
the more and more i look at the political domain of today the more and more i feel that imperialism is the cause of a large amount of today's problems, of both a political and social nature am i right to assume this?

That map is utter cancer.

yeah i only got it for a thread starter

No,thats like saying your grandfather is the cause for majority of your problems today.

but think of the insanity of the middle east and India where British ignorance and stupidity caused a lot of problems that both regions still suffer through today plus, the insanity of the Tutsi and Hutu ''race wars'', if these arbitrary races where not made up by the dutch a lot more people would still be alive.

I challenge you to find a good way to partition and effectively govern the middle east.

The British and the US did a shit job but its a shit job to have anyway.

>the more and more i look at the political domain of today the more and more i feel that imperialism is the cause of a large amount of today's problems, of both a political and social nature am i right to assume this?
Yes, but it's not the only cause, it's just one link in a long chain of history.

if the British actually tried to govern the area before pulling out rather then policing it then the blow of Israels creation would have at least been softened. then the Americans came and it was all downhill from there.

You think western countries were/are unified ethnic, cultural and religious monsters with one race, culture and religion?

The UK, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Russia, Portugal. Until the 19th century (some even today) were multi ethnic, cultural and religious empires. I'm not even talking about their overseas territories.

The UK and Spain, Russia and Germany have independence movements to this day.

India is a creation of the British, you're insane if you think thats a homogeneous group of people.

how does this pertain to imperialism? all your telling me is that these countries didn't need to go sticking their fingers in other people pies because they don't know the ethnic and cultural background of those countries they meddle with and control.

You've said that the nations created through european imperialism were almost doomed to fail because of religious tention etc

I've said thats a bullshit excuse

Nationalism is.
World was better under imperialism.

Delete this. Most inaccurate shit map.

Thailand was never colonised fucktard

i don't think there doomed to fail but to stagnate under revolutions, homeland movements, and religious shitstorms. and you've yet to disprove that. with the shit African, SE-Asian, and Middle Eastern countries have gone through ive yet to have seen imperialism's good effect on the world.

its just a tread starter.

You've moving the goalpost

First you blame Imperialism for something it didn't do (the shitty situations post-colonial Govts got into)

Now you want a list of things Imperialism has done that's good for the world

Imperialism is not meant to be good for the world, its meant to be good for the nation that is imperialist.

First: the colonials could at at least left STABLE governments behind when they left.

Second: why are you defending imperialism when you know its only use is to exploit underdeveloped nations and there people for the profit of relatively few people.

There's not much to compare it to. India was a mix of frequently warring principalities and coty states and other polities when the British arrived, and by Indian independence was a functional state with modern infrastructure, commerce, and without a state of constant war between little bits and pieces of India.

Colonial countries had better living conditions and economies than the shitholes that exist today ran by the natives, there are no problems caused by colonialism.

Argentina, Chile, and Peru were colonized, but they're doing pretty good, at least relative to all the other MUH COLONIALISM countries. I think foreign aid and western intervention and (((israel))) is doing more harm than colonialism did.

Colonialism is more often a symptom of disorder than a cause.

The natives in South America were always brighter than the savages in North America, and the savages in Africa.

>Imperialism doesn't exist anymore


Nation states pass through childhood diseases like civil war. African states are toddlers and latin american states are teens going into their twenties