ITT: summarize your view on the world in one sentence

ITT: summarize your view on the world in one sentence

The weak should fear the strong

>15 years old boy who heard about Nietzsche on youtube

People are generally good

>Commie 15 year old that heard about marx on tumblr

Shit happens.

tfw no gf

I am in love with a prostitute

One in the hand is worth two in the bush.


Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.

It's all fucked.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.

Property is theft.

Should I have an abortion?

Who is that guy anyway?

Prolific white nationalist terrorist Sam Hyde.

And then it got worse.

I have seen the obvious truth without vision.

A moral society is content and comfortable; thus a moral system is one that perpetuates these virtues, rather than being at odds with inequality or inconvenience.


Fortune favors the bold

Everyone's just scared and trying to survive.

All things in moderation.

>"Barbarism is the natural state of mankind. Civilization is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always ultimately triumph."


Yeah, leave me alone.

t Ceteris paribus

dude weed lmao

Fuck your memes

We' are wild animals that tamed ourselves, and are better off for it.

OP is a faggot.

theres nothing after death, everything we do is meaningless and civilization is a mistake and an illusion, like religion

most people do not deserve to be alive

The smart should eradicate the stupid.

I am eating out of the trash can.



Enjoy the ride and make it fun for others too.

if everything is meaningless there are no such things as mistakes you retard

>Everything is just a big party
>Having fun is the most important thing in life
>Feelings are more important than reality
>I don't have any responsibility for my actions

t. Millenial

First reply best reply

>muh millenials

the world is a spook


Solon was right

one sentence you piece of shit

did you draw that?


You're really good.

lol thanks

I like how you draw tears on everyone. really brings out the emotion

Life is spontaneous and meaningless

the worst terrorist still alive and the US continue to do fucking nothing about him

Leave me alone.

survivors don't survive because they are the fittest, survivors are the fittest because they survive

fit survivors don't survive on fitness because they survived, survival fitness survives because the fit survive on fitness

Let the word be


The strong should protect the weak

Everythings a meme

>Life is complicated death ain't


In the end, it dosen't even matter

The more alcohol i drink, the further right i go.

Try not to get mad about things you can't control.

Memes desu

people should be entitled to have what they created, and thus, expropriation of private property is justified

i like this

"There are two types of people, those who want to group everyone into categories and those who don't, I'm the latter."

Slaughter the oppressors

Sometimes it's okay.

Wealth and esteem are not true value, and the pursuit thereof is ultimately trivial.

Death is the only thing to look forward to.

shit happens

Life is bad, better to never have been.

Might is Right.

Good is its own reward.

>disagreement with ethical egoism immediately equals marxism
Or maybe ethical egoism is so retarded that its subscribers should be wearing bicycle helmets at all times.

Life is a tired meme.

Virtue is sufficient for happiness.

It doesn't have to be this way

You just have to bear it

The world is quite nice if you don't read news

I believe in the needs pyramid
Before a man pursues his career fully he should:
>Develop his body
>Eat well
>Establish a harem of sluts willing to fuck
>Secure his future well-being

Only then can he fully commit to his passion

A whole lotta fuss about shit that doesn't matter.

just read about stoicism
I think that's a good philosophy
if only /r9k/ went /stoic/

Be excellent to each other, or at least mind your own damn business.

The man with the heaviest burden is the one without a burden to carry.

t. Some Norwegian poet in the mountains.

The strong should be ashamed to have deserved the fear of the weak, rather than the respect and gratitude.

Hobbes was right about everything.

There is no endgame in life, all you can do is strive to be a better person today than you were yesterday

Fuck, times starting to move faster, better do more and have fun while I can.

it's literally self-tyranny

Sounds kind of gay desu

Even science?

Just chill the fuck out.

Slave morality: the post

I like this

it's not edgy and makes sense

really made me think

Biodiversity is great.

I am a god.

Kanye pls


All power to the soviets.

OP is a gigantic cock gargling faggot.

life is okay, people are not.