Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Waiting for Heroes Timeline with Li Li edition

>What's new?

>HotS 2.0 Release Schedule
>Introduction Video
>Cassia, D2 Amazon (Now Live)
>Hero Mastery Taunts
>2.0 Beta Patch Notes
>Veterans get some good loot when 2.0 drops

>For new players:
>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation or try mode and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, you'll regret it.

>Current Weekly Sale
>Current Weekly Brawl
>Latest Patch Notes

Hero Rankings, various Statistics, Talent Calculator:

>Current Tier List

>Where do I find you Bladestorm picking feeders?
"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat

>Tips and other useful resources:

Previous meme:

Other urls found in this thread:


Can I get an amen from my fellow /christian/ HotS players?

first for 10- hours later

>Tell our Zul'jin in qm to use his trait
>Lol whats a trait
>Why are you so shit user
Apparently Im the bad guy for trying to explain to someone that their trait is half their hero and should stop being so shit

And in French it's called Chronology, so yeah we'll probably just be going on a time trip to the past.

i swear to god i hope you get some kinda of disease so you cant post here anymore

But you'll die if you use it

He took Taz'Dingo and they had one disable in the form of Sonya

Release when?
I heard that 2.0 goes live 24 april, is this true?

So let me get this straight, does genji release on 17 or is it just details about him?

>he doesn't prais Li Li daily
heretics begone!

nice thread btw


At least the embeds worked. You can't say that for half the time op's are made.
It's the worst feeling when ask him to taz your dingo with you keeping him at a healthy threshold while his heartrate increases. But then all he does is RUN THE FUCK AWAY.
They're delaying all new hero concepts until Q3 in preparation for stabalization of 2.0. Quit asking.

>details unlock april 17
>details unlock
i wonder

Be nice user

It says right there, details. Genji will be released with the 2.0 update.

So that means if I perform well in a game this affects my qm rating?

I didn't knew qm had a mmr as well.

>details intensifies

Everything with matchmaking since the beginning of time has had some sort of hidden statistic to match you with similar players. Did you think the matches are random matchups until now?

I'm kinda happy they are delaying hero releases.

>Did you think the matches are random matchups until now?
Yes. I mean why can't we SEE the qm mmr if it exists?

I'm not playing that game, just passing by to say I would fuck that panda

I just want 2.0 now, the game feels stale otherwise

It's so fucking dull after playing the beta.

what is the "new program" referenced on the heroes 2.0 page?

We all would.

Well, you could check hotslogs for your estimated QM mmr. Haven't you noticed matches getting better and worse depending on how well you've been doing, especially at the season resets?

W-what did that stranger just say about me?

only homosexuals don't want to 'adventure' with Li Li

Auriel best goirl

play the game
we need you

Eh more or less, it's kinda hard to judge because qm has extremely random compositions like 3 assassins without any warriors or specialists or 3 supports without any assassins.

Still waiting for that timeline.

Yeah, even DBrowder described QM as "a bit of Wild West". I guess some remnants of the player skill is still present regardless of team composition.

The Q3 delay was a joke. Unless Blizzard actually does it then I'm a god.
Also qm is directly affected by mmr you gullible fuck.
Please stop lewding the Li Li. She just wants to check out the nexus with her uncle for fuck sake. Also let her do her thing in the matches, don't her hurt.
I keep forgetting that Browder has any semblence of influence anymore.

LiLi posters need to be purged

LiLi posters won't survive the winter.

Rest in peace, Dustin.

>I keep forgetting that Browder has any semblence of influence anymore.
Well, he doesn't, now. HotS is currently directed by Alan Dabiri and has been since december 2016. Browder was switched to a new, currently unknown project.

Diablo 4?

where is that fucking timeline? why do those cunts have to wait till the last second before fucking midnight every time?

>10 am blizz time
>omg hurry up OR ELSE

jesus calm down

Thank fuck. The game was near unplayable before this fix.

it's 7pm you autist

should i buy the skins i want most before 2.0?

Aren't regular skin Cassias eyes also slightly crossed? She looks drunk and autistic in the start screen.

reddit did it again

>Probius still hasn't been F2P

fuck off Blizzard i'm trying to cash in on that 500g before 2.0

Lucio as well

Lucio was free about 2 weeks ago

Lucio was free like 2 weeks ago

Lucio was free over 2 weeks ago

Good thing I didn't level him then

Lucio was free close to 2 weeks ago

2 weeks ago was when Lucio was playable without purchase

Up until 2 weeks ago, Lucio wasn't playable.

You still get 500g for level 5 after 2.0

Free, 2 weeks ago. Lucio has been.

Lucio was playable for free a fortnight ago

Lucio was in the free rotation 2 weeks ago

Is Nazeebo good/fun?
Just got to Diamond 3 playing Azmo only, feeling like trying out something different, Nazeebo could be fun.

I'm a hipster edgelord and I only want to play off-meta, underrated shit.

Could I get some Nazeebo tips from my fellow autists?

Don't sexualize our little sister

just to clarify, lucio was free two weeks ago

Nazeebo is a lategame mage like Azmodan, but Nazeebo is actually good unlike Azmodan.

He doesn't do shit untill level 20.
After level 20 his damage is ridiculously OP


>Is Nazeebo good?
Kind of a high-risk, high-reward hero. His early game is pretty trash but his late game is horrifically good. Learning how to trap people in walls is rough, and good players will manage to evade your walls even when place them effectively. But as the game goes on his advanced scaling puts him above other heroes, and his late game talents are all exceedingly good options.
>Is Nazeebo fun?
Depends on your aiming skills. He can be distressingly immobile and terribly weak to dive, but he can blend enemies apart if they're careless and the placement of your zombie walls can be a great aid or a great hindrance to your whole team.

Played since open beta, this is the most unbalanced game I've ever had the dishonor of participating in. We just agreed to stop playing at the ten minute mark and let nature take its course. QM, not even once.


Dear god, how bronze can you be? Your team was fucking fine. Learn to play.

Probius is really fucking annoying

His team had no fucking assassins, and the other team has 3. that right there is imba

Other than Kharazim (I don't see what he's gonna do at all), your team isn't that awful.
Poor Kharazim has to try and trade blows with Greymane or Illidan and that's not going to work out, though.

Really, user, since open beta? I'm sure you've had a break of more than half a year more than once, if that's your mentality.

What's taking them so long to nerf zeratul?

>nerfing an unpopular, mid-tier hero
for what purpose
Valeera is better in nearly every way

The fact that he doesn't need nerfing

Can't nerf retards

>unlike Azmodan

>tfw autists on your team pick tyrande and nobody else picks a healer because retards think that tyrande is a actually a viable healer
what a fucking joke

>zero teamfight presence
>autistic lane pusher
>easy target for killing
>sucks on 9 out of 12 maps
>value evaporates if enemies kill generals
>globes a shit

i wonder

The thing about Azmo is, they can't really buff him but he's a bit unviable as-is. He can't do much up close in a teamfight, he can just lob his balls.

Don't forget
>His entire damage is tuned to Black Pool so you do fuck all without it

The Young and the Restless is god tier daytime kino

Why does blizzard HQ have to be located literally on the end of the world.

California is the end of the world?

Timezone wise for Euroshits it is

I guess they could be in Hawaii...

>0 teamfight pressence or impact
>No mobility
>No stuns/slows/roots
>Can only push a lane which half the spec roster does as well only they contribute to teamfights
>Has high hp but because of his low mobility he can't reliably soak damage
The only way you can win with azmo if the enemy team doesn't gank you while your split pushing. so if they know how to counter you, you're worthless. he's the same as stealth heroes in that regard.

Thats nothing, I just had:




We just saat back at our bae and waited the game to end.

>Patch notes for Heroes of the Storm
>Cassia: Pirate Queen Cassia's eyes have been uncrossed

>About to gank him

Sums him up

Their Lucio did thrice the healing of our two supports combined (they both thought they could go damage since we had 2 supports), we had 0 damage because the enemy simply erased Nazeebo and Tassadar had the highest hero damage in our team at all times. We might have had a chance with this comp if it weren't for the smallest map in the entire game.

But she is.
Do you even heed the voice of Elune?

I'd heed that ass if you know what I'm saying

>Being a useless healbot

She might not be the best healer but she can do decent and still do better then most assassins. While bringing a good amount of utility. She should be under the muticlass role though.

She's not Malfurion, but she's a much better healer than Tass or Malfurion, plus not losing much of her offensive value if you pick the full-support talents.

>Tass or Malfurion

I meant tass or abathur

Shame you missed him, he was free about 2 weeks ago for all the people that haven't played him yet and wanted to cash out on the HoTS 2.0.
You are gonna make it champ, don't worry.

Does the launch event apr 18 mean the 2.0 will be released that day?

>Get mule
>Negate almost all pushing the enemy does
>Save core from being destroyed

Why do people hardly ever pick this talent? It has won me so many games regardless how shit our team might be.

no, it's most likely just revealing some details about the launch event that coincides with 2.0's release.