League of legends general /lolg/

G O A T edition
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Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

comfy bfs~

best lore

>From last thread

>R is Tenderize
>Urgot opens up his mechanical stomach to fire up a chain as a skillshot. The first enemy champion it hits, it activates the meat grinder blades and slowly reels in the champion. Once enemy champion reaches the meat grinder, it deals smallish/medium tics of damage over two seconds.

I know it might be OP, but it sounds like it fits him so well.



xth for best waifu

>didn't even link eyosongive.us

How do you think this image plays out?

Find out right now!

Post all the champions you've gotten a pentakill with, no lying

I haven't played this game since Lissandra was added but I've been thinking about playing it a bit again lately.

I have absolutely no idea what everything is anymore, every item and champion and even the entire map is completely different. When I try to learn by playing normal games I get shat on because I was diamond before I stopped playing so my mmr is still pretty high.

How can I get back into LoL without ruining the game for my team every match?

Reminder to always bully the scuttle crab!

>twitch multiple
>old kata multiple
>jinx 2-3
>irelia once
>jhin once

Cant remember the rest

>"The Master of Metal"

Lulu doesn't even want marriage

There's a sandbox tool

why you copy my picture? :-)


no one believes me



>tomoka is a tranny
it totally makes sense now

Garen and Jinx


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

literally who and proof or you're pulling shit out of your ass

Results of Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums!

xth for REAL jungle skill


One user brought it up earlier but there's a geniune design conundrum that Riot's going to have to address with Morde's VGU.

It's clear when they updated Morde's skills to have a less metallic gritty feel they wanted to push him more to the spooky light blue hue aesthetic the Shadow Isles has. I'm afraid if they continue down that track then he'll kinda step on the toes of Yorick.

Part of me is hoping they revert back more to that ferrokinetic mage/warrior hybrid will silly metal puns that he originally was pre-Juggernaut update.

>go to the match
>highest multikill part


Riven(4 or 5) yasuo(2) akali(1) vayne(3 or 4) cait(2) jinx(4) kata(4) kayle(1) Maybe some more but i cant remember then all.

I think it's in their best interest to drop the necromancy theme almost entirely and focus on him being some juggernaut monster of a man.

Like an evil Thor. Or like Sven almost.

Illaoi and Urgot in ARAM.

not that user but im amazed how large and dedicated his fanbase is, even though he is so extremely buggy and badly designed ingame.
really hope they dont fuck his rework up

>bragging about being a faggot
This is lolg fellas.

lolg rewrites

it's Jinx's lore

"lulu a best" has been purged from both Udyr and Lulu's lore because that cheeky shit deserves it

Is trundle good right now?
Any tips for him? Build?

It was seasons ago.



>Blocks your path

>be silver
>play toplane
>fed af, destroy lane opponent and enemy jungler
>roam and try to help other lanes
>excellent engage, peel, and zoning
>lose anyway because team gets caught out constantly and throws advantage til 40 minutes and adc shits the bed
>decide to play adc
>constant enemy jungler pressure
>constant 4 man ganks
>somehow manage to still get fed and win lane
>teamfight breaks out
>whole team abandons me to dive even though im stronger
>get kited to death in literally seconds
>manage to kill enemy top laner with 2 million armor and hp solo under the turret but lose anyway
Don't know why I even still play this game

Don't you mean on?

>large fanbase
more like the most vocal. it's all metalheads too

the reason why riot doesn't care two shits about balancing him is because he's one of the more unpopular champions in the game right beside urgot. morde mains bitch so much that they'll have you believe otherwise

Be honest with me, is Camille dead? I haven't won a game with her since the latest patch.

ADCs are for ___________________?

>go panth vs malphite
>he keeps laughing at me
>he keeps taunting
>he immediately dicks my ass even if i hit everything right



>they're all metal heads
Nah, I just like how he plays FOOL

Do not open.

Someone really needs to grab Riot by the shoulders and tell them people don't care about Mordekaiser as a spooky ghost man.
People just to want Mordekaiser as a big fucking evil knight that plays like an AP version of Darius

Hello everyone what keystone do I take on Darius?

You're not doing the blocking here.


doesn't change that he's at the very bottom when it comes to popularity

Fervor, Stormraider's, and Grasp are all good. Depends on how you play.

If you're retarded beyond measure.
If you're not retarded.

I wouldn't even care if he ended up becoming AD, given that all the other juggernauts are AD and AP bruisers have been so hard to get right design wise.


did you miss it?

Fuck off niels

>playing with an ADC that cant dodge rakas Q
>expects me to be able to actually do anything to either of them when they're constantly at 100% HP


its going swimmingly

>someone doing the "xd delete everything" gag
wew lad you have to 18 to use this site

Yo Contest Guy, are you there?
Any news on the Poppy pic?

locked until this behavior changes

i am tired and will continue this tomorrow



it was more than one person

>you can now combo W into E instead of having to cast E then W
what the fuck? since when?

I'm telling you it's an itemization issue, AP bruisers would be a more common thing if they gave AP an item that built out of seekers that wasn't Zhonyas. It's a fantastic component that is criminally underbuilt because having it on someone intended to frontline is counter productive.

I could easily envision a core of Ryliandries+Abyssal+AP Armor item+GA and it'd be an extremely well rounded build that would cover all the bases but Riot's playin


Why is Annie such a cocktease?

Goddamn. I can't even concentrate when I'm laning against her.

see you later m8

she has even more nerfs lines up for next patch
>W no longer heals of minions

She is always dead in the face of those her greater, user.

I guess. They kinda had to hotfix her and nerf her a bit. She isn't broken like she was on release, but she still is strong.

tomorrow i will unlock it and we can try again

we made it 5 champs without some faggot doing this

locked until tomorrow regardless

>all the poppyposting
definitely calling Shyv my main now

Gonna repost

I'm pretty sure he's gonna be amazing, but man, I'm gonna miss the fact that he is a morbid undead meatball. That doesn't look like the ugly ass shit creature he is, he's just gonna be a random fat dude on a six leg spider machine.
I'm the type of guy who loves reworks and new champions but that's really a turn off for me.

Is anyone with me?

>implying Riot can "fuck up" a champion with no identity
>with four abilities that just do damage and nothing else, and has the most schizophrenic theming since old Sion
>giant suit of armor who's an AP burst mage squishies than Ezreal and commands metal but also the dead
>and looks like complete shit, just a grey blob

Mordekaiser is the most nothing champ in the game. No matter WHAT he becomes you can't "ruin" him. He isn't currently anything, there's nothing to ruin.


I think the fact that hes literally just a suit of armor is the point user, an evil suit of armor that knows only destruction

I've gotten several penta's in aram where it doesn't count but I'm more of the penta-assist kind of guy on the rift since I mostly play janna/sona/etc. Gotten plenty of those. Have gotten a few on Fiora though.

I always leave one of the river fruits for him. If you leave one, he rushes over and eats it up. It's really cute.

vg vs vg results posted before a new one was made edition

likely the lulucunt mad his shit got deleted

The second they strap some nurgle looking texture to him and have an finalised model he will look all monstrous and shit user

Why doesn't Sona try to lose wieght? Isn't she embarrassed about how much of a fatass she is?

So if Ashe got lore and visual upgrades when the freljord update happened, why didn't she get new voicelines like warwick did?

Quick question: does Riot put a flag on your IP when you get suspended for toxicity? I got my main suspended so I was playing on a smurf, and within a day that account also got suspended. I was admittedly still toxic, but no more than usual and I've been on my main account for years and this was my first suspension. So, do they flag your IP with a "this person is toxic so make reports count three-fold"?

yeah beacuse we don't have enough fucking champions with hooks already

it was actually not
he did come in to sneak in a lulu a great in the title but then someone deleted everything again

He was spamming "you'r wiafu is not real and noone loves you" and some generic shock images. pretty low ball stuff all up

>four games in a row I get retard supports and autofills
>start looking through my match history adding any supports to duo
>win streak again

god damn im just going to add any support player that knows what theyre doing from now on

ashe and warwick had visual updates

this was a very very long time ago however

Master Yi(2)
On hit TF Jungle(1)
Triforce Garen(1)

I doubt it, I've had one account perma'd for scripting, one for toxicity, I have an account that is for nothing but inting and a few other troll accounts aside from my main. I've straight up told people "Report me, this isn't even my main account" and not a thing has happened to any of my other accounts.

If your smurf was pretty new(not level 30 yet) then you get fucked pretty quickly.
No shit, if you have a premade of 3 in the pre-30 wood tier portion of the matchmaking you can get anyone who offends you in the slightest punished with a mass report.

Warwick's current VGU is new, very very very new compared to the Freljord update.
Ashe is very unlikely to receive a VU in the near future because her gameplay is unlikely to change and they're only shipping VUs with at least a lil G in there so people actually notice them.

vg vs vg is up on NA, needs a few, password is vidya

yeah, the fbi is coming for you my dude