/wfg/ - Warframe General

Facial Hair Edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed, if it wasn't full: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png
>Avoid the line, join the /wfg/ alliance today! PM killsaw of Warbros NFA for inquiries

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/v6G5rTg
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
Damage 2.0: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData (MissionDecks=mission rewards)
Another Datamine / Warframe News: semlar.com/
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/2v58uvp.jpg
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Tierqueer Filters: git.io/vMhaS
CURRENT UPDATE: Octavia's Anthem 20.10
> forums.warframe.com/topic/783215-octavias-anthem-update-2010/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/767736-banshee-prime-hotfix-19115/

Liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:



>log in
>do sortie
>log out

cya tomorrow

Why can't we hide weapons in Captura?

You mean holsters? Do that in the arsenal.
You mean not carrying any? Use the scanner.

I want to abduct and rape ratels desu

what the fk...


I want to fuck ember prime

I love when I freeze in the middle of akkad and have to close game (:

what the hell

Should be on the left side for proper kittler

Nidus grind is torture

on it's left side

Post frogbutt

> less than 20 million plat

>Grinding spy missions

Is this a good set up for Peacemaker?
I know that it only has 10% status chance but I still feel like I should get some viral on there


why not both?

That's absolute garbage

>research stims for future events
>40,000 polymer bundles
fuck off

>For one time use items that only give a boost for about 30 seconds



Ah I see, I forgot that it was also affected by fire rate mods. Why radiation though? Because it's the most useful of the statuses that you can make with Primed Heated Charge?

weapon tier list pls

>Why radiation though?
because he is fucking retarded and just slapped primed mods on it without even thinking

but hey he is beyond help if he had to dump 5 forma on that thing just to boost a frame with a cucked scoped ability to do deac dmg

>want to do cool captura shots with my new frame
>can't because cyst
for what fucking purpose

Why do you grind spy missions?

All this autism is giving me AIDS.

Because I didn't forma a weapon to take Corrosive/Heat and keep the same build. (don't particularly like mesa) If you wanna do better than that though forma in another dash polarity so you can drop vile accel and do that instead.

Akjagara or Akmagnus?

Aklex Prime

akpandero prime when

Corrosive+Heat, Radiation+Viral, or Viral+Heat?

Why be an asshole? Is it really so much more effort for you to just answer the fucking question or not say anything?

Ratto a shit, Jesters are where the real fun is.


>Gotten good enough at spy missions I just do spy sorties with Mesa undetected
Feels good man


All three.

there is none

there's an absolutely garbage one floating around, don't believe its lies

>no mask
>hairy midgets with squeaky obnoxious voices
no thanks

Give me Heavy Gunner [145] instead, please. I want to snuggle her gorgon like a bodypillow.


Are you saying you'd make her leave the mask on? Shameful.

Then fucking kill yourself, because that's the only way to release yourself from the torment of your sad fucking existence feeding off the frustrations of others that would otherwise not exist if not for you being an asshole.

Seriously, end it.

so fucking mad

So does Worm eat Grineer?

wow rude

Hilarious coming from the fagatron that can't even commit to a single fucking choice in a video game. Maybe we should meet up if you're that crippled with the thought of such an innocuous choice not panning out. People on anonymous image boards aren't going to be there to hold your hand through everything.

Ogris any good? Just got riven for it

It's serviceable now but I wouldn't recommend it, the other launchers (even the tonkor) still have it beat in terms of practicality.


It has very big numbers and looks like a weird penis.

using it will make you hate your team mates even more than you already do

Getting Ivara and/or grinding for mods to sell for plat. I grind Lua Spy when I don't have anything better to do, on the off chance I get a mod I can sell for 15-25 plat.

Buffed to have a huge ass blast radius and does a bit more damage. Get the napalm mod and you'll be able to smack up some pretty decent sized areas.

Tonk and Zarr still are better for ease of use and mad fucking damage, but Ogris is still neat once you get over the charge mechanic.

Try getting your facts straight before typing on a tear soaked keyboard, faggot. I have quite literally every weapon in the game (exception being archwing). I was looking to generate some opinions on the choices provided. They aren't the strongest options, but they are beautiful weapons. Then comes along a potentially legitimately retarded assmongrel who thinks hes clever and says a third option as if this tired fucking joke has been funny literally ever in the past 30 god damn years.

The mental capacity to provide a split second of potential reasoning does not exist within their skull, so they need to end their fucking life before they dilute the gene-pool.

Yes I'm mad, yes the best solution here is still his prompt death.

Simply a ReSyk program in overdrive, Grineer are plentiful but general produce is not; nevermind being in a sooper seekrit asteroid base that apparently is very easy to track if you've found it at least once before but that's neither here nor there. Throw in a few hundred if not thousands of years worth of isolation and she's probably bored out of her mind and cooking is an easy hobby.

nigger what the fuck are you doing?

fuck that, I want to succ on a ballista

Your first mistake that led you to this haze of butthurt is the simple fact you came here for advice on something so asinine. That you even admit you have all weapons says you have the fuckin' resources to craft both of them so there is literally no logical reason for you to have to ask opinions on which ones should be crafted.

This is a hell of your own making honey, don't go blaming others for your own stupidity.

>Solo Sorties with Octavia since release

Why is she mediocre again?

What's going on here

Oh and the offer still stands user, let's hook up and get fitted for his and her(male) neck ties, we can make a day of it! It'll be great, c'mon!

niggerdom faggotry

because she's a subpar damage frame in a game where Mesa/Equinox/Limbo exist and she's a subpar CC frame in a game where Loki/Nova/Rhino exist.

Don't question it, just enjoy it.

fuck off

>not peeling off a hyekka master's outfit then cum on cat and they hiss at penis

Tig ol' bitties


And a high res one

I want to hate fuck a scorpion until she runs out of hooks and is properly embarrassed about her tiny machete.

>One is saying that Octavia is good
>One is saying that Octavia is bad
>Tells them both to fuck off


i said it before and ill say it again

fuck off

Is it shit /wfg/?

>Fell for the Octavia meme
Feels bad man

Ivara is best frame.


Ivara prime next!

>m-muh samefag boogieman

Oberon Prime is next faggot

post your goyest fashion frame
hard mode: no excaligoy

>Paris prime prime
>magistar prime
No ty


>Golden Deer Lord
Hopefully it comes with a rework. Oberon, for all his shittery, is really easy to make look good.

Octavia Prime next

I don't see a problem with this.

>Mandachord Prime
>full chromatic scale

>nothing but anus sculptures and endo
I'd actually be happy to get a lens or a booster or something, actually need them since low MR shitter

>complaining about literally free plat

Trade those sculptures for plat then get just the zenurik and naramon lens


What's wrong with red and black? Black is a good base for any picture, red is a strong color, especially bloody red, crimson, fire red or tender rose red. Or someone thinks, that black-red design is so ultimative, that any other would lose to it?

How would you rework goatboy? I really want him to get a kit that works well with fairy frame so they become the first "couple" frames

don't cut yourself on the edge

but its not unironic anymore.

people who color their frames to look like color channel examples unironically is even worse

Returning player, is it me or did they change the Radial Javelin ability, I don't remember Excalibur having a aoe dmg ability before.

Isthe regular Hek shit compared to Deluxe Hek of Carrying +2 or are both viable trade offs to the other?

The angle on Megan's arm makes her look like an actual elf

Baked potato alert PCfriends.

Hard choices time, I'm one part away from building nekros prime and catprime. I need 3 alertium for spooky man and a one good polymer bundle run for catbutt. I realy did not like leveling up normal valkyr but maybe I did not build her right and base nekros is really fucking nice to have.

Who gets built first?


color channel?