easily make your own tier list, lets post em up boys


After playing for a while, you'll be getting cards like crazy, doesn't take too long to get all the cards considering you can craft them, buy weekly packs and they give em out like candy
I've seen some good PS4 players as well as some really bad PC players, I don't think it really matters
The only thing you can get away with if you're on PC against a player using controller is circle strafing but if the player had decent aim and some sense, it doesn't really happen

This to be honest. The top down view is standard for mobas only because the genre started as a Warcraft mod, behind the back perspective really makes much more sense and feels much better for a game where you control only a single character. Is Smite worth trying?

Alright, thanks.

Last question - when making a deck what's the point of putting in upgrades by themselves? Aren't the upgrades all linked to the main card?

Basically to give you more alternatives in upgrades you'll be taking during the match. It's not really needed and not many people use it, but can be slightly useful if you can do quick math during the match and not fuck your deck cost up

Good list.
Move Steel up to B, Kwang up to A and Grim down to C and you got a perfect list.

Anybody got tips for playing mid?
I've only played mid a couple times in Monolith and every time that I do, I actually get anxiety because I feel like I'm constantly being hunted down.

-Ward. Always
-Try to get river buffs
-Co-operate with your jungler, unless he's some random shitter who can't into teamwork
-Gank offlane if your offlaner needs help and you can afford leaving the lane for a while

You are. Its the most important position. Get wards IMMEDIATELY whether they be a dummy ward or whatever. Ward river buffs cause that's where the jungler is likely to come gank your ass.

If there's a retard mashing autoattack just let him do it. He'll push the wave and come to your tower. It makes it way safer for you.

In other games, mid is expected to react to and execute ganks but mid is so tiny in Paragon that if you leave your lane for more than like 10s the wave will be on your tower. Try to gank anyway and always call missing.

If you want to get aggressive put a ward in their primary jungle camp (like the one where the green buff is) that way you and your teammates will have eyes on their jungler and when you think you're strong enough to kill it quickly you can run in there in and snatch it, reducing the diveability (lol) of their jungler. They won't think to ward their own jungle (or deward) until they realize what's going on and most people don't.

Don't even bother picking outside of Howie and Belica right now unless they already picked a mid that isn't either of those because the meta is trash. I hate meta slaving myself but its just a headache landing against those two.

Anyone wants to play right now?

I want to play right now

I just played a game of Gadget and applied this but still got my ass whooped. I guess I need to keep practicing and probably not play Gadget or something, lesson learned...



what the hell are you guys doing

>tfw working instead of playing Paragon

someone actually remade the gen? I thought we were finnish that time

>that one fucking guy who wants to attack orb prime all the time

And the best one is
>they go to solo OP without team, without vision of enemies
>enemy team comes down on them like a hammer, taking a free kill + prime

I just played a game with a Sevarog so bad that you might call it friendly fire. The dude ult'd the enemy Belica and Murdock to our lone Sparrow, killing her instantly.


Yeah why not

Hahaha that shit kills me. As someone who plays Sevarog a lot, seeing a bad Sevarog is just the funniest shit ever.


I like this

get out

Where can I get this?



it's just a gold dualshock with a decal on it

>Move Steel up to B
The huge nerf to his ult really hurt, but Thermo-bond and Divine Shield make Steel almost worthless. He wasn't used at all during the last PCL and for good reason. He's horrible right now.

>tfw you can only carry games as Greystone

>Aurora down to C

Aurora is nowhere near as dangerous as she used to be because of her nerf and the Toxi-gel rework.

Final piece of Dark Souls content released, expect things to be slower.

kingdom hearts and mass effect just released and persona 5 comes out next week. we're not gonna make it.


why is gristone SS?

because he is impossible to kill

if you're silver and below

I really don't understand how this game isn't more popular.

Because like all mobas it takes a lot to get in to and understand

Also they don't advertise at all

t. Silver elo

>Face the wind ;)


Not only the view putting me 'in the action' better, but also that I'm new to PC gaming and hate clicking to move. WASD allows me to press the button and immediately move and then stop moving when I unpress it. Whereas with a mouse, if I click too far away, my character will keep walking there unless I click again closer. I am not deft enough with keyboard + m to be able to do all that as well as manage the MOBA mechanics.

Additionally, everytime I try DOTA2 or LoL, I feel so behind like the entire community knows way more about the game and I have to learn all the items, all the mechanics, what heroes are and aren't shit.

With Paragon, I am a part of the game as it's growing, so I learn as it comes rather than being handed a huge pile of information and having to cram it all. There were few enough heroes when I started last summer that I was able to learn the basics of all of them, now when one gets released every 3 weeks, I have those 3 weeks to learn them as well and not fall behind.

>Rampage hits the enemy with a rock
>oh I guess we'll initiate
>hit up the stunned enemy while another enemy approaches, no problem
>Rampage walks toward the stunned enemy but backs off and leaves me dry
fucking thanks, the guy let them cc the crap out of me in my own jungle
he was literally sitting there watching me get my ass whooped

Bleed damage happens all the time but I never get poisoned....

how similar is paragon to dota2? i kind of want to play that game but know nothing

>take a break from a moba (in this case paragon)
>get into a game
>feel nervous that I lost my skills and will suck
>end 15/0 and win

Anybody know these feels?
because poison so far are only actives that nobody is going to use
Funny how they introduced blight, really kills the Rampage.

wish they would come out with another tank-like fighter character
I feel like we're only gonna be seeing mages and rangers on repeat for a couple months

That sort of ended with crunch, to be quite honest they threw out a whole bunch of tank fighters in the beginning
who knows maybe we'll get some sort of tanky adc

Someone can explain how the cards work? not deck building but how you the cards are added in you.

you slide card down asscrack and activate

>tanky adc
Is that actually a thing? I've never seen a tanky adc in a moba, seems like an oxymoron
isn't the whole point of an adc to not be tanky?
or are you talking about something like Greystone where he's tanky but could deal a lot of damage too? Like a bruiser?
I'm honestly confused here

>I've never seen a tanky adc in a moba
League of Legends

hmm okay I've played league and I've played Graves but I didn't play long enough to know how the game works
how does he differ from other adcs (aside from his kit) and what makes him tanky? Is he able to hit as hard as other adcs?

I hope this thread lasts through the night

>what makes him tanky?
his passives give him armor/MR
>Is he able to hit as hard as other adcs?
Yes, gimmick is he has to reload but that makes the few shots he has and all his abilities hit like a truck

He also has a dash and a blind/slow
it was very troublesome that they had to nerf

So do I , I'm tired of waking up and finding thread archived

Paragon to Dota? Very different. I mean, basic moba rules still apply, but the game is MUCH more tactical with not only more than thrice as many heroes but also much more factors you have to keep track of. Lots of unique and powerful actives, denying, day and night cycle, more things going on around the map, etc. You obviously don't have to know all this stuff when you just start and can do fairly well without it, but if you meet someone who can actually use all this to his advantage they will probably obliterate you, skill ceiling is really high and snowball effect is very strong. If you feed your enemy too much it is not uncommon for him to be able to take down your whole team alone.

However, learning all this stuff and actually doing good feels as satisfying as nowhere.

>but how you the cards are added in you
user could you repeat the question using proper English? Do you mean how do you get new cards?

I rarely ever see a Narbash player? Should Epic buff him and how?

He's alright but his health regen ability is thrash, if they buffed it so it was mana efficient, he'd be pick more often
don't know about his stun either
he needs more loving desu

Goodnight bump, you better be alive tomorrow /parag/
let a nigga rest

boy I sure do love getting matched with idiots

Play with your friends user...They do play Paragon right?

fucking normalfags

I do. That doesn't mean we can control the actions of the other two-three people on the team.

We're able to carry pretty often actually, going on streaks, but every so often you get some people who are just so awful that you cannot hold it together (I.e. what appears to be intentionally feeding from the beginning and/or straight up disconnecting).

Whats with 3 man PC goons shitting up the late night sessions?

Nah his health regen is great especially early game. His stun is the fastest stun in the game and easy enough to land. It's his supposed tank role that needs a buff. My dekker is more of a tank

Then get more of your friends to play. But I know your feel. I miss the times of early open beta when almost everyone I knew played and we could easily make 4 or 5 person teams. Now it usually just me and my roommate and sometimes one other friend at most. But at least we don't need voice chat when we're sitting right next to each other.

I agree with him

It uses way too much mana.

>go to sleep
>have nightmare
>get told I'm going to burn in hell
>huge pressure on my back
>wake up
Guess I'm back to keep bumping. I do not regret not seeing what it was.

I disagree. Doing his heal in bursts does more than enough heal and regen the mana while off with quenching scales which oddly enough I feel like it gives more MR than what it shows. Mana regen + divine shield and toxigel work pretty good. He is just way too squishy for his durability rating. There are tankier hero's that DON'T build any defense

2:12 am here. How about you user

5:17 am

5:21 am , sorta wish people would webm some more of their plays, never post mine much because it feels like avatarfagging

>I refuse to "" "avatarfag""""
>I wish more people did