Are ancient Romans and modern Italians the same people?

Are ancient Romans and modern Italians the same people?

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Yes, you retard. The Italian peninsula was densely populated and had a large urban component to its population.

italians are literal niggers

>That gypsie looking motherfucker

Tell me not all Italians look like this
I actually like you guys

Rome was a diverse society, so of course my former kul friend.

At least central Italians are.

No they are not, because all the ancient Romans are dead. But there are quite many Italians today who are descended from Romans, though probably only few of them are exclusively of Roman descent.

The whole of the early middle ages saw Italy get razed to the ground, basically after 476 the peninsula was a warzone. Despite the good intentions of the ostrogoths, italy became a shithole after justinians campaigns for reconquest. The lombards were just generally pretty shitty, we dont know very much about them.

Point is, Roman=/=Italian.

Italians are as ethnically diverse as any other western or mediterannean nation. Pure populations can be found more towards scandinavia

No one is exclusively of Roman descent, the most recent human common ancestors lived between 40000 and 2000 years ago, I imagine the most recent commom ancestors before European ethnicities or even between west Eurasians would be much closer to us in time

The "purest" population in Europe is in Italy, the Sardinians, who are really similar genetically ti their neolithic and bronze age ancestors

The only reason why anyone wouldn't believe this is because they're nordicists following the Germanic version of "WE WUZ KANGS 'N SHIET".
Read this you double nigger.

>The so-called barbarian migrations that occurred on Italian soil following the fall of the Western Roman Empire have probably not significantly altered the gene pool of the Italian people.[11] These migrations generally consisted of relatively small groups of people that either did not remain on the peninsula or settled in densely populated areas of Italy, therefore becoming genetically diluted and assimilated into the predominant genetic population within a relatively short amount of time.[11] Despite the lengthy Goth and Lombard presence in Italy, it is estimated that the I1 haplogroup associated with the Germanic peoples is only present among Italians in the north up to 11% in the northeast(20% in Udine[12] and 30% in Stelvio[13]) and from 1 to 1.5% among Italians in Sicily, in addition to more of R1b-U106 subclade.[14] In some villages in Lazio (Cappadocia, Abruzzo and Vallepietra) I1 was recorded at levels higher than 30% or as the dominant haplogroup.[15]
The Germanic population has, at best, in some remote villages, changed 30% of the gene pool.

> Ultimately, the North African male contribution to Sicily was estimated 6%.[16][17]
Sicily, the most affected region, is about 6% kebab. For the sake of comparison, it has less kebab heritage than modern day Berlin.

The only argument you can make is that the Italian gene pool was already diverse, because the only significant change to it was the mass migration of the 1960s.

Wikipedia is horribly outdated in the genetic department, but yeah it's obvious that Romans and Italians were more or less the same genetically.if by Romans you mean the populations that lived in Italy in Roman times.

Aren't the Basque purer?

Some do, some don't. Immigration my man.

No, Basque have slighty more Eurasian steppe admixture I believe so they're more similar to other Western Europeans

You tell me

Depends on which part of the country your in. North and Southern Italy


Is the darker complexion of southern Italians due to exposure to Arab rulers and Arab migrations during the middle ages?
Similar for Iberia I guess.

>Is the darker complexion of southern Italians due to exposure to Arab rulers and Arab migrations during the middle ages?
nah, most likely it's the high west asian admixture, likely from the bronze age, combined with the obvious influence of climate

No, it's due to the greek colonization.

I don't think so, in the dozens of portraits of high class ancient Romans we have blue eyes are almost completely absent even though the color blue is used extensively for other things, while modern Italians have some 30% blue eyes, so Italians are pretty much a mixture of ancient Romans and their germanic slaves.

Are you retarded?

South Italians were always dark, look at the wall paintings in Pompeii and in other South Italian citites, also Arabs only ruled Sicily for a century or so, not other parts of South Italy, if anything they should be lighter than in Roman times due to the Germanic invasions (Vandals, Goths, Norman, even Lombards in some regions)

No OP, you're thinking of Romanians

No, you are thinking of Romani people

"Roman" is not an ethnic or racial grouping, but rather a status of citizenship within the Roman Republic/Empire. The same way that there's no such thing as an ethnic American, but there are American citizens of the US.

But as for the Latin/Etruscan founders and original inhabitants of the Italian Peninsula, Italians are the closest to Latins in genetic makeup, and it is accurate to say that ancient Latins and Italians look little different, both being mediterranean cultures with the distinctive olive skin of peoples native to the Mediterranean coast.

What throws a lot of people off is that our modern day interpretation of Roman has been rather warped by Hollywood movies and other media, where Romans soldiers are portrayed with very prominent Germanic features such as light hair, fairer skin and more Germanic facial features such as in Pic Related.

And of course there were legionnaires who did look like that, with Gauls, Britons, and Germanics obtaining Roman Citizenship and thus serving in the Legions with the rest of the Roman World, but the Latins look little different from Italians of today.

get the cross

Many Italians can look like the guy in your pic

Roman was a nationality, even during the city-state era

Central / Southern Italians look very much like they did in Antiquity. But in my opinion Northern Italians are more Celticized and are a different group.

>distinctive olive skin of peoples native to the Mediterranean coast
This is the worst meme. Not only most italians do not have olive skin, most european mediterraneans don't have olive skin, from Spain to Greece.


t. greek

But northern italians suffered no more invasions than southern italians. You may call them celticized, but it's not like they received more celts than the south received greeks. And you have to consider that Rome basically went full genocide on cisalpine gauls, because they threatened key allies like the venetics and northern etruscans. Not to mention the post Hannibal shit. We're talking biblic levels of forced population movement.

thats been proven wrong by genetic studies

southern italians are darker and more arab looking then the people in the pompeii portraits

Then Northern and Central/Southern Italians are different since Antiquity, because their phenotypes really are different. A blonde from Milan wouldn't really have a place in Napoli or Sicily.

That's retarded

holy fuck you are stupid.

Yes of fucking course they are. Is it that hard to see the brown manlets in your picture screaming in the colosseum or a circus? Making a republic and and an empire fall due to corruption and petty infight? Basing their decisions on the bowels of some beast or the direction a bunch of flying birds?

Basques mostly don't look very different from their neighbours in north spain.